In first line I wanna thank to Djane Akbal & GetAFix for the vox samples (... coz she is a chick )
for my last track before mixing the live act program.
Second handshake to Cybernetika & Circular Snake for all the 'night supports', critics and pushes to improvements and help on mastering.
Third line is to my all days bros, Double Miu & ElectroMonk.
Mates whos I wanna kick the ass bloody, but after drinking 5 liters vodka (... hihi :D , Im waiting )
Next 'Hello' goes to Nemo, Anoebis, Stalker and Prio for the friendly growing up, on side of this forum
and Psychedelic Trance.
Last one for Trance Chick, who is loving her dead Citty more as me and all the trance chicks who want a "Moon Child" of my prduction.
Shit! I forgot ... Kalkus, Spacerus, Tozus, Zeyonus, Reznikus,
CronoDevirus, Methodicus Marblusus, Faximus, Tempius Gemus, Mikus Amus, and and and and ...
SatanicElectro "Echomaniac"
More tracks You can find on my site .