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  1. https://fractalalchemy.bandcamp.com/album/resonant-mind Organic and ethnic yet futuristic Relaxing while tribal and uplifting Experimental and innovative yet focused and determined Suspensive yet meditative Flirting with chaos while retaining harmony.. A sonic voyage blending tradition with technology to project interleaving emotions and states of mind, for a dramatic but ultimately cathartic and liberating experience released March 22, 2021 Written and Produced by Fractal Alchemy Live instruments by: Asteris: Kemençe (Politiki Lyra) Cretan Lyra Reed Flute Saxophone Xaphoon Mandoura Bass Duduk Antonis Serretis: Bouzouki Dr. Needles: Lafta Guitar Fanis Menios: Didgeridoo Fractal Alchemy: Keys Djembe ------------------------------- Artwork by Fractal Alchemy Originally composed in September 2015 Revised and Polished in March 2021 Released by LiquidSeed Records liquidseedrecordings.bandcamp.com
  2. Digitnick - New Age Machines released: October 5, 2020 Normally i'm more into forest, dark and less melodic psy-trance, but some tracks on this release are standing out, so let's see.. New Age Machines: 7/10 Personally i don't always get the feeling for this track. Sometimes it works for me, sometimes not. It has strong fullon elements which is not really my thing, but also it has some goa elements which i quite like. I guess it's a good track for mixing at a fullon-party. Avaton: 9/10 This track really takes me on a journey. It has something oriental and mystical about it that really makes it sound somehow epic to my ears. I usually enjoy listening to it when lying down with my eyes closes, but also it's a really powerful track, ready to explode the dancefloor if played at the right time. It may not work the same for everyone, especially since it has a wobbly squarewave bassline rather than the standard psytrance sawtooth, but those who dig it, will really dig it. Brutality: 8/10 I wasn't very fond of this track at first, but the more i listened to it the more i realised all the subtle intricate synths playing games in the background, and the more i realised it has an interesting story to tell. It has an oldschool vibe in general, elements of dark-goa and oldchool twilight night-fullon. Definately a night time track. Around the Tree: 9/10 This is one of my favorites. Definately one for the peaktime dancefloor, but also a good story for home-listening. Driving grooves and layered acid lines, groovy background percussion and playful foresty effects introduced in the second half make it a strong track from start to finish. Demogorgon: 7.5/10 Groovy background rhythmical elements, goa-style acid lines, fullon-ish driving leads and proggish dreamy melodies. Quite a good track, sometimes too melodic for my taste, but i love the playful rhythmics. Brain of the Robots: 9/10 There's something about this track that really makes me wanna get up and groovy. It has a really raw old-school vibe to it. Reminds me somehow of parasense, x-dream and azax syndrom all put together in a weird solution that actually works! In the begining i wasn't so fond of the azax style lead introduced from the middle of the track, but the more i listen to it the more i realise it gives momentum to the track, especially later on when it has a dialogue with the rough parasense style lead. Sad Reflection: 10/10 The closing track of the album is a deeply emotional downtempo track. Melancholic, as the title suggests, but in a joyful optimistic way, as if reminiscing sweet memories. Sad that they belong to the past, but happy to have lived them and be able to remeber them. It's very relaxing but also dubby and groovy. Note: The ratings i provided reflect my personal opinion, this is what they stand for: 6=Average, 7=Good, 8=Very Good, 9=Special, 10=Masterpiece This is a free release, you can listen and download on bandcamp: Digitnick - New Age Machines
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  3. Hi all! The concept track Predatory Instincts by Fractal Alchemy Tribe has been released as a single-track EP on Bandcamp. Feedback on the mix and mastering is welcome.. Hope you enjoy it! http://fractalalchemy.bandcamp.com
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