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Everything posted by Gaffel

  1. CRAP
  2. Only Ambient and DownTempo! Yes. We got too many tracks. We have to make 5 sites to host them, Ajay
  3. élo I would like to publish this song on the next compilation of COSMIC FLOWER - Cosmos :wank: SatanicElectro "Gravity" - speedshare.org
  4. Goran! Send the track again, please. And tell me if you doen it. ___________________________________________________ Good news! - We changed server coz of unstable services and some uncool limitations. - We also plan to 'renew' the label's site and add some cool features. - We want your cool suggestions and critics on the C-Flower's hp and the whole enterprise. Just go to the old address http://cosmic-flower.freehostia.com/ and click on the image. SE
  5. Sure Goran, we do and will still do but we got some troubles with the web servers. We have to change the location of CFlower. ... but send the track!
  6. to tłumaczy teraz wszystko. Zobaczymy jak ten "nowy Początek" wygląda, lecz inspiracje możesz ewentualnie w rodzinie znaleźć ... ... albo się raz na bibe wybrać i sobie dawne czasy przypomnieć
  7. Cool. I like your older tracks and I will chheck it, too
  8. I don't know what I lost here
  9. Yeah sure!!! Upload all the stuff you have! ...
  10. I ask Pzyko and he makes them for me
  11. These are my faves: +
  12. Oh shit! Do you mean to let a track of another artist without a bass drum? :wank: ... OK! I want the hi hats and snares! Is that a deal?
  13. Thats not right. I am talking about demo samples of the TB i did hear once. I cant say how to set the ABL to get such sounding effect. But ofcourse, the original TB 303 has no distortion on board ... ... buts a huge misstake. I would miss a builtin flanger and overdrive, Captain
  14. :clapping: Yaaaaaaaaa! Tripping is cool. I am using both for basslines and arps ... ... sometimes for tripping to the moon But to be honest the ABLmachine has not anough highs to get a 'real' 303 sound. You have to use some distortion on it. The Phoscyon uses some 'hardcore' disto processes, so be careful on tweaking
  15. YES! I GOT A NICE JOB! So - I made a short soundtrack for a web site of the firm I work. - Of this track I made a longer track for the site I public my music. - I uploaded the latest version of that track for You. - I go having a rest (4:18 AM). The track
  16. Hmmm ... Oh boy! Nice keyboard job, but make a cool track of it I miss a groovy bass, some pads/layers. You could take some parts of the improvisation for makin' melodies. That 'C64 snare' (sounds like J.M.Jarre's snare) could have more panorama.
  17. That's it Sexy music like Berry White's.
  18. sure i ll do! Happy mushroom *** Group: Members Posts: 296 Joined: 17-February 06 From: Poland, Warsaw Member No.: 5 229 Warn: (0%) ----- it's not a spam. The help crying was made by my own experiences on taking drugs and living after that. Schizofrenia is the common symtom on afterburnin'. I hope You re not ashamed on telling us ur problems and suggesting to the others. Any sickness is the way to go out of ur mind and coming back to Your heart. Rafael p.s. ... don'tl like fools. STOP SPAMING!
  19. sure i ll do! STOP SPAMING!
  20. it's not a spam. The help crying was made by my own experiences on taking drugs and living after that. Schizofrenia is the common symtom on afterburnin'. I hope You re not ashamed on telling us ur problems and suggesting to the others. Any sickness is the way to go out of ur mind and coming back to Your heart. Rafael
  21. If u could shut up, I would be glad. That's a help request u kid. go watchin' simpsons and come back as a fully experienced adult
  22. what is BAN? I am serious.
  23. very nice, but fuck You.
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