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Everything posted by flipie

  1. Uhh. Not only kids listen to rap or hiphop. Heck, would you argue only kids listen to the radio? When you get out of school and get a job you're not a kid anymore neither are your co-workers. Yet you'll probably have to listen to radio on your job. I leave it up to you what music you're going to be listening to. Hint: not the music you are listening to right now. What you describe is the genre "gangster rap". Not all rap is "gangster rap". Try Eminen for example. He has humor, doesn't rap about fscking a ho or shooting a bitch, and he's just damn good of a rapper (IMO). There's far more out there. For example, there are quite a few funny raps about geeky computer stuff. I know some people who like goa and dislike most of the new psy yet they're able to appreciate rap like that.
  2. Why does it do that to you?
  3. Autistic? For me, stuff like Vangelis is pure nostalgia like e.g. celtic, folk and synthesizer since i grew up with that music. Anyway, check out Paul Oakenfold's Essential Mix: Goa Silver & Gold. He mixes e.g. Vangelis into (good) progressive and goa trance. Very well done. http://www.discogs.com/release/201325 (You should just get this one if not only for MWNN - Sugar Rush (Raw Cane mix) no kidding, its a good mix.) I really hope some day someone mixes Enya into such a mix, or mixes an Enya track itself. Epona or Boadicea for example.
  4. @ radio did you see 8 Mile?
  5. http://www.hommega.com/hommegaShop.php?cur...3&prdCat=albums open the player. 4 tracks to listen to. Not that bad i've heard far worse new releases. Its just that i can't stand that kind of bassline
  6. My bad, i got my extracts earlier from Suntrip Records 'emselves! http://www.suntriprecords.com/pages/releases/SUNCD04/ Thats 4 minutes, but 48 kbit mono WMA.
  7. Shankar Tribe - Some mix from DAT, 1996. Never heard of until today, but its that good ol' goa without that manic psygoa sound. <3 it
  8. Let me try to clarify some more here and there. Well, i don't know where such is online. A travellers agency in your country may provide that, and some of those agency are known for quality (expensive hotels) others are for cheapskates (hostels etc). After you got the information for cheap ho(s)tel you don't have to book w/them you can just write down the name . If you don't have a guide and are in NL you can get them from the "VVV": http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/VVV http://www.vvvnederland.nl Info is in Dutch. I'm not sure wether they have info available in English in their folders. I'm not sure wether they are free (i got mine from family when i was in Amsterdam). But you can always ask for information by just asking the person who's there in English. They're used to tourism / English in Amsterdam, and try to promote tourism, so they'd gladly help you w/your stay in that regard. I wouldn't do that, BUT if you are not alone some people can stay awake and keep guard. Trainstations are usually closed (b/c of homeless and heroin junkies), some are safe to stay a night, but i bet Amsterdam is not among those. If you got a tent, i suggest getting a backpack and putting the tent together w/the backpack. I've done that when i was travelling through Europe and when you set your backpack well wrt your body (hips and back 30% / 70% weight) then you won't get trouble getting tired or pain b/c the weight!!! Officially, yes. Tabacos 18 too. But law is theory not practice. Here you need to be 21 to buy alcohol and i'm still asked for ID even though i'm over 21, buy from the same store, the same beer, from the same employee. I'm not sure wether you need to be 16 in NL for beer and 18 for "heavy alcoholic beverages". I've seen documentaries on TV where kids of age 13, 14 were able to buy all the breezers they wanted to. In NL ephedra is illegal. I've also seen documentaries of smartshops selling ephedra though. Not sure if that was standardized, bulk or pills. Here its legal, but its hardly sold anyway except in bulk. Afraid for law i guess even though its ruled legal year ago. So law is different that reality, but i still think its wise to know the law just in case. If you go w/friends and one of them is 18 he/she can go inside and buy it for the group.
  9. For example, MWNN has his own style which one can detect out of thousands (i assume true for many here). But MWNN doesn't get on my nerves. If i knew why i'd tell you, but i don't know exactly why. It depends on what i'm doing and in what state i am. If i'm focussed / busy its less of a problem. I think in Filteria's case, he has his very own style, but it sounds so like the previous i've heard. I just listened to the extracts again. Case in point: track #1 of Sky Input and Heliopolis, track #5 of Sky Input (although neither doesn't get much on my nerves). Case in point: track #2 of Heliopolis and most of Sky Limit (the popular Snuggling Snail which gets on my nerves). It may also be related to my opinion that most CDs contain a few good tracks, the rest being used to fill up the remaining 60 or so minutes. Then there's Apsara. Although Tiny Universe wasn't that good to me either, i can at least say that it didn't get on my nerves. Hence why i think Filteria is excellent music to combine with other styles (say on a VA) because its so one of its own kind. I don't know if he's releasing on more VAs and/or releasing EPs or singles, if he does/did i may appreciate that more.
  10. Agreed, but not everyone who bashes nowadays psy doesn't know what they're blabbering about. Some people have sensitive ears. Getting them to listen to say Triesto or what is his name, mediocre psy or to punk is torture to them. Compare it to being on hallucinogen drug 101. Some people literally have that 'gift' all the time. I happen to live with such person, both a blessing and a curse. Leads to me listening to C=64 and Amiga mods when she's doing groceries and the like. Also, i'm never completely sure what CD i should buy for her. Besides all this i guess most would agree that there's so much mediocre music on the market nowadays. This is true for a lot of genres and it used to be mostly untrue for the genre in question. To me its not worth the time and hassle of spitting through the vinyl rack in a store anymore.
  11. The Crop Circles remix extract i listened (IIRC at Saikosounds) was horrible nevertheless i hope other people will be able to appreciate it. I like the initiative. I liked the extract of the first track. Rest was mediocre to me. My problem with Filteria is that his style gets on my nerves more than any other artist i like (not saying its bad or sth, just gets on my nerves). So i think his music comes more to its right when combined with other music e.g. in a (live) mix or on a VA. Wish they did that on Wonderland, spinning some Filteria through all the crap they spinned. But not too much... I suggest using http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5491 to listen to samples; better quality than Psyshop. Thats about the extracts though. Anyone listened to the full album already?
  12. Filteria gets pretty boring to me after a short while. Its his style which gets on my nerves. Hence my opinion he's better in place on a VA as demonstrated on Apsara. The EU one or Lani's album although i like his EP from 2005 better. Lost In Venice is my all time fav of Lani and its simply remarkable to me how they've been able to mix a depressing song as Sisters Of Mercy - Temple Of Love to such a mood-lifting one still want that EP orig some day. If i were to vote for fav artist 2005, would be Amithaba / Lost Buddha.
  13. flipie


    Only after i ordered a CD, i got e-mail from that label every week or so stating whats new in their collection. I never demanded to be added on their e-mail list. Funnily enough that CD i bought was the only CD they had which i liked. So it was a useless effort from their side. Wrote an e-mail that i wanted to be removed from the e-mail list. Got no reply, never gotten ath after that. Had he not removed me, i'd have issued a report to one of my RBL lists. As for IMs theres a fairly decent solution. Just be invisible and add people you know to your visible list. That way, people who you haven't added on your list don't see you online. Or use 2 accounts; one for serious work / friends one for blahblah. Both worked for me w/ICQ back in the days, dunno about whatever IM is popular nowadays i suppose its MSN Messenger which i don't know much about. Never got the damn thing working like i want it to be. I prefer Yahoo! Messenger which supports invisible option the way ICQ does which is the way i like it. Like you said using a "spam" address on forums also works pretty nifty. Heavily guard it with all kind of anti-spam utilities. Some forums allow you to hide your e-mail address as well.
  14. A hostel doesn't necessarily mean you share a room w/10 people. I've been in a "youth" hostel at Brussels one time for 12,50 EUR a night. My room was small, no accomidations whatsoever and 2 beds so sharing with merely 1 person. I only slept there though, nothing more, since most of the time we were out in town or at the conference. In Budapest it we shared a room with 4 persons and there was no accomidation but i remember it was sortof clean, showers were provided and it was very cheap. I suppose Amsterdam is a bit more expensive than those 2 cities and i don't know any hostels by name or experience over there so i can't help you with that. Maybe get a bit more out of the city and use the metro and/or train? As for shrooms i take that back. If you've never done that indeed don't try hawaiian on your first time. The instructions of mexicans probly say use 5-10 grams fresh (dried are not legally sold) on your first time. In general, its wise to follow such suggestion. Its wise to read the instructions which come with the drug you buy. Officially, you really do need to carry an ID all the time in NL and you really do need to be able to ID yourself in a coffeeshop (even when you'd like to buy other drugs in e.g. a liquor store, such as tabaco or alcohol) however you may be lucky and not asked for ID by a coffeeshop employee. If you are asked for by coffeeshop employee and you are not over 18 or cannot provide ID then you're kicked out and then you can just give it a try in one of the many other coffeeshops so don't worry too much about that. The cops randomly ask for ID on street sometimes, sometimes theres a zone where they ask for that and check for weapons. Esp done in areas where youth hang out and places where clubs are near. Sometimes even tools such as a screwdriver is confiscated i kid you not. So don't keep ath unnecessary or potentially "harmful" w/you ditch it at your hostel or keep it home. If someone on the street wants to sell you something (that can be ath, not necessarily weed; i've been asked wether i wanted to buy cocaine in several major cities in NL) just say "no thanks" and walk away. Don't waste your time, don't get robbed, don't get scammed. No matter how desperate you are for what they have to offer. Given the prices you stated which i agree are pretty high i'm glad i have family and friends to crush at in Amsterdam. Perhaps it doesn't apply but maybe its a better solution to sleep in a friend's house or their garden using a tent. I don't know the current weather, but with some good sleeping utils and warm clothing it can't be that bad. PS: I remember some guides include information on cheap ho(s)tels...
  15. Why wouldn't one earn money when he/she sells a first-hand copy? Second-hand is good for the environment and wallet. Also, if you buy an EP/CD second-hand it results in someone else not being able to buy that specific copy hence they'd need to get it from a different second-hand source (which isn't an endless vault). first-hand, or buy something else. Perhaps that something else is first-hand... -- Selling or licensing data (e.g. text, software, audio, video) to individuals doesn't work anymore in 200x since the cost of making a copy of that data is 0 or near 0. Look up "zero marginal cost". This is the real problem of piracy which isn't going to be solved by applying DRM or alienating (potential) customers in any other way, keeping the price tag the same, or using the same business model as 30 years ago. That's why i ain't nor want to be in a business involving zero marginal cost products. Even if i would, i would certainly do such as side project; not as my primary source of income.
  16. Kinda funny, Simon said in an interview (on Psynews?) that he preferred working as Sphongle rather than Hallucinogen because it allowed him to experiment more rather than using a fixed formula. Apply that how you want to apply it. But whatever. A track can be great no matter who the artist is. A track can be shit no matter who the artist is. Judge on track, or even part of a track, instead of on artist, pseudonym, cd or label. Acknowledge that you're generalizing when you do the latter. Also the reason i don't like other people's radios, mixes and parties. I, for one, only love 1 Eskimo track, 1 Shakta track, 1 Star-X track, 1 Alternative Control track, 1 Dali track, etcetera. The rest they made is all... pretty much mediocre to me. OTOH i tend to agree this phenomenon develops space for new artists and new labels who like to release that oldschool sound a small but vocal minority tends to like. So don't worry, the world doesn't stop when Posford experiments or as some would put it "sells out" plus i suppose Sphongle is alive and kicking.
  17. Nice. Where are you from? How much per EP approx?
  18. Hey, I was born in NL although i'm not from near Amsterdam. When i was there last summer i was somewhat lost WITH a map. I was in trance too though my problem was that i walked 3 blocks too far... was not due to weed at all though. Had my discman w/me that time. I suggest DAP (MP3 player) but if you prefer stereo go for it. There are some FAQs about this subject on the web, i kid you not. You may want to search for it. There are some decent tourist guides too. A map is recommended. Here's one of the many online ones http://www.amsterdam.info/map but i suggest you get a printed one and keep it with you all the time. There's also some really cool art shops and some of them are NOT in any guides (it costs a bunch of money to be included in a guide, small shops can't afford that). Officially a coffeeshop or smartshop employee has to ask for ID and you have to keep your ID all the time in NL or risk being fined. Online smartshops such as Azarius do not require you to ID so if you have an address that may be a solution. They send it to you by mail, well packaged (ie. you don't see it has drugs although a hotel employee probably knows Azarius). There may be even online coffeeshops, i don't know wether they exist in Amsterdam. Where i lived there was a thing called weed-taxi whom you could phone and 30 min later you got your weed delivered. Not sure if thats (still) legal though. Some mushrooms are really crap. Look at where they stored them. Don't pay too much either. Personally i like the hawaiian. But i woludn't pay more than 10-15 EUR for a portion. For good parties, try squats and Ruigoord. Some are included at Goabase some are not included there's been a fire at a goa party a year or so ago and that lead to the scene being more closed for a while. Some parties are also more private parties, you may have to know a friend who goes to there, and ask the organisation to be allowed. And frankly, i have never been at a party in NL where the music was good (but i prefer oldschool goa). A lot if not most coffeeshops, smartshops etc have a website. A friend of mine made a website to search for coffeeshops, smartshops and the like which you can use to search for a certain name or place: Here. Site should be up at Blowlands.nl some time, but he's lazy. Together with a GPS and/or map thats useful. The database is a bit out of date (~ 2002, i entered all the data myself) so you may want to use the name of a shop and look at a search engine, to see what they're about and/or wether they still exist. Don't get yourself ripped off indeed so go for the little streets and such not the centre or big streets. If you feel being a tourist you're in the wrong spot Oh yeah and a few final notes: roll your own joints (or use a pipe or bring your vaporizer ). Also, the weed may be stronger than what you're used to. There's only 1 place i know of where the weed is better than in NL --especially with regards to taste-- and thats where i'm currently residing Finally (pfff) don't buy it on the street mate, you do not know who you get it from. You'll never see that person again. Buy from trustable sources... ie. coffeeshops or friends who know what they're doing. Enjoy your stay and be safe!
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