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About Verb

  • Birthday 12/02/1983

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    Malmö sweden
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  1. http://verbalise.bandcamp.com/track/oblong-acid I feel good sharing this track with you. Enjoy!
  2. haha. yes.
  3. hehe that's because I made that one too ;-)
  4. Hallo again freaks n lovers, found this old post, and thought I'd update it a bit :-) Finaly got around to uploading it to bandcamp, which means it's available for purchase! http://verbalise.bandcamp.com/album/grid-harp-threshold-ascendancy Enjoy!! ....And Padmapani: keep your negative opinions to yourself. Support what you Love, don't go fucking diss shit you don't like unless it actually makes a difference. I need help getting my music out, and you just fuck things up expressing that shit. It's just bad manners. Why don't you post something you've put time, love and effort in and see how it feels when some fucking stranger shows up and gives you the this-shit-sucks... Asshole.
  5. Hola banola what feels like years ago, so maybe it is, I posted Grid-harp here. seemed to catch along well with some of you guys It's now available for purchase on my Bandcamp page, together with Threshold Ascendancy, also a fast track, though quite unlike grid-harp in production... Sincerly hope you check this out and support! http://verbalise.ban...hold-ascendancy they were the last psytrance/goaish oriented tracks I made before pretty much abandoning the psyscene (musically) for other interests (mainly obscure weird techno and dubtechno) Hope you like it =) they are both rather fast. Enjoy!! <3
  6. Thanks for listening! :-) well, all my verb things are quite old by now, caligula track is 8 years old, daytime is 6 years old. I was using a pair of JBL 4412 with original crossover filter, in a big room without basstraps or anything like that. Still quite happy with the sound of em for how they turned out. Unfortunatly almost all my projectfiles for Verb productions have been lost over time. Both these tracks are rather loud actually, compared to later and current productions by me. I've found compression and limiting to well, screw things up and remove the magic, rather than add anything of value that couldn't be added more proper in mixing stage. But I suppose that's also about wether or not the producer knows what he's doing. I work a bit with mastering every once in a while, for a few people who know that I know what to do and understand my views on "the business of mastering" haha, I'm hard to work with unless you understand where I'm coming from... (which isn't very conventional...) For me, mastering is mostly removing whatever distortions lies between the heart of the musician and the eardrum of the listener, Rather than Adding some sortof magical sheen to productions. I add the sheen in mixing stage myself these days, and don't do any mastering on my own tracks besides maybe removing a couple of peaks by 1 db or so. anyway, I'd like to encourage a somewhat lessening of viewing "mastering" as the "magical stage" where things become awesome, or Pro. Especially if you're an artist or producer, make it pro from the beginning, it does NOT come from mastering... Though it does require some very nice speakers, and a proper room... If anything is magical in making a track, it's the production, performance and origins of it[the track]. Mastering is about maintaining that magic, not adding that extra thing, it's rather removing all extra things that got there in production... but well, my opinion, and maybe a few other agree with me. END THE LOUDNESS WAR!!!! NEVER USE COMPRESSORS TO GET THINGS LOUDER!! hehe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war
  7. well I feel like such a spammer, but here we go, another EP http://verbalise.bandcamp.com/album/dark-times-ep Enjoy =)
  8. Hello folks! Started to put all my psy online, and eventually It'll all be there... most of it is rather old, dating back some 10 years or so. Here's one EP.... http://verbalise.bandcamp.com/album/angels-studs-ep
  9. hehe just to be clear, don't use any glitch software. this is programmed midi...
  10. hahaha, I was saying to a friend "it's kindah the opposit of darkpsy", Lightpsy naturaly popped into my mind... Similiarities are there, but it's just, the other side of darkpsy, to my thinking.
  11. thanks :-)
  12. Hola folks. I only drop in here to post links for my tracks, and for that I apologize... but for some reason just not interested in discussing stuff. you should all be makin more music and less talking :-) "philosophers spend their time maximizing their minimal differences" Here's a 182.1 bpm melodious track I recently finished. I think I finished anyway. There are some notechanges and things that I could have made different, but I save for another time another track or something. those technically interested, it's only 7 channels. 9 counting kick+bass and drums channel and +4 sends. so very minimal stuff. I think of it as "lightpsy" as opposed to "darkpsy". Same coin, other side of it. Was recently at a party playing, and became inspired to make some psy again, so maybe I make more tracks and post here eventually... youtube "verb love forest" and you find it probably.. //David
  13. As topic states. Basically I put some music up that I did between 2000-2010 or so. (only two or three tracks from 2009-2010) Been thinking of releasing them all through ektoplazm. or sell em through tunecore. dunno. Anyway, I wanted to spread it around a bit, and here's sortof an obvious place for me. So would be cool if you listen and if a member on soundcloud, I don't mind comments :-)
  14. Hola! Wanted to promote my new single a bit. :-) I used to be quite an avid psy producer, but I've been sliding towards minimal and techno stuff for the past 5 years or so. And this is actually my first comercial release, and I hope you listen, and ofcourse buy and space out as best you can to it. not that it's very spacey, well maybe Jammin is. I dunno. Jammin is a track slightly inspired by plenty of droney techno tracks. I basically missed some dynamics in stephan bodzin's stuff, some acoustic feel in thomas schumachers "home", and well, i fucking love extrawelt, so i guess there's some of that sound innit too... I'm very happy with Jammin track, and ambo is kindof a cute comfy B-side, with punch. Enjoy!! https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/release/detail/278504/Jammin%20EP http://www.junodownload.com/products/jammin-ep/1630609-02/?trackid=1 ...and while I'm at it, a friend also just released an EP on Baroque records with an edit of mine. https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/release/detail/283963/magic_kosher_lobster#app=e31f&a486-index=0 Longer previews are coming up on my soundcloud this night or tomorrow day. www.soundcloud.com/david-laake
  15. *hasn't heard it yet* but samples sound good :-D especially this one track.... haha
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