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  1. You're welcome Hey, btw, are you bullcrap0 on last.fm? I just saw, like 5 minutes ago, a familiar avatar under that moniker commenting stuff in particular psynews kind of way at Darshan's last.fm profile EDIT: ok, judging by Pleiadians play count and overall chart position, I can pretty sure ascertain it to be you.. lol
  2. The track is Tribal Sunrise from Razor's Edge, though I don't know which mix exactly (there seem to be 5 of them there).
  3. The sample from the first track is also heard in Tetrameth's 49th Vibration - not the exact match but it could be interesting for you to check it..
  4. 1. You might as well enjoy the first video: http://www.transmeet.tv/default.aspx?id=541 (pay no attention to introductory advertisement ) The first track on it is Free Your Soul by Mantrix; the second is Spores from Solar Spectrum I guess.. The third and last in a row, beginning somewhere in the middle of the clip is for you to identify -- before you listen to it though, a word of warning is that it is pretty ordinary, raw and unfashionable full on sound in play; 2. And now for something completely different: (Curlies in Anjuna party) - does anyone know that track?
  5. Here, I also have 2 'new' tracks for you to check out: Fungus Funk - Yumi Rmx Samadhi - Organic Brain In Cosmos btw., "eighter".. you mean either?
  6. Gee, there's shitload of them and Google knows them all ^^
  7. :lol: :lol: EDIT: Usually, with such relatively highly unique and hard-to-imitate (perhaps one definition of 'quality'?) material there is a hard time getting 'similar' stuff.. Although, one candidate for candidate for it has now popped in my mind, at least in the musically 'semantic sense' as I see it: http://www.touchsamadhi.com/audio/djs/moks...w-flesh-320kbps ...try it, I think it's not bad in the situation where the chance of finding something 'similar' is so slim... EDIT2: I still hope and think that experienced people on the forum will have something to add.. Also I think the thread is great in the sense of what information it might yield; in the point where you have samples that go along the lines of "inside this room all of my dreams become realities,.., and my realities become dreams" I consider we are dealing with 'psionic' technology ideas (f--k, now I'm sounding like I've come here to promote Digital Psionics label but I don't know how to tell the thought without sounding so) and in a way psionic ideas in general.. I won't go as far as to propose a psitrance classification but you get the idea that it would be cool to get such stuff from this thread?
  8. 'Wool Gathering'.. I both like it and find it powerful at certain short parts, but enough to create a pretty clear impression of what it aims to evoke. Damn, I've been searching for those goa demos for some time now! I could've guessed I just had to put 'little numbers' in the pouet ID selector to get high level oldskool stuff Anyway you have a good point and now I'm a little bit less sure about who is right because these things we are discussing, mystical beauty and mightiness and such, are so damn subjective and hard to get the head around.. The thing is: if you strictly define what you expect from psytrance of 2000s based on your subjective impression of the meaning among other things, of the stuff of 1990s, you are probably going to be disappointed, but it seems to be even a bit more complicated than that..
  9. Shpongle - Tales of the Inexpressible (by some crazy accident it was unmentioned )
  10. Man, what the f--k are you talking about!? :lol:
  11. You mean, "yes"? But I want RTP to answer me
  12. Eh, do you mean classical music that is psychedelic or 'psychedelic' classics?
  13. Is that you psytones trying to answer in RTP's name using Watcher's and Astrognomix's thoughts?
  14. Hehe, I supposed it was about http://www.discogs.com/artist/Moksha
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