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Peyote last won the day on November 7 2019

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  1. Did send you a pm
  2. Hi, I 'm selling the first three sanaton records albums. Please make an offer if interested. I will sell them seperately or togheter.... Grts
  3. Slide - Unstable Quirk - Machina Electrica & Fornax Chemica Planet Ben - Trippy Future Garden VA - Air Born Va - Abstract Phaze VA - Black Rhino
  4. I agree about koxbox/Psychopod and Quirk - Machina Electrica & Fornax Chemica is also a big contender for me. Hux Flux - Cryptic Crunch and Sandman - Witchcraft also never fail to trip me out
  5. Meuh really sad news
  6. Have to add Procs, can't choose between his two albums,Scatterbrain - Infernal Angel and Chi-AD - Earth Crossing
  7. Texas Faggott - Petomanz Peflet Mandalavandalz - Hong Kong Nightlife VA - Schizm Double Dragon - Continuum Derango - Tumult VA - Boldy Audio Eraser vs Yoyalka - Round One Zolod - Deja Vu Haltya - Forest Flavour Process - One drop or two?
  8. Very good news, his live set this summer rocked
  9. Really nice album, loads of energy and so powerfull you have to give everything when dancing to this
  10. I can understand you don't like it but the sounds aren't standard and it's full of melodies just not the usual suspects, for me dragon tales is one of the most unique psytrance releases. Didn't liked it either in the beginning but after repeated listening this became my favorite album
  11. VA - Libération Animale Freeform Human - Arnika VA - Gungfly
  12. Schizm Oozie Goodness Abstract Phaze Air Born Psy-Harmonics 3
  13. Also the third colours of shiva, abstract phaze, psy-harmonics 3 (maybe the 4th one but only if you like experimental music), air born and black rhino but those last 2 are a bit harder to obtain
  14. I always thought everybody agreed that Hong Kong Nightlife is the best , one of the best suomi albums ever for me. Also Freak Dance Records has some nice compilations. Last week Puoskari amazed me with his set, he kept playing superb tracks one after another.
  15. Peyote

    MFG - Project Genesis

    This is one of my favorite psytrance releases ever and definitely the best one from mfg. This tracks ooze with power and it's amazing how these layers and layers flow so well together in one huge psychedelic soup. It's a pitty they didn't play some of these tracks in an oldskool live set some time ago.
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