here in brazil he's the master of psytrance. he's killah, the best dj ever...
that's really sucks. the most of ppl in brazil don't know sh*t about psytrance and says that love psytrance... i think the scene in brazil is the worst ever.
Hahaha, I made friends with some Brazilian guys at Voov festival this summer and one of them came to visit me some days ago, so we started watching some fotos of this festival we want to go to next summer, Trancendence, and found some pics with Skazi and some over exited brazilian girls in his arms, gms next to them.. and my friend was like: Aaaaw this full on fuckers ! getting all the chicks... hehehe
Don´t know about the psy scene, but the Brazlians I´ve met, specialy one , are just incredible.. Like big kids, always making fun and really friendly + educated.... Gotta check next summer =) Juppy !