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Everything posted by advance

  1. moni, good to see you back for 2006 with the best of... too bad it isn't as epic a poll as the best of 2005 agia - give it a break. How about you think of this poll like this: this is the best of 2006 from all of the albums reviewed on THIS site. If you don't have any problems creating a TOOL review thread in the 2006 forum, then you can vote for it here. Until you have that thread up, don't be annoying and lipping off at Moni..
  2. Jikkenteki - Long Walk Home (Par 2 Productions) 5 points Ka-Sol - Fairytyale (Suntrip Records) 4 points Loud - Some Kind of Creativity (Drive Records) 3 points Electrypnose - Subliminal Melancholies (Ajana Records) 2 points VA - Squeech (Faerie Dragon) 1 point OOOD - Free Range (Organic Records) honourable mention Vibrasphere - Archipelago (MPDQX/Digital Structures) honourable mention I'll probably regret not giving OOOD points, but I just haven't heard his album enough to say it deserves to be in the top 5. I'll definitely check the Tegma, Carbon Based Lifeforms and Principles of Flight albums, though! Too bad I haven't heard them during the year, might be they'd be getting points here
  3. abasio, if you were a woman I'd marry you. Honest!
  4. Got the CD today... BEST OF 2006, no doubt. Only Ka-Sol's album comes any where near imho... Like I said, can't wait to see Jikkenteki in Israel... gotta talk to the party organizers :>
  5. Abasio has the bestest taste
  6. Argh, you guys kick ass. So must ass. Jikkenteki - when are you coming to PERFORM in Israel? That's my next wish.
  7. This sound a bit like older Infected Mushroom - I guess sort of like Classical Mushroom, but without the classic elements (and obviously, not as good - but very very good none the less). Heard these guys yesterday. The have a mix of mostly IM, but also Dark Soho style moments, even South African touches and the music is melodic as hell constanly. I can only say that as far as I know the Psynews.org scene, most of you will say this is not mature, or "Israeli full-on crap killargh" or whatever. I think this is a great album. One of the best of the year (with Long Walk Home and Fairytale), best in its own "style". Give it a go.
  8. I feel exactly the same! This is my best of 2006, without a doubt. Well, followed very closely by Jikkenteki's The Long Walk Home. BTW, IMO 2005 was Artifakts II, 2004 was The Art of Being Non. Thanks for the new tracks, Ka-Sol. Can't wait for your next release...
  9. Good god, would I enjoy a legit copy of Jikkentekki... couldn't find one in Israel and ordering one from overseas is so problematic ;/ so sign me up for Long Walk Home (AMAZING ALBUM)
  10. Okay, after listening to it for quite a while, I can honestly say that this is my favourite night album of 2006, possibly my favourite night album since IFO (if that even counts as night). First time I heard it, it just sort of... went by. I didn't even notice it was over until Jaia suddenly started playing.. talk about a style change! Then I immediately played it again, from the start. Heard it so many times since then... Tecmorning is a good start, albeit hard-core night immediately. Still, it is oddly melodic.. in a non-obvious way. I just love it. Blogz is a nice track, more progressively rhythmic - but a bit more boring by my taste. Melodies are way more obvious here. Schlumpen is just... strange. Sort of south african melody, here. Skreno is the beginning of the "second half" of the album. Most people here love it for the melody playing in 05:32. As do I. Back Basic (Goa mix) is the best track on this album, in my opinion. Just love its odd... non-linear?... style. Oh, the energy at 04:50! Reminds me of the rush I get after listening to Artifakt's 6... just perfect. Matrix (Remix), like Back Basic, is very Goa. It's an interesting track, but it just sort of flows by as No Return starts, bringing back old-school Infected Mushroom style vibes - or so it seems to me. Reminds me of Blue Muppet for some reason... it ends in such a powerful manner, but before you can even breathe Sticky Web immediately starts. And what a wonderful track! Very old-school goa, but with an interesting didgeridoo back beat, and lovely melodies fading in and out... White Magic should be in the first half of the album, as it brings us back to terror filled night territory... which disappears by The Light which ends the album in a church organ sampled track that sort of reminds me of a certain classical piece I can't remember the name of. Erm, not a very quality review but I'm typing in the middle of the night, so forgive me :> Final words: awesome album. Go buy it. Can even be a dark-ambient album, if you're into "illbient" or whatever the hell they call it now.
  11. Try Roll Us A Giant... amazing track.
  12. FREq - FREqTAl (Zero One Edit) just as you recommended..
  13. The more I listen to the album, the more I love it. This is no-expenses-spared lovingly crafted amazing music. I'm going to have to write a review giving this double album the respect it deserves - coming up soon.
  14. Nystagmus said he might be making a 5.1 album as his next one..
  15. Is there some sort of big festival this NYE? Perhaps one with Artifakt, Jaia, Talpa and Filteria? Will Tripswitch and Ott play in the ambient area? Can you please make this happen?
  16. Best of 2005 rocked. It gave me a list of the most popular albums of 2005, and familiarized me with quite a few artists I haven't heard before. Some don't "pop out" even when reading the review thread (like Tripswitch with their wonderful Circuit Breaker). Is there going to be a best of 2006? I sure do hope so.
  17. Good god, what is that font? You are right, of course, Artifakt and Hydraglyph have been there for quite a bit and have pushed the SA scene way high - and yes, there are a lot more bands out there. So I've give this quite a bit of thought. I've considered all of the new groups and artists from South Africa that I've heard recently, all of the new albums etc. And what do you know, the answer to your question is obvious: ARTIFAKT, MAN, ARTIFAKT!!! Artifakts II is pure genius!
  18. lol, thanks :>
  19. I thought it was okay on my first listen, as well. I'm in my second listen thus far, hope I don't get threatened with deportation..
  20. Yeah, lol! I mean, it is so obvious that a car without screen wipers can't be road legal! The car doesn't even have a license plate! So ridiculous!
  21. Isn't Talpa signed at Sundance Records? Oh well, great news to hear about this new album.. can't wait. You could've gotten a Nystagmus track too, that would've rocked :>
  22. In my opinion, this remix is one of the best tracks on this album! It brings "Return to the Masters" to a whole new level... such perfection, this is without a doubt my favourite track on the album. It's just fitting it'll be first...
  23. Artifakt is my favourite South African artist, as well. I just discovered a new track of his that I just *love*, called Reborn. You can find it on Penguin Rebellion. Just makes you move..
  24. Past Holidays is an AMAZING dance floor stomper. I just can't get over how amazing it was, earlier today when he Penta played it during his set.. The album has amazing production values. Try it out.
  25. I just love Tripad! What an amazing ambient track... gives me such unadulterated joy when its finally built and exploding! Love it!
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