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Everything posted by mono

  1. 2nd one from the left: rapist glasses FTW
  2. Parvati records and Trishula records usually deliver quality darkpsy
  3. e. double post
  4. Damn, didn't know that, ok big respect to trent then for writing such an incredible song
  5. And there I was thinking i was the only one that loved this band. Absolutely recommended! But it needs remastering indeed, it sounds way too "sharp" it hurts your ears. As for doom i can strongly advise: Ufomammut - Snailking Electric Wizard - Dopethrone And if you like post hardcore stuff like Neurosis have a listen at these Belgian bands "Amen Ra" and "Steak Number 8" (these last ones are only 15 years old but they are fucking good!) and ofcourse: Isis, Pelican, Cult of Luna, Mono
  6. Hey, I was gonna say that! My favorite song of all time. The NIN cover aint bad either.
  7. Indeed most of it is released on 12". If you want a full album that sounds kinda like this check out Skream - Skream! The mix is absolutely mental btw. must be the best dubstep mix i've ever heard, thanks
  8. buddy seems to be the word here lately ey buddy
  9. mono

    Review Requests

    Loud - Abstract deserves a review imo
  10. The album arrived in my mailbox yesterday together with their new album "abstract", i'm listening to it atm. Really tasty stuff! Let's see if it stands the test of time...
  11. nice
  12. I always thought BBE was French. Emmanuel top is in it and he is definately french. But cool, i live only 10 minutes from mouscron, that must be where I get all my talents from.
  13. ceephax acid crew
  14. Nope, anything from the beginning of times until now is okay
  15. Dub Trio --> Dub meets heavy spastic guitar riffs. Not psychedelic but recommended
  16. Great recommendations people, keep em coming. Ace ventura, gaudium and bluetech seem to fit the bill perfectly. And btw: artax -> not exactly what i'm looking for but sounds awesome nonetheless with the nitendo sounds and all... i like it
  17. I was listening to Logic Bomb - Sonic Algebra on my new soundsystem the other day and got totally blown away by the sonic energy of this record, while not being owerwhelmingly "in your face". I'm looking for something like this: psytrance with a nice smooth flow, top notch production, energetic but not overpowering with elements of both full-on as well as progressive. Anyone get the point?? Examples: Logic bomb - Sonic Algebra, Cosma - Non Stop - Simplicity Thanks
  18. Is it just me or are those hands making the :wank: move
  19. Ceephax Acid Crew Woody Mc Bride Allmost everything on Drop Bass Records Public energy - Three O' Three Chris Liberator
  20. fugly cover, nice music
  21. Strange no one mentioned "Scatterbrain - Infernal Angel" best dark ever imo. Also very nice: early Fungus Funk - Xenomorph - Zen 1 & 2 compilations - Penta - Psykovsky...
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