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Everything posted by mono

  1. mono


    I get your point and i don't like extremely noisy and overly radom stuff either, but in my opinion this can be awesome if executed correctly. For example: Hrvatski - Swarm & Dither finds the perfect balance: it is noisy and no beat sequence is heard twice in one song but still you have the feeling you are listening to a cohesive song instead of a random cutup of beats and noises.
  2. panacea decoder shitmat's last album - grooverider evol intent b-key limewax general malice (jungle) Technica itch
  3. Ha, i knew I had to have it somewhere, sounded way to familiar
  4. Whoa, that takes me back! :posford: Can't help you with the track name though, but it sounds very familiar. But on a more important note: How are you Steven? Long time no see ey. Grtz Dieter
  5. Ah de Steven is ier ook gearriveerd :posford: Hoe ist nog met u jong? Dieter
  6. Hah, i'm just listening to the Xanopticon Remix of this epic tune, it's called Elfuckin vibes and it's awesome :posford:
  7. heyhey for chopped vocals i can strongly recommend Radiotrance - Plasma Texas Faggot - Hector Sector Breakcore: Sickboy - Bohemian Crapsody Droon - Cripplefight :lol:
  8. I would recommend: Gas - Pop (very organic sounding beatless ambient, quite monotonous) Pete Namlook & Bill Lasswell - Psychonavigation series (3 is the best imo) Biosphere - Substrata Secede - Tryshasla (warm and fuzzy, some beatless tracks)
  9. Medicine drum maybe
  10. Scatterbrain - Infernal Angel (allready a classic imo) Psykovsky - Debut Artifakt - ArtifaktsII Cosma - Non Stop (personal favorite) Derango - Tumult VA - Apsara ...
  11. Yup, also got that one for the psygone disc (5 euros)
  12. X-Dream - No
  13. Received my order friday: Goasia - From other spaces Transwave - Backfire And for the fullon i decided to keep it south african: Artifakt - Artifakts II (now playing :posford: ) VA - Future Cuts Multistate - Collaborating with machines Really great mind bending stuff, thanks for the recommendations all!
  14. I would have to say IM - unbalanced
  15. Exactly wat I was thinking! + Phreaky (tornado, over the moon)
  16. Holy shit Ormion!! Cornyness overload :lol:
  17. I'll check those out for sure, thanks. The principles of flight album i allready have and it's a great album indeet
  18. The Goasia album is released so I guess it's time to order some cd's again. And ever since Logic Bomb released the wonderfull Sonic Algebra album my faith in full on is restored somewhat so i want to order some full on albums this time. Since I don't want to waste my money on mediocre stuff and i don't have time to go through all the reviews i thought i'd ask some professional psynews advice. So were there any stand out releases I should know about in, say, the last 2 to 3 years. I allready put on my list: AMD - Big Fish and Artifakt - Artifacts II. Thanx
  19. 50cm² room!? Welcome back btw :clapping:
  20. Thanks, those video's are really helpfull.
  21. have you seen the filtermekk?

  22. Great site, thanks nemo
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