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Everything posted by santo

  1. and the day turned to night..
  2. Hey baby wake up from your asleep, We have arrived onto the future, And the whole world has become… ELEKTRONIC, SUPERSONIK, SUPERSONIK, ELECTRONIK. Hey baby, ride with me away, We doesn’t have much time, My blue jeans is tight, So onto my love rocket climb, Inside tank of fuel, Is not fuel, but love, Above us, there is nothing above But the stars above. Assistant gun, Prepare for down count. 5, 4, 3, 1 OFF BLAST! Fly away in my space rocket, You not need put money in my pocket. The door is closed I just lock it. I put my hot one in your socket. The sun is higher burns like fire, You and me gets higher and higher. We have a communication wire, Only thing that can stop us is flat tire. Hey love crusader I want to be your space invader. For you I would descend the deepest moon crater. I is more stronger than Darth Vapor, Obey me, I is your new dictator, For you is Venus, I am Mars, For you I is more richer than all the czars, Make a wishes on a shooting stars, Then for you I will pay on my cosmic guitars! Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your belt seat, We has commenced our descent, I trust you enjoy this flight, As much as you enjoy the sex scene. Now back on earth is time for down splash Into sea of eternal glory my spaceship crash, People have arrived for to cheer me from near and far, And as I float, I open door and shout, "I am world's biggest, washed up, superstar!" As for sure as the sun rises in the west, Of all the singers and poets on earth, I am the bestest, Come let me put ring of Jupiter on your finger, then like a smell around you I will forever linger, Okay, it's time for end no more will I sing, Then let me take you back in time, I want for you to experience big bang! LONG LIVE SPACE RACE, LONG LIVE MOVANIA!
  3. wow.. wicked pics.. !
  4. You were too stoned my friend... thats why !
  5. Yep. Chill out was my favourite too. Met some fabulous people from all over the world...
  6. ah.. i see
  7. Weather ? were you there just on the first day ? cos it was bright and sunny for the rest of the days.
  8. When i went to Goa last year..
  9. Where is the free porn ?
  10. thanks..
  11. What's the cost of LSD in Amsterdam ? Is it easily available ?
  12. The Full Moon
  13. the chill out tent the groove floor
  14. Why did you quote my post from the other thread ?
  15. Drapes of wrath was good too...
  16. wait for more pics.. took some fucking awesome pics...
  17. It's a prayer to Lord Ganesha
  18. watch out for a tall hunk in military pants and shiva t-shirt ...
  19. awesome awesome... anybody else ???
  20. wohoooooooo babyyyy !! all geared up ready to go !
  21. OMGGGGG !!!! we have a clear winner.
  22. freakin cool stuff... thanx for the link..
  23. santo


    For info on manali, go to the Indian section on isratrance... there is a loooong thread running...
  24. If everything goes well, I'll be going for the full moon festival in berlin.. Its going to be my first outdoor festival. So guys help me out... What all things should i carry ? its a 5-day festival.. any tips or advice is also welcome. or if such a thread already exists, gimme the link..
  25. No one mentioned Shiva Sidpao ?? my choices 1) Astral Projection - Astral Files 2) Shiva Sidpao - The Album 3) Astral Projcetion - Trust in trance
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