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Jon Cocco

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Everything posted by Jon Cocco

  1. We need more drunken tunes. The stuff people come up with when they're under the influence. Sometimes we'd never pull it off sober.. or care to! Btw the track is not good but it was worth the listen to confirm it. Keep making music! Come up with something great!
  2. Thank you everyone who participated and continues to participate in this thread. I became aware of some very cool 2007 albums thanks to some of you. +1 for Penta - Horn Please And I just posted a review on it.
  3. PENTA - HORN PLEASE 2007 AURAQUAKE RECORDS Track list 01. Perfect Sunday - B+ 02. Aerobica - B 03. Stag Party - B- 04. Foggy - B 05. Olympia - B- 06. Take Two - B- 07. Non-Profit - B 08. Why Not? - B 09. Here We Come - B+ I like Penta. I like his drive to improve upon his previous work and move forward, showing that he has more maturity and experience. Unlike Talamasca, a once great Psy-Trance artist who does not make good music anymore in my opinion, Penta changed his style and in a sense became stronger, stronger for dancing while not selling out to general mainstream crap-shoots. I'd like to quickly take the reader through Penta's previous album history right up to "Horn Please." Pentafiles: I read the artist was impressed with the reception this album has gotten. The reason why I enjoyed 2003's Pentafiles is because it involved songs with more of an identity and fantasy element. It was more traveling, occasionally thought provoking and story-driven. At times the melody work was emotive and the tracks were generally full of character. I could put on my headphones and be wisked away into the dark realms of space attaching emotions to these places by associations of the more emotional waves of melodies at times around the more chaotic, driving tracks. Naturally Pentafiles was less of a strong dance friendly album per say, but you could dance to a handful of tracks if you wanted to. Funraiser from 2005 was a departure from the more visual (traveling), sometimes epic and story-telling sound. It joined the more dance friendly realm of Full On but Penta modified his style. He kept his unique sound to a degree. This follow-up had some very good tracks along with some weak ones too. Honestly I never bought that album because the samples turned me off everytime I heard them too. To me it seemed less mentally traveling and emotive. It lacked having a twisted dark element that made Pentafiles so engaging at times and seemed more intended for dancing, not "exploring." Horn Please from 2007's follows up the more Full On(?) approach from Funraiser but this is a stronger, more satisfying style and sequel. The album to me is similar in concept to a fast paced action movie, [in the sense] there's many cool special effects, mixing, and pumped up parts but it lacks depth and heart. There's alot to stimulate the body and mind energy-wise but less intellectual or hidden elements in the music to my hearing. When the album ended I didn't feel any emotions or attachment other than it sounded cool in the moment. It's a fun dance album with consistent aggressive, (dark) driving sound and style throughout. The songs are generally good. The production is strong as expected. His sounds seem more crisp than ever. It's the mixing I also enjoy. This artist gets creative with virtually hundreds of metal, metallic, melodic, industrial, and other sounds. Combined with a strong bassline and kick, the melodies, atmosphere, and sound effects produce a constantly driving, dynamic style and rhythm. Also existent are some awesome stomping moments which work great on the dancefloor but are just fun to listen to. If you're looking for strong melody development and layers gradually deepening and piling up as the song progresses you'll be disappointed. I noticed when one melody is blazing against the beat and psy sounds, sometimes the artist adds more melodic elements. But it doesn't last long. It's soon replaced with new sounds. The song changes up and another melody or wave of combos, via effects and melodic elements are added. The care put into finding locating and altering so many sounds to catchy effect is strong. While some tracks like the first have more meat and potatoes to this selling point, the album has enough taste to satisfy me for the most part. More layers flowing within melodies at times would be great in the future. Gripes, weaknesses: - Tracks I find weaker than most if not all others here are Olympia and Take Two. - Next time it would be cool to have atleast one or two super songs. I mean stunning. Many songs here are good. And the album begins and ends strong. I think the first and last track are great. The amount of quality songs is actually better than the majority of Psy-Trance releases. No song to me here however stands out, is really superb. Listen to the song "Structural Failure" on the Robotic Tongue album by Dark Nebula for example. It's one of the greatest dark Psy-Trance songs I've ever heard. In short, masterpiece songs are not on this album. One or two really impressive-as-balls, powerful songs on top of all the great new ones in a future album would be amazing! - Several strong buildups and climaxes would be alot of fun, even if there's buildup and climactic elements throughout Horn Please. The overall style is more stylish and energetic. It involves but lacks setting the listener up for a monster peek (buildup, climax, explosion) in Penta's more intense style, or playing with the element of shock and surprise. Sure there are many unexpected sounds, change-ups, and moments here. I like that! And this style clearly has room to become more complex, wild, deep, dynamic, and engaging yet. Also more charcter development on certain tracks as Foggy has (Seems like Foggy is a horror character about to cause chaos!) would be cool. More layers of melodies, super leading melodies, and stronger melody development and structure (building) would be cool too in a future album. I think the latter is more challanging to pull off relative to the style which involves many change ups in sounds throughout the track which I also like. It's a 50/50 thing I suppose. Is it possible for Penta to build and develop some great layered streams of melodies together, driving the wider rocket (the thicker stream) forward throug the debree, the sounds and cool yet short lived melodies? I don't know. It would be interesting to see if the artist with this style could buy enough time in a song or two to really build that dark, atmospheric kingdom of eleborate, driving melodies along with the sound texture he has going on around it. He's good when it comes to melodies! In conclusion, fans who were more into the darker, more Full On approach of Funraiser should generally like this. I'd say the tone is generally dark because characteristics like "intensity" and "aggression" is often not associated with light and positive sound, i.e: the morning. Is a lightning storm dark? To me it's cool, sometimes intense looking, and best to catch at nighttime. That's how I'd describe Penta's general style. It isn't THAT dark but I understand why some people call it dark psytrance. As someone said above, there's many crisp, crunchy sounds and melodic elements, some melodies. The storming, driving sound keeps the green light lit throughout, the ignition held down. Sounds like wind echoed and a door slamming are present, mixed in over the kickdrum to give it a more sylish, hynotic depth to the beat and rhythm. I like the mixing, the sounds, and the chopping and mis-matching of words from voice samples to create quick melody sentences. This is a good album for driving to at nighttime, working out, and especially dancing. Horn Please tops the majority of todays repetitive, noisy Dark Psy. Ghreg on Earth is another quality post 21st century dark psytrance artist I also currently like. Ghregs more dark and sinister. Penta's more playful and driving if I were to compare. Both know how to create strong melodies and are generally good for dancing. By the way, I've lost count of the many cool parts on Horn Please. I like losing count because that means there's many cool things going on. For example, the thudding BOOM part from 1:35 - 2:35 (repeats again in the end) in Track 7, "Non-Profit" kicks ass. He created many cool parts and a wide variety of catchy sound to mix in over and around the kick and basslines, more so than in previous albums it seems. There are no bad songs on this album. None I find superb either but none are average either IMO. Many of the songs here are in the good range. Overall this is the most solid, fun, and well produced dark Psy-Trance album I've heard in 2007 to date. It's a fun ride even if it won't stay with you long after it ends. So start it back up! It's fast-paced, atmospheric at times, and generally races by in a stylish, high production blur. Best tracks: Perfect Sunday, Foggy, Non-Profit, Why Not?, Here We Come. B Samples: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=6443 http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/aqr/aqr1cd004.html[/size]
  4. Psychedelica Melodica sounds like Cosmosis's most Full On album to date. Which we were expecting and isn't a bad thing per say... but I was hoping for some...superb songs maybe?, Some great dancefloor stompers? Give me several awesome leading, driving melodies and tunes man. Sure there are some nice melodies...but where are those infectious, super catchy waves? And I'm not talking about Goa masterpieces here, although that would be amazing. I'm talking about melody structure, intricate mixing and driving, layered rhythm that makes you go Wow...just wow!" I suppose this won't be bad relative to general Full On out there. Samples: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/ptm/ptm1cd163.html
  5. I think it's awesome how at a time like 2004 when Goa seemed completely void of releases, this album, Sky Input rose up and released! Another post 21st Goa album I loved was Chi-A.D.'s Earth Crossing album. V/A - Apsara and Khetzal - Corolle would follow close behind, for me atleast. I love how Operation Pulse begins and ends... those sounds. Powerful. No other song on the album grabs my attention with its opening and closing melodies the way Operation Pulse does. There is somethng magical and exciting about it to me. It's like a rocket getting ready to take off to the stars. Or a celestial war about to begin. Or... the story in my mind changes at times when listening to it. Sky Input is better enjoyed as several individual tracks at a time unless you have the energy or are in the mood. I realize many people have heard this album. It's lost luster and allure but those are just perceptions identified through the ego. The more aware is the formless. It's true, many of us went through an infactuation stage when this released. This happens with virtually every album, movie, place, thing, and especially date that impresses us in some way. Regardless, I remember how amazing this album was when I first heard it. It still impresses me, the sounds/style. But there's more to it, a vision beyond the screaming sounds and rhythms and connecting to that depending on how deep the connection lies is where I find myself most arrested by this debut. I do believe that this has potential being a classic in Goa-Trance one day. This is the most intense and climactic album I have heard in my life. I don't ask for the artist to top this with more intensity or climaxes than this album as a whole, because this album capitalized on it. It's awesome and complete. Most artists would make a mess if they mixed half the sounds used on this album. The artist did a wonderful job piling catchy layers upon one another like streams within streams of sounds within bigger Boss currents. And there was something more elegant, organic, and flowing about Pleiadians I.F.O., but for so many of us to even compare this to such a masterpiece and have wonderful things to say about this is quite a feat. Initially I didn't understand this but now I do. One repeating melody at times will have many layers all forming the same note mixed in. I generally like the "thick" effect. However the specific melody structure and transitions could be stronger, the melody structures more developed. We as listeners are and/or were so enamored by the sheer intensity of it all that it was difficult to see the weaker techncial elements in a sense. These being the less strong points in comparison to I.F.O. It takes time to develop a character. I felt Heliopolis was more experienced in the technical department. It was generally better with developing melody structures and transitions. And even then there's room for improvement and further developing melody structure, soundscapaes, transitions, twists and turns, (introducing stronger atmosphere, emotion) and complexity. I think making one or two tracks on this third Filteria album more emotive would be a great idea too. Example: A cross between K.O.B. and Filteria without being cheesy, lighthearted, or too climactic. Rather a powerful, beautiful, tragic and/or motivating number. Naturally it would be danceable too. Just an idea I'm putting out there.
  6. Yes. I need my samples...so I can review them. I'm j/k! The thing looks much stronger than the first overall.
  7. Wow, this is basically a free GOA album by Afgin! :clapping: I am reviving this thread. BOOM!
  8. AFGIN - DIMENSIONAL 2007 Twist Dreams compilation I reviewed this track in the Twist Dreams review thread. I wanted to elabote and give further insight here. This song starts good. Part of me feels it begins beautiful. At around 2:07 I think it's great, building up these euphoric notes and rhythms. It's very catchy. It's at 3:39 that something happens. I'm still intrigued but I wonder what will follow after the transition. Sure this part/concept sounds generally similar to some transition in a mainstream clubtrance song before a huge climax.... by in Afgins sound. The transition ends and the beat kicks in again at around 4:42. It's at 5:00 and especially 5:15 where it starts to lose me. And 5:31 confirms this. Regardless of what the artist is or was attempting here, the track becomes or sounds like an extension of its transition. When it picks up again at 4:42 the second half should be stronger than the first. We're developing and moving forward. But the song gets bogged down in it's puddles of sound. It lacks a fresh spark to generate a second wave as the first three minutes so lavishly built up to and upon. The beat returns after this second transtion at around 5:46 but the song isn't so strong. It's lost much of it's allure because nothing seems to be collecting more shiney than intially. The part from 6:37 to sounds nice but by the seventh minute I know there isn't anything more interesting that will take place here. The song got so caught up in where to go around the 5:00 to 5:15 that it never returned to such fresh heights since. The sound from 6:37 continues to 8:46 without anything really rich or great build into it and ends. I hope this gives the artist some insight. I've been listening to Goa for at least 10 years. There are elements and sounds that are wonderful with Afgins work, moments and parts in the songs that really engage in a new way as the great old-school songs once did. I'd love to see this expressed and accomplished to great degree from start, middle, and finish...where the song continuously gets stronger and more engaging as it moves along. Due to the first half of this song I enjoyed it more than the fairly good and floating closing song on 2006's underrated Pyramidal Trancendence compilation. B- / B
  9. They take forever to post the 4:00 samples on saikosounds. Part of me is interested in this comp even though I have two of the tracks, the Chi-A.D. ones.
  10. I never heard of Sound Field until now. Several genre styles seem present here. One is a more chilled progressive, trance influenced Down/Mid-Tempo. The second is darker, generally progressive trance. The third is straight up dub. With exception to tha last track, it's the darker style I favor on tracks like 1 + 3. They're groovy. I like stuff like that, especially track 3...wish there was more of it here. I really like the sound of tracks Psychedelic Revival and Midi Tales. The latter has an early moment like the evil seven dwarfs with twisted voice samples. It's great. The track is comprised of cool sound fx, interesting melodic moments, melodies, and more. I like the buildup. It keeps the song interesting as it moves foward. A strong echoed boom sound like an altered huge woodan door shutting makes for a strong complimentary beat sound. The change up is good. I really like this track and wish there were more like this. I'm not in love with the ones that follow but track 8 and 9 sound good.
  11. Hunab-Ku - Magik Universe I've wanted to hear this album ever since people began talking about it on here as "so desired." I hadn't know about it before, stuff like Dimension 5 debut and Etnica's Juggling Alchemist was mentioned a many number of times. But Hanab-Ku? I thought I checked saikosounds before. Maybe I spelt it wrong because the samples are there. Based ont he samples I initially couldn't find what was so special about it. The current samples via saikosounds are in terrible, low quality. Even then I can tell that the last song is beautiful. The album is really old-school good. And now I want a copy too. Samples! http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=1002
  12. Kai-Q is this your album you're ebaying? So this is the re-release than...(?) What gives away that it isn't an original copy? This isn't the same re-release that Suntrip will be releasing in 2007, right? That would be remastered and re-released.
  13. Goasia, You made several great songs on the Pure Planet Vol 2 comp. Please make a powerful, gorgeous dubut album with no weak, average, or even pretty good tracks. It would be awesome if this thing was a masterpiece. Anything is possible because it hasn't been finished and released yet. Please take your time and make something that will blow us away. If you could that would be great. Thanks. And if you could get Unicorn Records or who ever to make the price on sale or $9.95 for Purple Energy 2 it will be more desireable to buy; I would definitely order a copy and it's possible others will too who have avoided it for reasons I won't go into here. Just a suggestion. Make an awesome album please and thank you for all the great music.
  14. Yes. Also, they SHOULD make this $9.95 via Saikosounds, Psyshop, etc. Many people seem 50/50 over it because a strong style is put next to a weak one. Almost $20 when you include shipping and tax is alot to ask for around three great tracks by Goasia. Naturally I realize everyone has different tastes but Goasia had a good impression and reputation before. Who ever Omegahertz is wasn't really known and I don't see his reputation getting more positive with this, no offense to the guy. It's just not my style trance. Several artists Suntrip has worked with for example could have turned this thing into an amazing production. Suntrip Records is doing well I presume because they know their audiance. They know quality Goa and what most of us really like. Was it too expensive to hire another kickass to compete with Goasia? I don't know. Regardless, quality over quantity. Music is a reflection of self! That is all.
  15. Hearing the song in its entirety makes such a difference than a short sample blip. The Pandemonium! album is very different from the general Goa-Trance I'm used to. This style seems to be the artist breaking out and doing something totally different. It's a style unlike any I've ever heard. The energy is good. The melodies are catchy. The voice samples are fun. It isn't as mind traveling, pretty, and lush sounding as the Lost Buddha work. It's more driven to being what I consider quality Full On Goa-Trance. The melodies and other supporting sounds are fast, chopped up. I find little thought provoking about it but it sure is fun to listen to. This is like a new spin-off style from Goa-Trance. Some Goa lovers may not like how that sounds but we need to ideas and and risks taken in order to move forward. EP Mad Scientists Night - I really like how this thing starts. The melodies. They're strong, catchy. Also cool is the voice sample. It's humorous sounding in a tongue-in-cheek Austin Powers-esque sense. This adds appeal and makes the song more fun and playful but less provocative in tone and feel too. That's fine because the artist seems clear of his direction. This isn't meant to be dark or serious. It's care-free and fun. This artst makes strong melodies. Alibaba and the 40 Acid Puzzle - The first leading melody is good and how it plays with the sustained notes. There are some good ethnic influences in the melody department but not as much mixing, playing around as in Mad Scientists Night I feel. It's pretty good but Mad Scientists Night is a stronger track overall. Actually I like that idea. It could be really badass...don't know if that's something this artist will pursue if the album is free to download tho.
  16. Pure Planet Vol. 2, the follow up to 2004's Goa-Trance "Pure Planet" comp just released. 1. Afgin - Communicate 2. Afgin - Cosmic Meditate 3. Afgin - Old Is Gold 4. Chi A.D - Black Light 5. Chi A.D - Blue Effect 6. Filteria - Ultimator (Ultimated Remix) 7. Filteria - Operation Pulse (Live Remix) 8. Omegahertz - Atea I own the first one. It's good. The Chi-A.D. tracks here are from the unreleased Earth Crossing album. Black Light is an awesome Goa song and Blue Effect is not as strong but it's still pretty good. I would have loved to see at least one new Goa track by Chi-A.D. I'm glad he atleast got two of his tracks released from Earth Crossing. The Filteria remix's sound good. Operation Pulse (Live rmx) sounds insane. Omegahertz who does the last track here ruined my impression from buying the Purple Energy Vol 2 comp filled with kickass Goasia tracks back in 2006. I don't care for his style. To me it sounds secondary and dull compared to new-school artists like Khetzal, Goasia, Filteria, etc. The first Pure Planet generated some positive feedback amoung the Goa fans back 2004. Samples: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/kag/kag1cd924.html http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=6572
  17. So when is your Goa-Trance debut album coming out? I've been listening to your music since the Pure Planet comp in 2004. I won't go into what was wrong on the Purple Energy Vol. 2 comp since I'm sure you read reviews. You guys are good enough to stand on your own, period. The track above I found decent. The melodies are more engaging in the second half. Thanks for sharing.
  18. I know. That's where I bought it several months ago before posting a review here in the site. I think I even mentioned it in my review, to buy it on amazon. It's such a good album and it's insantely cheap! Under 5 bucks in good condition!!!! Good post btw.
  19. I like the beginning. It's like walking down a dark street in an alley way, about to get hurt. The sounds are sharp and clear, skipping and crunchy. They stand out. They're psychedelic. The echoed screams in the background play like little supporting melodies along with touches of ambience. It's good. What's missing is a great second and third act development, in my opinion. The track seems to have stopped really developing past the one-third mark. It needs more change up. The transition is important. The track does change up some after the transition. More action, stronger rhythm, substance, and energy could take place as it progresses. I like the booming noise in the second half. How about a menacing, catchy dark, driving melody in the last act or third? How about making the last third more interesting, engaging, and deveoped...more sounds, melodies, and chaotic too? I like the foundation of the song. I simply feel the second half is more a modification of a rather solid foundation if it stays the way it does as opposed to a great second and third part. The song definitely has an interesting, unique gritty feel and approach to it. I think it's too dependent on that crunchy sound by staying this way throughout. It lacks a strong, powerful hook past the transition. This song has some room to get great and really drive into the demon world created. An awesome, powerful leading melody is something I imagined, tearing shit up. As examples to reference I thought of ideas used on Xenomorph's track 3, 4, 5 in the Qlippoth album for instance...or Sandman's Witchcraft, or Menis's Temporary Insanity. But being original, in your vision of course. This is just my idea. I can see the song being taken to the next level. and I'd be interested in hearing any further variations. My intent is to give you insight so you can improve and be as great as you truly aspire being.
  20. Dude. lol. It's true! Good job. Very creative! They should put this on the radio. The average person would probably "not get it."
  21. RASTALIENS - FREESTYLE 2002 Track list 01. 07'52" Bodyspeaker - B 02. 09'02" Weird Condios - B- 03. 07'39" Grumble - C 04. 08'08" Fitz Fatz - C 05. 07'05" Mission Not Possible - C 06. 08'28" Twister - C 07. 08'29" Fat Flip - C 08. 08'15" Mr Sandman - C+ I bought this album in 2005 because of the first track, Bodyspeaker. It's such a strong musical psytrance piece. There aren't many layers but that main, sustained tune is so catchy and moody. It's infectious to my ears. It's like everytime I hear this track I go into a different, more relaxed, sublime state and feel because of it. I also enjoy the second track, Weird Condios because of the sounds, melodies used. It is generally more musical and catchy like the first track, but it's leading tune and overall melodies is far less strong and moody. The rest of the album unfortunately is no where up to the opening track. The rest of "Freestyle" is so uninspired, derivative, uninteresting, and mediocre. I know some people find Fitz Fatz a stand out track but that doesn't mean it's great or even good by any means. Fat Flip is another track that sounds out because some different noticeable sounds are employed. Nonetheless I won't give this credit because it sounds different because it is supposed to sound different! The track is uneventful and dull. Most here lack energy. They have this flat, lacking feel to them. It's like the same sounds have been recycled through most of the tracks. There is little to differentiate the general song here and maybe that's because they're so forgettable. The melody in the opening song is what makes it truly stand out. It's a great hook and that really captures my taste. The last song has a more melodic sound but it's nothing worth jumping over. Actually it gets kind of boring as things progress because it's one digital melody sound playing different notes on and off throughout. The change up is supposed to exist. It's necessary! Things that are supposed to happen stand out in this album because so much of it is generic minutes passing by. This is why I cannot recommend it. For example, the Mission Not Possible track has a melody going for it that no other track has. Can you guess what that is? The melody from the Mission Impossible theme song! Around that however they've decided to be as uninteresting and as linear, predictable as possible. Basically they put a hard kickdrum to it and little more. Oh yeah, and they run the theme melody through synths or whatever and skip it. Wow. And that's the high point. I don't know who loved the theme song so much that it was worth doing a psytrance cover on it but okay. They did and it's about as memorable as, well...I had to hear the track again to write this. I do however like the opening track and wish these artists would make or have made more strong and musical, character-filled numbers like those. It's too bad because the album starts off interesting and gradually seems to lose more and more meat and potatoes as it progresses. This is a weak album because it lacks good songs. C+
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