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Everything posted by Gaffel

  1. I don't know anything about music making, but all robots in my room were dancing The nice chords beginning at 4:19 could stay alone, without the background. You could fade out the fxes to give them and these gated machine at 4:53 some space. I am about to saying this part is my lovely part of the track
  2. odyy! let us know about some lessons and advices...
  3. Oh no!!! I thought that is a track only for boys and not for ERreger .... but reger was right. Its grandiouse. Your style and Goa style in one. Thats the recipie for The good mood on Chilling, Fucking and ambientla atmosphere on fucking. (Im sorry, had to say that) I hope the fu 888 no mna. Lars Im druynk
  4. :D ... me not. I am drunk
  5. Hehe. Sure they aren't a problem for me as a drummer. All chicks love drummer and tabla drummer And I see You need a suggestion for a new beat "boom .... tzzz ... boom .... tzzz ..." should be a better one Rafael P.S. How's the new work going on?
  6. hehe. We didn't have one. (S)he always says he is a soft girl, and is not able to go for my whishes
  7. Oh yes Jeremy and crew I can say this for this moment: Aerosis is the first BAND i went to like in this credible GOA scene (i meant the new school/old school scene). But Your tracks I listened to in last 20 months were the hammer at all. U got my heart pushing and them were showing to the world not just youngsters can make good music, but also young snow- and skateboarding-old school hard corers and samed musicians have the same feeling for that. Keep our minds, country and all the scene clean. Your friend, Rafael
  8. Why that Henning? It's simple. You don't like me and I don't like You. But I am sure it's just a game ... And last time for all blondes "Electro" came from 'electronic'
  9. The robots will dance for sure! And not just on Cam Frog stage
  10. Sorry I just don't like pink :D
  11. hehe. i cant talk about something i didn listen to "Error 404: NOT FOUND! Your browser cannot find the document corresponding to the URL you typed in" Aerosises. they all hadnt dloaded the track and have typed some comments:D
  12. Shit Jeremy! "Error 404: NOT FOUND! Your browser cannot find the document corresponding to the URL you typed in."
  13. Oh thank You Sergio This track was made after I was listening to Your and Your friends' Ambi project Ra.in. The song "Slow Down The World" was a great inspiration for me! I also want to thank GETAFIX for an english vocal sample he recorded especially for "Delicious Stars". Here is the newer version of the track - SatanicElectro "Delicious Stars" (.mp3 128 kbps)
  14. Ye Nitin. U could correct my tabla grooves. I was asking Ajay, but he don't know any classical musician in Delhi
  15. "Slapping the 303 with your bare hands causes people to run up and down the stairs? huh.gif" YES
  16. Oh no Nitin! I thought the modern chicks want to listen to crazy noises and not to the 'woosh' of our ejaculation But maybe You are older and wiser as me. We will see ...
  17. Nice but: - The effect sample(s) have to be louder and be not so often - The kick needs more lows (50-65 Hz) - The bassline could be louder. Maybe add some distortion to it - The filtered arp needs more panorama and loudness - These gaped/gated chords louder. But I like that song. I felt Goa in it, and that is important for me
  18. Ye. An Italian Djane sent some vocals to me today. Check them out Vox Samples
  19. BEER + PORN VID + HAND + Cyber's hottest = BIG BOOM
  20. No. I am sure i dont talk about ur desturbed avatar but its so homo like henning
  21. i know heninng u want to remake ur noize on renoI(I am Henning, and I am big)ze. but please. there are so many good hard core groups on Burning Hearts records and don't redistribute the scandinavian music scene, please.
  22. Sure make some fms with albino 3. im waiting for the version 4. if not i go to type the code for it by my myself
  23. Why not? The first contact You can recover on the link to her home page. The second one, too. But be careful. They all are my material for further experiments and I need them clean and without strange experiences in their minds.
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