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Everything posted by Tashira

  1. Ooooooy please Seraph, take me with you !!! I'll fit in your backpack, I'm sure
  2. I love it ! Vooooooooooov Ahoy !!
  3. I'm in Goa atm and I think it's wonderfull !! My parents have been living here for 20 years, about 15 years ago.. so now that they came back and saw how everything changed, in their opinion in a bad way, I hear all the time " this was so much nicer back then and that was so much greater in the good old days" I mean Fuck ! I don't care if it was better 20 years ago, I'm here now, and I love it Gotta go back to Spain tomorrow too, hu hu hu hu
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PSYNEWS !!! Thanx to everybody who made this place be there, as without it I might have never found a pure addiction and the person that makes me smile, day by day, dream by dream, being far away from me.. but so close..
  5. I only arrive saturday Have fun anyway !!
  6. hmmmmmm.... hmmmmmmmmmmm.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... I don´t know
  7. I´m off to Anjuna next friday See you @ the sunset
  8. There is one festi in Australia, from Happy People Productions, Exodus , which seems to be just INDREDIBLE ! 1 week of super nice party, amazing location and so on.. Gotta go there for sure some day.. Exodus Festival 2005
  9. To me it´s Voov Experience... The biggest experience ever, I come to the location and the first step I make on it´s ground I feel like home... What an Amaaaaaaaaaazing Festival... I luv it, I luv it, I luv it !!! And best live this year was also Ott with Blumenkraft this year at Transit, what a blast...
  10. here in brazil he's the master of psytrance. he's killah, the best dj ever... that's really sucks. the most of ppl in brazil don't know sh*t about psytrance and says that love psytrance... i think the scene in brazil is the worst ever. Hahaha, I made friends with some Brazilian guys at Voov festival this summer and one of them came to visit me some days ago, so we started watching some fotos of this festival we want to go to next summer, Trancendence, and found some pics with Skazi and some over exited brazilian girls in his arms, gms next to them.. and my friend was like: Aaaaw this full on fuckers ! getting all the chicks... hehehe Don´t know about the psy scene, but the Brazlians I´ve met, specialy one , are just incredible.. Like big kids, always making fun and really friendly + educated.... Gotta check next summer =) Juppy !
  11. Mooooooooooooooooooooomy... Look what they did with Santa ! He will get ill with no clothes in the cold uhuhuhuhuhuuuuu...
  12. There was a Raja Ram died thread? in here? probably some veeeery sad ppl posting who believed it, gotta search for that...
  13. what about a Dj Boyfriend? I send you my friend, for 5 camels and some silver, hehehe
  14. Tashira


  15. Rofl... hahaha But then you guys must also come to my psyfesti birthday in January 2050, Ok ? Ok ? What´s your name, so i write it one the list? All right... Not very funny ;P
  16. 2 Psy Festivals in Spain in the same summer... Simply imposible if you said that 2 years ago... Go go go and get tranced =)
  17. What does that mean?
  18. What did he say about Trance ? Akou ekei akous kai trance mousiki
  19. Tashira

    Holy Shit!

    hehehe lol DP
  20. ROFL
  21. :-)
  22. Naz, yes, the antaris project is happening in Germany this summer season, so as Excalibur, voov, fullmoon, shiva moon, ... www.shivamoon.de www.antaris-project.de www.excalibur-festival.com www.fullmoon-festival.de www.voov-experience.de * suggestion for the chai shop`s name : - Cosmic chai - Naz chai shop - Chaimania - Chaiman ;P - Monson chai shop Dunno, have not really got to many good ideas ; ) Hope it helps ... Good luck
  23. Hey Naz... Sorry, it was something like a Joke... I love Italy and Italian people ;-) btw, whats your Chai shop name ? Have you been to Voov Experience And Antaris last Summer ?
  24. Voov Experience a 24 Berlin / Hamburg ( Germany ) www.voov-experience.de
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