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Everything posted by Gaffel

  1. In BUZZ you will find a MusicCalculator. First you must analize the frequencies of each note then calculate.
  2. Oh man. You had a bad day I noticed. His song is trance. It must loop. The groove and c64/amiga sounds are to fresh up our boring day. You know? On listening to this track I think "F*** you all. I will do on the way I want!" Maybe cronodevir made this so to invite us to collaborate with him? We will see!
  3. First beer then vodka! On next day the same!
  4. Oh, that all is right. Yesterday I was listen to my old tracks and I decided to rearrange some of these. The next step will be to look at synth and effect. I love you guys. Tank you. Someone could say this thread is missplaced here, but we all are artists and love like other emotions are the main part of our daily work. We can't make music and paint paintings without these all. If I would write in other topic the help wouldn't come from peaploe who are creating their existence for everyday.
  5. At 15.08.2006 the compo should be released? Cool. I think that's a little occasion to drink, guys.
  6. The best. It is a beautyfull song. I have the impression you want some negative critics. In this case I can't.
  7. Now I remember why I am making music. Thank You.
  8. HA! That's great. Soul will help. I cook a nice meal, drink with her. F*** a little bit and at morning I leave her. Thanx man
  9. Yes, it is a greate idea to make such covers, double. A nice trick to approach the client and to publish the music on a wider scale. Who say in the package have to be commercial or pop stuff. Placing djs and live sets on this compo is nice, but to do categories like "U are playing and U not" is not opportune. We are working hard on our tracks and mixes. So give the chance to ev'rybody. Yep Ah, postunder! I am white. Sorry brother.
  10. Yes, I will think about.
  11. I can't finish my track. This big problem can happen to all of us. I forgot how to use effects and notes. Maybe you can tell me something about this job, santo.
  12. I don't know. Ask her. This question would destroy this friendship. - "WHY DO YOU ASK?" you know. Women have a very strange mind. You say "I love You" and they ask "Really?" You say "I will cook today" and they say "You don't like it .... bla, bla"
  13. Why not? You thought the same of me.
  14. I can't. She will think i lie. She is a clever girl.
  15. I know, but she is so shy.
  16. No. I think no.
  17. Stalker, and i thougt You are an ... hole, but this is not what will help in this situation. It's to late to learn discipline. To forget is the right way, I think. You have some experiances in such troubles. Help me guy.
  18. What to do? Drinking?
  19. Yes. The contacts are very important for any artist on this compilation. So I suggest that you have to place all infos about our contacts if you want to help us, Cosmic Flower. We all have to eat and pay our bills. You know? You have many work with this compo, I know. I offer to help. If you need to make a contact page i will do it in .html. In the case the code must be written in .php you have to ask on this forum. I am sure you will find somebody. My contact page on the web is: http://www.purevolume.com/satanicelectro Maybe we will sposor the host server for the compo some day. Who knows?
  20. Hi EXT, some nice track. A good umpy bass, so straight and clean. Your spoken samples are from movies i see. 'Will listen to Your full versions.
  21. Yeah, I listened to "Stormdrum Loops" and "Stormdrum Kits". It is a nice collection of drums and percussion, but a little bit expansive, I think. An good alternativ to this are (what I use) WIZOO libraries. You can get custom drum samples like Sonor and Tama, Zyldjan and Sabian cymbals. Electronic drums are available as STYLE KITS, also. I don't know the prices of WIZOO collections , but You can test some demos. http://www.wizoosounds.com/cgi-bin/WebObje...fh4l/ http://www.wizoo.com/index_en.html I would listen then to Your work. Good luck.
  22. toza help, they speak to me! Yes, it is crazy. Tiny synth improvisation turns to a fat ass kickn' trance part. Like in real life. You are sleeping and dreaming sweet then You have to wake up and fight. Again and again. Nice song for Shiva' s collection.
  23. Hi crazyboris! Some links for You. I hope it is what You are searching of. http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/programs/OverDubber/ http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/programs/GlaceVerb/ P.S. Nice effect Philter. Home grown "effects" are the best!
  24. Hi, If You put some extra "kicks" in the pattern line, give a lower velocity and cutoff lavel to them. It's a old good trick to play "groovy". On HiHats You can do the same. All 16 notes are playing the Hat, but some with less dynamic. Loop one pattern and create a "groovy" groove for each insrument. That helps.
  25. extAzya, as a girl You do some cool powerfull tracks! Could You give me a link to Your last FullAlbum, please?
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