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Piv (GerningsStedet)

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Everything posted by Piv (GerningsStedet)

  1. http://www.electronic-escalator.dk/ Newly startet torrent site with free legal music. Hope to see you there and help us spread the music or your own music.
  2. Name: Va - The Lurker Compiled by: Dj Wizdumb Label: Cosmic Conspiracy Records Year: 2006 Format: CD Homepage: http://www.cosmicconspiracy.co.nz/ So you thought minimal trance was gone ? It Isnt, it just went down deep and evolved beneath the surface.... here is a new wave of higly evolved underwater creatures , caught by Dj wizdumb who shows us just what sort of t monsters they have become Tracks: Fine Diner - Moving The first track on the cd is a deep "morning" track from Fine Diner that sure will get your feeds solid planted in the ground. Deep beats filled with small hi´s that packs it all in for you to go along with as we move down into the dark water to explore the monsters down below. This track will work well in the morning or to follow the sun down as it disappears in the horizon. The Cujurious One - Big Girls Fold Their Own Notes Well Cujurious dont need much of an intruduction as he is allready a well known name in the minimal/pro-agressive world, and this track wont disapoint you with its deep groovy feeling packed in floating sounds and agressive beats, be aware of the Glitch as you fight your way to the surface to check if theres an error on your cd There isnt ! From here the track takes you even further below to meet the next track. Minimal Criminal - Zulu Pazuzu This track starts with a simple beat that builds up with a right in your face attitude and gets more and more growing as we move even further down to meet the ocean floor. This is really a great minimal track that takes many different directions as we move down the with the counter on the cd player. True Minimal Criminal style with lots of different patterns to show that these guys knows what its all about - Deep Crunchy Grooves. Static Corn - The Goblin Vs Mr Tierny (CCR Edit) As we now have been to long near the surface, this track goes on even deeper with its brutal bass and a tiny kick to take you down fast to where only red light can be seen by predators. This track just keep on fighting its way through darkness only to stop a few times to orientate its position in the abyss. Psypox - Diesel Donkey Twisted is the best word for this fish that swims the ocean thin for its hunt for a partner, samples floating in and out of your speakers to pack you in and warm you so you wont feel alone down here as the hunt keeps on twisting your senses that leaves you with a feeling that this is where it all peaks. Bufo - Midget Midge The fish found its partner and out of it the birth to even more crunchy waveforms that keeps on hitting you from all directions of the ocean. Psypox and Moses shows us how it can be done and in my opinion should be done, Groovy waves packed in different samples that all togehter gives us the perfect illusion of a melodi that just keeps on getting more and more phat as we move with the track. Hedonix - Novus Ordo Seclorum After the fish succesfully found its partner, the story is far from finished, Hedonix shows us here why psygressive is so unique and have no borders when it comes to beeing creative. Your sure in for a journey to meet all your senses and needs, the track keeps on pulling you from one site to another and spinning you around so you problably end up with a good nausea. The Cujoriuos One - To Twist The Truth Its time to say goodbye to the ocean floor and go up to meet the sun, but before that happens we have to get there, and this track is perfect for the job with its floating synths and deep bass, Cujurious takes us on a jouney on his well known landscape of sound. this track will be great for the nighttime floor where candy has been banished from. Tribalistic Society - Lightning Storm AHHH The sweet air. Tribalistic Society takes the CD to a more progressive orientated level, as its dark bass gets company by some light synths and groovy patterns and is a really good way to build up for the last track on the CD. This track will work at any time of day or night with its phunky wauv guitar like sounds and no comprimise swimming trough 6:51 min of grooves. Meeloo - Currents Time for the last track and the end of our journey and this track does the job, with its brutal way of building up, its like standing in the minimal/progressive scene back in 1999 and taking a trip through time to meet 2006, Really groovy track with some nice tribal patterns and god damn phat bassline to get your feed melting to the floor. the trac keeps on building up and ends in a climax of melodies and grooves as the waves Crash over you and the currents pull on the surface.... . If you love minimal/psygressive beats, you wont be disapointed by this crunchy phunky phat release, this music needs to played in its right element and will sure get the floors packed in as it goes undersound. Its really rare compilations like this comes to the surface, so make sure you catch one before they go down beneath again. Buy it here http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/ccr/ccr1cd003.html http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=6004 http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detai...owDetail=122991
  3. its here http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/ccr/ccr1cd003.html
  4. samples can be found here http://www.cosmicconspiracy.co.nz/ Piv/Static Corn
  5. StaticCorn - Depressive Trance well used the last weeks when it wasnt time for the family to create this track, straight forward minimal trance that i would like some comments on, just learned about this forum and it seems that you people are more creative when you give people comments on their music, and not just saying YOU NEED MORE ROLLING BASS WITH LOADS OF FX!!!.... well hope you like it by the way the title is because one of my friends called my style when he heard me playing live for Depressive Trance enjoy or something StaticCorn - Depressive Trance
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