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Everything posted by Divine

  1. LOLOLOLOL, massive bug
  2. True!i forgot that detail
  3. Your right but what are you doing with 3 copies of dimension 5 while others are trying to get only one?
  4. By the way I will put the money on the bank tomorrow and will pay at the afternoon
  5. Hey psy-quai thanks to me u won lots of money i kept raising the bids on lots of items but unfortunately only won 3 of them.
  6. Yeah, vicious delicious and heavy weight sounded good, i will download it and check
  7. hahahaha thanks this made me laugh a lot!!! specially the yo yo on artilery This is the new step for psychedelic trance from goa to newmetalhiphopsynthpoptrance Anyway vicious delicious and heavy wheight seems a little bit enjoyable
  8. Oh No!Now i cant sell my copy for a ridiculously high price (just joking) Remastered and new cover by the same artwork artist...thats awesome
  9. WOW!Im already salivating
  10. Thanks a lot m8
  11. Hey people i have this track that has the name lords of acid-clockwork orange, well the melody is based on one of the tracks from the clockwork orange soundtrack but lords of acid doesnt have any song called clockwork orange.Its not goa but its trance and its very good. http://www.sendspace.com/file/zt3frd
  12. The Delta- thing
  13. ---->Misted muppet - cat visions
  14. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Prana-Geomantik-CD-1...3QQcmdZViewItem With lucky u can get it for a really low price
  15. A great number of darkpsy artists have a past on heavy metal or gothic metal bands.
  16. LOLOL maybe its really a matter of taste, for example i love nitzhonot and most of the people says its utracheesy i dont have the same opinion but i know im not the only one
  17. Yes antic but im not saying its a bad album,its a good one and when im refering to melodies i mean complete and consistent melodies not just some "ambience melodies" like he made...all the times when im finished listening to some of the tracks i feel like its something missing...for example on lsd the melodies is building and building and then it stops there is no climax and i always feel that something is missing it gets kinda boring, the only track i really like is shamanix because it has a really nice climax. As a whole the album is good with ambience melodies but not powerfull and deep like i always want in goa....maybe the soft bassline helps me think its not a powerfull album, for people that likes soft ambience melodies the album is perfect but not for me.
  18. The most overrated album in goa trance history is hallucinogen-twisted, it can be in some point psychedelic but where are the melodies?..its almost inexistent, it lacks consistent melodies and i think its not a question of taste its a fact
  19. U can glew it and make it a necklace
  20. Lol i cheked now and ur right i dont know where i got that idea...maybe it was only for people with rank 0 like i had hehe
  21. I think u can only add a cover art when the submission is accepted
  22. Its for sale->http://www.discogs.com/sell/list?release_id=561416
  23. I dont know if others have noticed it but the main melody of peliadians- electra and astral projection- kaballah is very similar
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