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Everything posted by amaterasu

  1. Blasting pics!! eheheh http://spaces.msn.com/xamacirkus/blog/
  2. good luck to u all
  3. http://www.ddesign.org/ivo/EVIL/site.htm
  4. flyers onliiine!!! FRONT http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/drug...yer_final_1.jpg BACK: http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/drug...yer_final_2.jpg
  5. Synaptic Infusion Indoor Trance Session - March 4 2006 Discoteca Fenix - Ovar - Praia do Furadouro In the conception of "Synaptic Infusion" is the desire of gathering friends, to the encounter of scaping the main-stream. We have the mission of providing nice moments to everyone who share the taste of night sonorities. National Presentation of the compilation “VISION OF THE FUTURE” it includes tracks by:Shift with Abomination, Para Halu, Digital Talk, Combat, Seroxat, CPU, Azax Syndrome, Fungus Funk e Xenomorph. (www.apocalypse-records.com) Free limited cd offer .:LIVE ACTS:. ::N3xu5 (Acidance Rec.) ::Tryambaka (Spectral Rec./Bhooteshwara Rec./Swing) ::Atary (Union Prod.) LIVE P.A. .: DJ SET:. Bong (Apocalypse Rec/Elements) presenting the compilation "Vision of the Future". XaMã CirKus aka.ay-ash ( Trishula / Kabrathor ) Madnez Vicious ----------------- DECOR: "By friends" ----------------- Entrance: 10€, with one drink included. Flyer online!!! http://www.apocalypse-records.com http://www.n3xu5.net http://www.unionprod.com http://www.kabrathor.com.br http://www.trishula-records.com http://www.motherofpearl-records.com ----------------- INFOLINES:91 690 57 41/ 91 603 74 78 E-MAIL: synaptic_infusion@hotmail.com " taken from RPT trance - http://www.rptrance.org/rpt/topic.asp?TOPI...um_Title=Festas
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