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  1. yeah, me too don't know much about fm-synthesis tho...
  2. I think I would take NI Massive and Battery
  3. Seems to be very intuitive how he makes his music. Beter than laptop + mouse. I like the track :-)
  4. Try bazzism: http://www.ismism.de/home_e.htm
  5. @ Mike A I would suggest to get Cubase or Logic or Ableton Live or some comparable sequencer. Then get some good VSTi's (Linplug Albino, Native Instruments Massive, Cakewalk Z3ta+ etc.) and a tool for Drums (e.g. NI Battery). You also need some serious FX plugins, the free Kjaerhus series is good to start with. Ambience is a good free reverb. regards - mentris
  6. thank you, devious! it's the ikea "jerker". I can use it as a "normal" desk, too, very practical!
  7. Well, it was a really hard birth and we have a connection now, but it is not only positiv They were fully worn, the man who owned the synth before was a professional live-musician who played it since 1985 I had to remove tons of confetti, it was everywhere. I even found a paper-clip under the board I would like to, but unfortunately I don't own a cam...
  8. The calibration-function (Master edit: No 52) might do wonders. The CEM 3396 chips are the weakest points in the matrixes, I had to replace one, too. If you need one, call me, I can make a good contact For any special questions go to the hardcore-synth-fetishists at http://www.sequencer.de/synthesizer/index.php They have an englisch section, too.
  9. I exchanged the felt on the aftertouch-bar, soldered all cables/ contacts once more and fixed the screws carefully. Now it works again But I don't know exactly, what caused the problem after all. Aditionally I exchanged all buttons (23 pieces, ugh), replaced the two potentiometers in the levers and exchanged one broken voice chip. It was a lot of work and much sweat but now I'm happy with my matrix 6, everything works fine Only the surface is not that beautiful anymore, many rusty areas. Maybe I find a solution even for that. Any ideas?
  10. ehm... yes but the wine was good anyway
  11. thank you for your help, devious! I already knew the thread at matrixsynth, i started it. I'm sorry for the extra effort, but I want to reach as many people as possible because this seems to be a very seldom problem and spare-parts don't exist anymore. regards - mentris
  12. Hello, I have a "new" Oberheim Matrix 6 since last week. Unfortunately the Aftertouch doesn't work properly. I assume that the aftertouch-bar under the keys is broken. Do you know where to get replacement parts for that? Are there other synths that have such aftertouch-bars that might fit? It's monophonic, all voices react on aftertouch in the same way at the same time. I mean- they should do that, but ATM they don't
  13. hello, here you might get informations about repairing the AT: http://www.alphadial.org/tips.htm#after BTW: that's a very good alpha juno site! there was also a more detailed tutorial about that AT-rpair-topic somewhere in the net but i don't find the ling. google might help.
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