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Everything posted by Tashira

  1. Happy Birthday Psynews!!! I started posting here when I was 14!!! 36 now At that time I started chatting with Sherlockalien and met up with him the following summer, we married 3 years later 😄 Psynews indeed was (and hopefully still is) capable of connecting people are any of the old members still active? What happened to Feathers 😁 Jeeee we all had some good laughs.. amazing really that this is still up 👌🏻 Congrats!!!!
  2. Tashira

    RIP Nemo

    RIP Nemo I did not even know Psynews.org still existed!! Out of curiosity I just gave it a try and what a surprise my old account still exists too and then I see this! What a tragedy.. it is almost 10 years since he passed and almost 20 years that I have been active here.. my blessings go to his family, friends and all the beautiful souls around.. What a blast that this is still up! You guys are killing it!
  3. Hell it's been a long time! Happy new year from me aswell!! How is everyone? Any of the people from the good old days still here?! Wish ya all a blast, have a good one guys!! Pd: What happened to the Psynews Photo Album? And where did all the old posts disappear to? Was lurking for some nostalgia..
  4. what are you not interested in? =)

  5. Just posting a comment... for the sake of comment. :)

  6. Hey cool photos!! Thanx DP!! Keep them comming But where is Heva luv?
  7. Hell yeah! I wanna see them Reeeeeally reeeeally wanted to go, but it would have summed up a few hundred euros which I just couldn´t afford so short before India.. - Hope you all had a blast!
  8. De nada Sounds awesome! You lucky globe trotter you! : ) But looked like a buddha in that wallpaper, eh?! heheh
  9. apre = I could imagine that it´s an abbreviation of "apreciacion" - appreciation Brasilll = Brazil ( a big big country in south America, Aliens happen to be seen there ) Uma belezaaa = a beauty Now what brazil has to do with your wallpapers I dont really know.. but brazilians use to just enjoy screaming the name of their country out, hehe Very nice stuff there Tox! The buddha one is my favourite! was the original picture taken in Thailand?
  10. wow Awesome photos Surge, thank you very much My favourite is also Tranquil, although they are all amazing. But these hands are so full of wisdom.. represent an entire life flowing with the water.. And that man behind the rose.. wooho makes one melt away.. haha Really great work! Now I dont wonder anymore how you can just "upgrade" to a Canon 1Ds Mk II Dont forget to link us to your gallery once it´s done! May I ask how much you plan to sell it for?
  11. Very nice Tox! Great gallery too!!
  12. yup, that´s mine - Not complete yet though.. just been uploading randomly once in a while.. - Foscu, Great gallery!! Beautiful northern nature..
  13. tsk tsk tsk Shame on you Mister Alien, tsk tsk tsk Edit: I found your Swiss knife!!!
  14. Yeah fur sure man.. it´s nothing easy when you´re used to have your partner on your side and from one day to the other you´re apart and that for a long time.. It hurts a lot and brings many tears.. but It´s still fine as long as you know that Love is always there and no one and nothing can ever change that.. and surely time & distance will not Remind all the nice times you had with her and all the wonderful things you´ll experience together in future and do not get fixed in this momentary distance, because that will be over again. While Love will always be there..
  15. awwwwwwwwww Dont worry man, it will stop! After all she didn´t die, she´s alive and you love each other! You´re just in a different place for a certain time period which dosen´t change anything about your relationship - Important is just that you dont let yourself fall into this sadness.. Accept it and continue living, with her always in your mind and heart.. Time will pass quickly and before you even notice you´re together again =)
  16. hah! great! I've got another one: Labamba ( forgot the artist ), was it Valens Richie or smt like that?
  17. I'm not even going to start No but to make you laugh a bit too: Puff Daddy - I'll be missing you.
  18. Hey wow! very nice stuff there! Gotta check it out with time
  19. Awesome!! What a beautiful foto the second one is, wow! respect!
  20. Me tooooooooooo Oh Nemo he´s like, aaaaay, how sweet!!! Alieeeeeeeen, I want one of those!!!
  21. Alien Alien you forgot Natural Born Chillers & J-Viewz aaaaay
  22. Aaaaay!!!! Congratulations!!! And what a kick ass name!! Nicolas Zimmer Garcia!! A half swedish / half spanish angel!! He´s so cute!! hey Nemo, what do you think, he and my future daughter could marry, no? If you dont mind her being 10 years younger.. I´d give some olive oil as a mitgift!
  23. well said..
  24. Agree
  25. One thing I dont understand.. you say all 3000+ posters are temporarily banned, how comes I see 3000+ posters online then? Oh and.. damn.. I hate to post this but Alien asked me to, so here you go: Sherlockalien: I will continue posting on Blue Room , I find the rules ridiculous and the temporary posting disabling very offensive and disrespectful.. not to mention the permanent bans for other people are way over the top.. so im in sonic energy, bye bye psynews.. ( edited )
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