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Action Mutant

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Everything posted by Action Mutant

  1. Autechre live @ UMF206: http://ihku.org/~ujin/Kuvat/UMF206/Autechre.MPG 38M clip Damn that song is great!
  2. I was just listening to Dead Cities when opening psynews. I voted Lifeforms, it's so full of life.
  3. Wisp - Nrthndr Frog Pocket - Gonglot & Moon Mountain Of The Fordsben albums. Exile has some drillish tracks, some remixes of Endusers tracks are also a bit that way but both are more towards normal dnb.
  4. Ambulance - The curse of vale de lobo
  5. Well still better than those techno releases: untitled - untitled a1 (gay006)
  6. When I'm asked to play I usually ask for traveling fees (cheapest possible) and a sixpack of beer or drink tickets if in a club. I can sleep on someones floor if needed. My djing is on a hold right now because I don't own decks or mixer at the moment. Should get them in the spring and get back into action. God I miss the "morning" sessions with 2 cups of black coffee, good smokes, clean bong and a pile of new records. The best sets I've recorded have been those that I recorded straight out from bed, no pre checked playlists. My flow is so much better after waking up, I should drop myself before gig and wake up 5min before. No distractions in the mind from the days action I think.
  7. It's Horace Andy with one r.
  8. Well many _tools_ look like they've been designed in a cave without light but do their job better than those "megaparty 8000 with x-tra glitter" toys. HD25-1 is going to be my next set, been playing with Pioneer 5000's and I get a headache because they're so heavy and not padded enough on the top arch. When playing in a club etc, you really don't have time to enjoy the sound quality through your headphones, that's why there should be a good set of monitors (Bosc's or komodo;) in the booth. I mainly listen to music from headphones at night when my wife is sleeping, so I need good sound that can be weared for many hours. At day time my crappy speakers will do the job. Buy quality, that's the way to stop the crap from being produced. Dj headphones are not build to withstand cold, plastic shatters very easily in -15C. Keep those wires under your jacket.
  9. Venetian Snares has some difficult rhythms for mixing many has 7/3 or something like that, so you have to be crazy or use some heavy effecting. New djcd players have automated 4/4 loop which can be used to mix those, now why I haven't thought that earlier. Some of his tracks are pure idiotism bleeps and noises but try these: Epidermis, Deadman dj, Einstein-Rosen bridge, Dance like your're selling nails include opera singing on top of break madness. Try Aaron Spectre's set: drumcorps.cc/assets/audio/aaronspectre_drumcorps@wood.mp3 Riffs from some metal (Slayer?), ragga chanting etc.
  10. Venetian Snares - Breezeblock mix 11.11.2003 next Aaronspectre_drumcorps@wood4 And a fat cup o' coffee
  11. Deviant Species - Hatch album, this is better than I remebered.
  12. Absolum - Inside the sphere, some of the tracks on that are almost violent and downright nasty but some are completely horrible. Twisted System has some nasty tracks Zerotonine - Cygnus loops, if I remeber correctly has some darker tracks Mino - Metallic universe, worth checking out. Penta - Pentafiles Analog Mohicans - Odin (on SSTcd012) Ach, I found a pearl when checking the piles: Jörg on mushroom - The messenger (on SST005)
  13. Secede - Tryshasla Kettel - Through friendly waters Those came with mail but bought some mp3:s from Bleep. I buy almost all of the music I listen, only dj/live sets that are "free" I download. Or if someone gives me promos which is very, very rare thing. If I don't have the money to buy it I won't be listening that and if the press gets sold out I wait for re-press or if it's something that will turn the world over I put some effort to find it. That's my method of whipping myself and it works. Green Velvet - Walk in love Chicago Underground Duo - In praise of shadows -This blew me away, from time to time could be from some regular jazzy club with old fat farts smoking thick cigars in expensive suits but get's quite free and twisted (the suits are silent but horrified and leaving now). Rotten trumpets and psychotic piano (the silent art movie chase scene style). A bit like Alarm Will Sound performs Aphex Twin. Boards of Canada - Music has the right to children VA - Spectral sound vol. 1
  14. These must be known by you and are more into the electronica/idm but beautiful pieces so here we go: B12 - Time tourist warp37 Bola - Gnayse skald015cd Greenbank - Rotating the Square Ben022
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