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Everything posted by Gaffel

  1. All of them
  2. Hehe. The chick which will cook for You :D ( The sun goes down )
  3. Kakah, kakah, tooki tooki tooki tooki!!! I thank You
  4. Hehe. "monotonous". I don't think so. It haven't be fullon He did a good work and is just asking for some suggestions for improving the style. I like "Next To The Stars" and I think adding of some licks and a good mastering will make the track fatter.
  5. HI :clapping: HI :wank: HI My mates and me are producing music and working in different professions like programing or designing. I am sure You already know that site of COSMIC FLOWER RECORDS. We would like to make a section for DJ MIXES on the home page, and now we are looking for Your suggestions and opinions. Feel free to use this topic as a shot box and tell us what to do and where we have start the searches for it. SatanicElectro and the COSMIC FLOWER Crew
  6. Oh god. I am lucky, coz I don't smoke weed
  7. Oh I thank You very much. Yes. Such radical gaps and transitions are very good for pushing a track.
  8. Oh ye, but a 'fullon bassline'? Or u meant a better one as 'a fullon bassline'? :wank:
  9. look at this what?
  10. Oh yes. That's right. Nice scales, melodies and some native indian instruments. A Sitar has another tuning as a normal 'country guitar'
  11. GOA will win!! And dont use both adsr on Albino. Cosmosis dint, too :D
  12. First I am making a skin for the host soft. Then I ask Kalki for for the aim of my life and music making and then we both go making music for some weeks Or just chillin'
  13. I forgot this track I made this month SatanicElectro - "Prisoner Of Bad Dreams" More trax here!
  14. the mix down is nice. it's beach goa. the arrangement flows like a wave from continent to continent
  15. Wow! A very good Goaish and Dark track The flute melody is pretty niceeeeeee!!
  16. Oh yes. A friend told to me after a trip and living in Columbia, the one he learned after being near to the Columbian culture and the drug which is embed there, is to seed. Maybe it's the only one real job the nature gave the men But thank You
  17. Man Nitin. I want create my own patterns, but I am an European and too stupid
  18. So make a new project now
  19. In first line I wanna thank to Djane Akbal & GetAFix for the vox samples (... coz she is a chick ) for my last track before mixing the live act program. Second handshake to Cybernetika & Circular Snake for all the 'night supports', critics and pushes to improvements and help on mastering. Third line is to my all days bros, Double Miu & ElectroMonk. Mates whos I wanna kick the ass bloody, but after drinking 5 liters vodka (... hihi :D , Im waiting ) Next 'Hello' goes to Nemo, Anoebis, Stalker and Prio for the friendly growing up, on side of this forum and Psychedelic Trance. Last one for Trance Chick, who is loving her dead Citty more as me and all the trance chicks who want a "Moon Child" of my prduction. SE Shit! I forgot ... Kalkus, Spacerus, Tozus, Zeyonus, Reznikus, CronoDevirus, Methodicus Marblusus, Faximus, Tempius Gemus, Mikus Amus, and and and and ... SatanicElectro "Echomaniac" More tracks You can find on my site .
  20. Man man man, I didn't know playing Goa can be so close to sending groupies to Friends. A great GIG, mate
  21. :S I am so nervous. I hope to have a nice chill after that. In other case I will not go off of stage
  22. I hope You will find some free time to refreshing the file, Nitin. I know You are busy now, but there are some interests on making this project
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