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You know how you feel you hear greatness in Talpa, Artifakt, old Infected Mushroom, whatever? How you feel that something is just right with the tracks? I've heard the album a few times... up until now, it hasn't popped up as "great" - but maybe I just haven't "got it" yet. One single track, however, did pop up more than the other tracks, and I've heard it - perhaps, 15 times. "Absolute" is simply beautiful, touching, incredible. I think the album is worth its price for that track alone. I've had many many chances to see U-Recken perform live, and haven't gone to any of the parties where he played. I only know Aquatic Serenade, which is fabulous. I'm going to change this - in the next few days. I hope I'll discover I've been an idiot all along.
Heard it once, so I won't pass judgment until I hear it a couple of times more, at the very least. However, track 5 popped up as a GoodTrack for me, as well. Also, the style - with my small experience of the album - still has the Juno vibe but is very, very commercial and seems to be quite cheesy.
Release date?!
So, any news? We're at 50% of 2008...
HAHAAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've waited and waited, and got a new Artifakt album. Great! Now I want a new Talpa. Wasn't there supposed to be a new Talpa released this year? What's up with Mr. Talpa himself? Also, does anyone know anything about a new Prometheus? Jaia? Younger Brother? :>
Hey, I forwarded Afgin this thread, and this was his reply: "Thanks for the link, I entered and read the thread. Right now I'm working on music for my album, and I'm putting a lot into it, and emphasizing the little details. It has taken a while, and it will take a while, but it'll be out eventually... I put a lot of emphasis on emotion and soul in the music, in the Goa trance style, music that personally touches my heart, and I hope it also touches others' hearts."
There's tons of soul in this one. I like it. Haven't heard it enough yet, maybe 3 times.
Jesus, you whiners.. it's only May, take it easy!! If we get to September without results, then you can whine. Otherwise, shut up!
Well, not a full review. The album starts in a style very similar to the previous album (Artifakts II, a masterpiece). #1 LCD is an amazing intro. I kind of wish he'd made a full 7-9 minute track based on the LCD melody. #2 Bulk could easily have come from Artifakts II, with a style similar to Plastics... amazing. #3 Crystal is weird, yet great. Sounds a bit like.. Artifakt meets Ka-Sol's lighter side? #4 Psylocibin might be the best track on this album, once you get used to the incredibly strange vocal samples! By ca na mem ba? or something? An incredible bass line envelopes this entire track. It's a bit drum'n'base at times.. and the melodic part is just touching. #5 Macbeth is a concept piece, but done just wonderfully.. once again, I can't help but wondering what a full track would've sounded like. #6 is very foresty.. kind of reminds me of Principle of Flights' style. And then there's the piano piece... #7 didn't leave any impression on me. Kinda boring...? #8 Gather has a great dance-floor ripping end. #9 The Probe is Artifakt meets Goa. Check out the part starting at 06:56. Cool track. But, how about track #10 - No Present? It is so utterly uber-melodic, it did strike me as a bit cheesy at first. You have the build-up at 03:48, which is good, but frankly is very very much reminiscent of Infected Mushroom. Yes! Check out Bombat or Meduzze from IM The Supervisor and tell me you don't see the similarity. Especially when the guitar starts at 05:08. Also, #11 The Pole, which grew on me... but at first, sounded so "generic full-on" it kind of hurt to know that Artifakt made it. There are some good parts at it, but even these sound a bit unoriginal - there's a part at 03:13 that seemed like a part out of OOOD's The Humming (at 05:00). The track does end wonderfully, though, with a beautiful melodic part... Uhm, well, a minimal review - I guess. This album is great, but not a masterpiece like Artifakts II. I've listened to it tens of times, and I will listen to it tens of times more. Some of the tracks here are among the best Artifakt has ever made (especially #4). Too bad I have to wait another 2-3 years for another one of his albums
I got it today. I'm listening to it right now, for the first time, as I type this. I have to say that it's a first for Artifakt to offer anything so easy to digest! This is melodic, way more melodic than the previous albums. Not to say that it is cheesy - the melodies so far are a plain stroke of Artifakt genius. All the quirky, insane Artifakt style is there, but with a production quality that I haven't heard from him. This album could easily be a "mainstream push" album - and I speak about the psytrance community, not the global music community. Artifakt will gain many fans because of this album. I'll write a more detailed review in a week or so, when I come back from a vacation in France. I'll have heard this album tens of times by then
Awesome, awesome album! I am really enjoying it! You can see the link to the previous album. It could easily have been a 3rd CD... but just like the rest of Jikkenteki's music, I can't really tell you anything about it. It just sort of... moves around you, with you. Before you notice, 70 minutes have passed. And you hit play again. It's just music that breathes with you. Organic, beautiful, nothing that could be easily explained. Love it.
AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! A NEW ARTIFAKT ALBUMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh13%!!%!$!###!!#!%#$^$#^$^ What more can be fucking said? Haven't heard it, but I'm sure I'll love it - just like I loved everything he did since Artifakts II (such as Baal, Broken and Reborn in different compilation). Artifakt is quite simply the best South African (or should I say South Afrikan?) trance artist out there. Amazing, amazing. I'll review as soon as I hear it.
This album was released freely on Ektoplazm, both as MP3 and as a lossless version: http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/jikken...ts-of-infinity/ What's up with Mr. Jikkenteki? Free giveaways of albums, free music.. he's too good a person. It's as if he doesn't even want money. I'm going to buy this album.
Any of the mods care to update us as to where this is standing?
Ahh, it's great to see Afgin get the respect he deserves He kicks major ass - one of the major reasons I go to "doofs" / nature parties in Israel... As for this album - I'll get it soon, and we'll see... but I can't wait to hear Artifact303's track. Even though, my first thought was - "damn, why couldn't it have been a new Artifakt track?!"
HAhaha the return of Michelle Adamson, Queen Whore of Psytrance! :clapping: "Some people get a dog, or a cat, or a horse... or a froooooooogggg, I just want my little mouse In The Box! Classy I do like this album, even if it sounds like a pale version of D-Nox and Beckers' Left Behind... especially Spitfire (one of my favorites on this album, actually). 7/10. Nothing I'll remember in a few years from now, but it's nice listening to it - right now.
Dudes, this is April! We're 1/4 into 2008 already :>
Juuuuuuuuuust wondering
This is one of my favorite albums of all time. I recently payed attention to track 5 in the chill side. I haven't recently really noticed it before, but the ambient, mellow, crystallized part in 09:30 is just so amazingly beautiful, I can't take it... it sort of reminds me of the beautiful music that you can hear in the Final Fantasy games, when you are so emotionally invested.. it just plays my heart. I can't believe that almost a year and a half after first hearing this album, I still find new things in it.
Jon means "I Am A Freak". I totally agree with what Jon said - the poppish influences annoy me as well. I hate the vocals on the second track, I think the "I Am A Freak" vocals are pointless, the "go round and round" are somewhat okay but also rather meaningless... I think the entire album could've done way more being only instrumental. Maybe we'll have an "instrumental mix"? However, I somewhat disagree with Abasio. Most of the review is correct, in my opinion: especially the yawn fest that is Sleepwalker. Track 2 is "modernized" Pink Floyd. I don't know why you say that track 3 is pop - well, I can see some Air influences.. or similar music. But it isn't pop, and it's a good track. Track 4 reminds me of Trentemoller... and it's very well done. Track 5... well, an awesome track save the stupid samples. Track 6 sounds like Porcupine Tree. It's a great song, in my opinion, and it especially shines in the last 60 seconds, after the buildup that is changed into the ending melody. Sleepwalker part 1 is pointless. Part 2 has some better parts. It's a bit progressive. Psychic gibbon... awesome. Not much more can be said... in the end, it comes down to a very listenable album - even including Sleepwalker. It's very ambient, doesn't "attack" your senses (except for the I Am A Freak samples), and just flows. I've heard this album dozens of times since I've got it and it just doesn't get old, since every listen is almost brand new. I need to focus to figure out what's going on. I like this. This isn't a classic to remember, but it is a great album, one of the best of 2007. I thoroughly love it.
Jon, I completely agree! Change The Formality is a great track, and yes - the vocals aren't very necessary, but they do somehow work. I think the best bet for them would've been to release a Converting Vegetarians like album, with "nutrance" on one side and "psytrance" on the other. But then again, they want to make it big, not play experimental and cater to all sides... when you try to cater to all sides, you usually lose I guess there's no point in any more words... just hope for the future.
The girl singer on IM The Supervisor is Noa Lembarski, from the band J.Viewz - Muse Breaks is a remix after all I agree - she has an awesome voice. I also love Sakharof's vocals... Deeply Disturbed, Static Dancing (less).. IM can make great tracks with vocals. I agree with you, Jon, that Duvdev's vocals suck. But since he wants, I think, to be the famous lead-man and a "superstar" - he sings. He doesn't even stand near the DJ instruments, he jumps on stage and sings, looks at the guitarists and drummer (they have one now!), jumps around... doesn't bother to pretend he has anything to do with what's being played. That's Erez's job I think our best and only hope is that Erez makes a solo project at one point or another... then we might see some of the best trance the world has seen in years. Heavyweight makes you wonder what could've been done instead of "Artillery, rata ta ta ta"...