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Everything posted by Gaffel

  1. Clean - no filter, flanger, delay. The same sound you can get using this strange synth in Arturia STORM software reck
  2. Hi, I am stoned but ... If you would like to complete a fully functional studio for mixing your synths by FL, Logic, Ableton as DAW in front (or end) of your long chain ... how would you do that?
  3. I will check them out and post tomorrow.
  4. Nein, das waren 5 und 'ne Geige. Aber danke für die Unterstützung
  5. You can't daisy chain anything in the case there are no outputs (midi thru is an output, too). And it's not true. Most of midi outputs don't pass the data of host
  6. Why overkilled? I am a maniac Problem is that not all synths have a midi thru output. Most of modern synths offer midi in and out, often only midi out. I dind't say I want connect and play 16 synths at the same time or at this moment but who knows what the future will bring
  7. Well, I have a similar midi interface but ... I need to connect more than 4 synths to one / two sequencers. Right, I got it. My cable construction will not work for it. Need a rack version with 16 out ports I guess ... or enother small interface. Thank you for the response BTW, I miss these crazy times spent on this forum Facebook is shit and Goa will win!!!
  8. Hi Does anybody knows this construction would work for 4 synths on one MIDI output? construction -> http://speedy.sh/H3CHK/midi.jpg
  9. Oh, please mate. Posts are spam. Btw, I klnow your designs very well. PS is not a professional logo design. Would suggest to start working for a serious company ONE TIME IN YOUR LIFE and stopping trying to sell your raster gifs. Next time on posting to my topic, please insert a coin.
  10. Thats an advert or suggestion?
  11. Thank you for suggestion, Radi
  12. A spring song https://soundcloud.com/satanicelectro/satanicelectro-comfortable-man Boom
  13. We are looking for a beautiful psychedelic logo for a web site about Goa DJs. Any suggestions?
  14. Magic Forest : Dark Shadows 12.04.2013 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.558258797527648.1073741829.470244186329110&type=3 The party: https://www.facebook.com/events/106614882857976/
  15. Very usefull VST but have one problem on PC. Is there any better skin for Sylenth1 on PC? Numbers on the display of effects and arp settings are too dark.
  16. Hard core! Its from other planet. Is it good for live gigs? Yep. A very heavy rack version. I would say, the effects (if not build in) you have to set in a DAW project. By the way im stupid hot on this pic of KORG's new synths for grooves, basslines / acid lines and melodies -> http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2013/04/10/korg-volca-grooveboxes-first-look/ - HA?
  17. Which hardware / analog step sequencers are good for making Goa?
  18. TB 303 + a faster colder dostortion? But the song sounds like a "Skazi-POP" song
  19. Check out Cybernetika's and SatanicElectro's "Alternate Hell"
  20. Thanx a lot for this professional work Boom
  21. Thank you mates
  22. Nice to hear such kind words. Another song that you like anyway?
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