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    beyond the valley of the dolls
  1. this series looks interesting....anyone heard? http://www.discogs.com/No-Artist-Symphonies-Of-The-Planets-2-Nasa-Voyager-Recordings/release/684492 http://www.discogs.com/No-Artist-Symphonies-Of-The-Planets-1-NASA-Voyager-Recordings/release/1882807
  2. that reminds me of - http://www.discogs.com/Space-Time-Continuum-With-Terence-McKenna-Alien-Dreamtime/release/16979
  3. agreed, summer heights high was a well done mockumentary series. if you get the chance, check out another australian comedy - Wilfred.
  4. Sounds like stoned to me
  5. for the 70's rock/glam early albums go for Taking tiger mountain (by strategy), Here come the warm jets , Another green world and Before and after science. A compilation called Desert Island Selection has some great tracks from the first 4 albums and for the later ambient work i'd recommend starting with Ambient 1 Music for airports, Ambient 4 On land , Apollo-atmospheres and soundtracks and Equatorial stars (with robert fripp). then maybe Music for films, The Shutov assembly, Fourth world vol 1 possible musics, my life in the bush of ghosts (with david byrne)
  6. Subsurfing- Frozen ants (apollo) Gus Till - Dub shadows (cyan music) Shakatura - Shakatura (ceiba) Alex Patterson - Ambient Meditations 2 (Return to the source) Mixmaster Morris - Ambient meditations 4 (rtts) v/a - Module 02 (3d vision relax) Legion of green men - Spatial Specific (plus 8 records) Control X - ....to abort transmission (instinct ambient) Adam Shaikh - Essence (sonicturtle) Takkyu Ishino - Dove loves dub (ki/oon)
  7. i really like them too. recently i decided to get all the solar fields cd's in original form as well as some aes dana and a few other things ( krill minima, gas 0095 ) and got sent the hol baumann album as a gift - such a nice touch
  8. Brazilian. Real Name: Amon Adonai Santos de Araujo Tobin Next you'll be claiming Boards of Canada are Canadian
  9. Abduction, Implant and Epsylon are my favourites
  10. say whaa? The money masters is a good factual documentary on the history of the Federal Reserve. http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-51...h&plindex=0
  11. i've never come across a movie that replicates a psychedelic experience well. david lynch? maybe like a hypnotic , deleriant trip. not psychedelic imo fear and loathing ? don't think so, even though it has some scenes of people on psychedelics and some of their perceptions. it's a linear narrative and that's not psychedelic imo soooo if there were such a movie it'd have to be a multi dimentional, extra sensual, fully immersive experience and that hasn't happened yet imo teletubbies are nice tho
  12. http://www.discogs.com/user/zoologistic2012
  13. I bought a bunch of books by Robert Heinlein but haven't gotten around to reading them yet he wrote starship troopers and stranger in a strange land among others science fiction isn't my favourite genre
  14. The Black Dog remix Robert Hood. hypnotic mnml detroit techno gets tBD treatment. :clapping:
  15. indeet. me wants :posford: pretty amazing innovator RDJ. he was making his own analogue synths and other gear from a very early age i think. the music from SAW 1 dates from '85 when he was 12 or 13
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