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Jon Cocco

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Everything posted by Jon Cocco

  1. Sounds good. On saikosounds it's a double album however. There's many more tracks than the tracklist above. Why is this? http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5354
  2. GBP 400.00 (Approximately AU $1,014.91) HOLY SHIT. Well at least he has positive ratings. True. When a quality, rare album (as Dimension 5 is to me) is available I'm willing to spend a little more on it. But actually hearing the songs finally in solid quality is very comfortable. The allure of that cool looking rare album case wears off because you've experienced the prize inside it. There's often little to hardly a thought put into these inside flips anyway but, save for "special thanks" I suppose which is their thing, not for me. I generally like when artists add ideas behind the track or themselves in their inside album booklets. For some reason goa/psy albums would seem to have lots of insightful tidbits but the least is written. Anyway, I'm on a tangent. Having said I'd be content with the music is not to say that if a great album became available at a later time for a good price I wouldn't consider buying it. The music is worth owning even if the artists unfortunately doesn't get compensation for used cds on amazon, ebay, etc. Sometimes it's just nice to own that gem that many people desire. Has anyone even heard DIMENSION 5 - TRANSDIMENSIONAL?? How is it, honestly? I own SECOND FAZE by them, the follow-up I believe and it's good with several great tracks. It's nothing spectacular but that juicy melodic goatrance vibe and sound has become more attractive to me over the years because it stopped being produced before Suntrip. And regardless, no one can recreate old-skool 100% even if it maintains the spirit.
  3. This is good. I agree. Seperate the two clearly makes sense to me. Jannis, thanks btw for making Chaotic-Om and Screaming Butterfly (Filteria Remix) available. I've been going back listening to them lately. I like the Pirates of the Carribean sample in Chaotic-Om. It feels a bit long towards the secnd half but I like the strong build and the different melody towards the end. B- My favorite track from the two is Screaming Butterfly (Filteria Remix. I really like the beginning vibrating, (shaky) hypnotic sound alteration. It's trippy. And everything that follows gradually gets more catchy as the remixed song continues. B or B+ And those key changes on Rotate to Virbrate for intance complimented it most definitely. Alot of people seem to notice and love stuff like that while reading through the Heliopolis review thread. I'm sure you saw my review (and posts) too. If you have any other cool songs or remixes from previous years back I'd always be interested hearing them whenever if possible. I'm looking forward to the KOB and Filteria album. Now I gotta get Twist Dreams sometime.
  4. I agree. That would have been nice.
  5. Is the most wanted cd the cd because you want the tracks themselves or you want the actual album for your collection? The albums I want because I WANT them for my collection are. DIMENSION 5 - TRANSDIMENSIONAL BLUE PLANET CORPORATION - BLUE PLANET ETNICA - JUGGLELING ALCHEMIST HUX FLUX - CRYPTIC CRUNCH SEMSIS - LETTING GO
  6. Lani - The Reincarnation of Jhonny Looloo 2006 Short Review 1. The Reincarnation - A New Frontier ... B 2. Silverbox ... B- 3. Ultraworld ... B- 4. Lost In Venice ... B ... Has the most Lani melodies, feel, and sound since his debut. 5. The Seventh Sister ... C+ 6. Lana's dream ... B- 7. Different Colour (Lani rmx) ... B / B+ 8. The Waspdance ... B- 9. Destination ... B- I previously thought more people reviewed LANI's 2nd album. This follow-up to Lani's first colorful, super melodic 2004 album has changed in style to Full On. At first I was disappointed when hearing the samples back in 2006. But oh *Blah* with all the Full On shit now days I actually don't mind something more pleasent sounding. Lani continues what he's good at. Melodies! Yes, there are some good melodies on this album. It isn't two-thirds as melody focused as the debut but the dance songs are melody driven. My problem? Some tracks didn't/don't do anything for me. They're very plain and uneventful, they lack feeling and depth. They're just not all that dynamic and imaginative. Other tracks seem to make stronger contact with this artists ability to create more emotional melodies, feeling, (track 7 for starters) and mood. The melodies are generally warm and comfortable throughout his songs. In conclusion, I was reluctant to getting this initially because of the Full On style. I enjoyed Lani's debut and eventually the samples won me over. I'm generally drawn to good melodies and while I don't consider every song here good, there are several good songs and melodies. This album is simply more danceable, more mainstream than his previous album. It isn't great IMO but for Full On (club trance) it's a pretty good and definitely a positive sounding, melodic dance album. No more. No less. If you like Lani or enjoy above average Full On with melodies, check this out (listen to samples) and decide for yourself. HIGHLIGHTS: 1, 4, 7. B- or 8/10. More tracks with feeling, cool but minimal voice work like track 7, Different Colour (Lani rmx) please!
  7. I ordered it too. Hopefully a review thread will appear sometime soon. Update: New 2007 thread opened. I wrote the first review.
  8. Problem resolved. These 2 posts of mine can be deleted...
  9. ASTRAL PROJECTION - AMEN 2002 Updated in 2013 !!!!!!!! Track listing: 01. AMEN 02. CHAOS 03. INFINITE JUSTICE 04. THE NEXUS 05. STICKS AND STONES 06. TECHNO DROME 07. 1.000.000 YEARS FROM TODAY 08. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE 09. HEAVENS GATE 10. ELECTRIC BLUE The first goatrance song I ever heard was KABALAH. Never before had I heard electronic music so complex, dynamic, layered, engaging, catchy and deep. I was in awe. Astral Projection started my awareness of other great artists including Miranda, Man with No Name, Transwave, Hallucinogen, and more. I then bought their albums: TRUST IN TRANCE, ASTRAL FILES (Remixes), DANCING GALAXY, and ANOTHER WORLD. By 1999 I had heard virtually everything AP had publically released to my knowledge. As the years past (2000-2002) psytrance went through some changes. The record labels known for once distributing Goatrance released fewer Goa albums. Many labels went bankrupt. Psy/Goatrance seemed no longer distributed. Exploiting psytrance and bringing it closer to clubtrance (as if one wasn't danceable for clubs before) was the new approach. Pretty soon we barely had some of the finest ingredients that made psytrance as psychedelic and creative as before. Minimal Psy arrived. Years passed. During this time Astral (AP) released a mixed double album titled, "In the Mix." It had some decent club trance songs and remixes. I was unsure if this was the direction they would stick with and hoped for a follow-up to their goatrance music with all new tracks. Suddenly, in 2002, after 2-3 years minimal psytrance and more or less generic full on, AP appeared like a beacon of light. Amen, the title literally. I was excited! The cover for the album wasn't beautiful like their Another World one. I ignored that observation and ordered Amen immediately. Initially I was disappointed when hearing this back in 2002. Sure it had layers of melodies, highly danceable songs, and it sounded like AP to some degree. The music seemed less engaging, visual, and dreamlike in it's drowning sounds and melody formation though. The overall feel wasn't as memorable and arresting, only on few tracks (3, 4, 10). The melodies seemed less complex, almost too detatched from the swirling sounds that create a hynotic vibration of sorts which trances the listener in certain Goatrance albums. The actual music, the feeling within the songs wasn't special anymore. It wasn't magical sounding anymore. Several years passed and I didn't touch the album. The next time I heard Amen was in 2004 and again in 2007. Amen is generally a combination of Full On club-trance (tracks 1, 2) and goatrance (4, 5, 7, 10). Sometimes they do a great job fusing both together (Track 3) while having a goatrance edge. For the first time in a long time they even tried something new (Track 6) with a dark song. They also have a throwback song that feels like a remake of better days (Track 8) and a softer one (Track 9), though it's not ambient goa. Lastly they end the album with (Track 10) goatrance. TRACK REVIEW - I like and don't like: 1. Amen is repetitive and lackluster. Some streaming melodies that arrive at 2:02 disappear soon after leaving the song vulnerable before they return. The melodies sound formulaic as if pre-set to patterns, loops. The artists of AP are too creative for songs like these! C 2. Chaos is more catchy than the opening. There are some nice ambient notes and a melody here and there. This is the second club trance song on the album. It's decent, but risk-free and tame. For goatrance it falls short. B- 3. Infinite Justice sounds like an old AP track with added psy sounds around the beat. The melodies are nice. I feel like the song's going through the motions though. It's arguably lazy and unambitious coming from the guys who created such wonderful songs as Kabalah, Searching For UFO's, etc. B- 4. The Nexus is the first really unique, distinct in style and appeal, innovative numbers here to really grab my attention. I feel like I'm listening to something new from these guys. The synth work is catchy and methodical, enhanced by delectable, digital (machinery-esque) sounds. The song is aggressive and futuristic sounding. I like it. My only complaint is the last minute; it lacks creativity and seems to loop layers from the first two thirds without adding anything to compliment them. B+ 5. Sticks and Stones has a good, short introduction. The song is more energetic and aggressive than the others. Sound/mixing work is solid throughout, and the melodies are rich and tasty. Great track! A- 6. Techno Drome is driving, almost gritty, industrial (not the genre), futuristic in a sense, and catchy! It's interesting to hear AP do a dark psytrance song. This track has character and sounds less complex and psychedelic after hearing the layers of twisting melodies in tracks 3-5. But those crunchy sounds are great! It's different and solid throughout! Well done! B+ 7. 1.000.000 Years From Today is energetic. It has many good sounds, rhythm. Where are the delicious melodies though? Overall this is a solid umber lacking emotion. B 8. Anything Is Possible sounds older than new. I'm glad it's here though. The song's energy and message is wonderful, aware, and ever more meaningful today. Well done! B+ 9. Heaven's Gate doesn't develop much as it progresses. That said, it has some pretty good, uplifting sounds and melodies. AP can do better. B 10. Electric Blue is an example of classic AP. It sounds as if around a dozen songs of melodies are playing and yet they all compliment the other and form one strong brand of thin layers until a stronger, more dreamy melody mixes in over them all. It's very positive and classic AP style sounding. B AMEN is AP modernized. Production is sharper. The album sounds less organic than earlier ones. As I further explored the album I noticed that songs (1, 2, 6, 9) are not that layered, world capturing (in it's ability to trance the listener) or as deep as of earlier albums. Synth work comes and goes, occasionally developing enough to evolve the song. The melodies are catchy, often layered as we've come to enjoy. Certain songs are clearly intended to sound more mainstream or Full On (club trance) friendly (1, 2) while others seem made to both dance to and/or capture the mind (4, 5). There's less climaxes, rollor coaster mements and parts. AP didn't want to abandon their fans so they made some big trance gems. They also want to appeal to the more general, mainstream club scene obviously. But this is still more or less GOATRANCE. I'm HAPPY ABOUT THAT. IN CONCLUSION, Amen has greatness on in some of the later tracks. There are several songs which ooz of nostalgia from the magical days of 1996-1999, albeit modernized. A new change is Techno drome, the darkest song I've heard by them yet. It's pretty good, nothing superb. While I favor AMEN the least of their four main albums from 1996 to 2002 (not including, "In the Mix"), I do enjoy this release though it starts repetitive! There are several great numbers! This wasn't my dream comeback album. I actually find it less magical and special sounding than earlier albums. I believe much of that's because you cannot recreate memories of the past. However without certain memories of AP's past, they'd likely create an album far less special or full of their spirit, style, and sound as they have here. AP would be empty or having to constantly reinvent their sound and style (Techno Drome) or sell out to having a more generic, basic sound as many people felt they did on 2000's double "IN THE MIX" clubtrance and remix album. Thankfully they haven't sold out here. You may NOT like it though. The tunes aren't as infectious; the harmonies not as emotive. That said, these artists still have it in them. They innovate and sometimes it works VERY WELL. This is the last SOLID album (to date) by some of the masters of Psychedelic Goa-Trance. Highlights: 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 B
  10. Nice. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/sut/sut1cd006.html http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=6326 Jesus H Christ someones selling it for 10 pounds whoch equals $20.00 on amazon.co.uk without shipping. I assume that's your distributer. Talk about pricey. www.amazon.co.uk/Twist-Dreams-Various/dp/B000MEX22M/sr=1-1/qid=1169453233/ref=sr_1_1/202-4587619-2775821?ie=UTF8&s=music
  11. It isn't our fault you don't get it. You're probably one of those people who thinks this is real life too. Wait. That made no sense. P I just saw my so-called "Universal Review" on the earlier page. I keep getting reminded how unaware I was when reading some of my earlier stuff. SP should make a third Hallucinogen album, groundbreaking like the first two.
  12. X-Dream - Trip To Trancesylvania 1997 Track listing: 01. 09'31" Trancesylvania X Press ... B 02. 11'24" This ... B+ 03. 08'15" The 5th Dimension (Live In Paris) ... A- 04. 04'53" Time Begins Tomorrow (Orbit Fly) ... B+ 05. 10'22" Children Of The Last Generation ... A- 06. 05'03" Automatic X ... B 07. 06'36" Live Fast Die Young ... B 08. 07'40" COTLG (Rmx) ... B+ I put this album in my player and I don't remember it being so good. Sure certain tracks drag a bit with repetition while others have areas that moving, not repetitive, and a handful of parts are very touching and beautiful. Track 3 has these parts that are wonderful, so positive and enjoyable sounding. I think these parts sound beautiful. Also, just after 3:00 into track 2 is another example. I hadn't heard this album in around 7 years until this date. My initial impression carried over into the words still on page 1 of this thread. This proves once again in life that there is often more to things than meets the eye. X-Dream creates both great light and dark music. This debut seems to be filled with the most light. It compliments the others and I can't decide which one is their best album anymore. Trip To Trancesylvania is a classic album and there's nothing wrong with it sounding a bit dated over time. In many ways music this good is ageless. I don't want to hear bitching that it isn't psychedelic enough. Go listen to something more psychedelic if thats what you feel like hearing. For 1997 and for X-Dream to create their own sound and style this good should be praised and appreciated. It's different, filled with light and upbeat melodies that at times remind me of another wonderful and more dynamic classic, Doof - Let's Turn On. Sure not every song is a classic song in my opinion even if some people consider them all classics because they're from a once loved group in Goa-Trance. But what year was these songs and this album really releaed? 1997 this thread says? No way! What year was this officially released? Something isn't right here. HIGHLIGHTS: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8. 8.9/10 = B+
  13. Think about this for a second. What albums or tracks most put you IN THE ZONE?? ... CAPTURED and IMMERSED YOU in their worlds?? There are cetain songs and albums that have captured my mind, suspended my conscious body and sent me into another state of reality or consciousness during a moment in time. Some people have referred to this as entering another dimension. ALBUMS and SONGS THAT MOST TRANCE-INDUCING FOR ME: ASTRAL PROJECTION - Trust In Trance - Dancing Galaxy (albums) PLEIADIANS - IFO HALLUCINOGEN - THE LONE DERANGER ... (There's amazing parts but it's not great for this straight through, not to me) MFG - PROJECT GENESIS CHI - A.D. - ANNO DOMINI ... (several songs like Anno Domini self-titled, one day it just happened) CHI - A.D. - INFINITISM ... (several songs) PHUTUREPRIMITIVE - SUB CONSCIOUS ... (Tracks like Drifting and Submerge) ... These tracks made me definitely go into a deeper mind-altering and more visual state. THE OVERLORDS - GODS EYE ON GOA ... (song on Eternal Trance comp by Phonokol Records) And several more I'm sure. For those who have not experienced such deep trances before: I recommend staying away from ALL DISTRACTIONS including the CPU and CELL PHONE... CLOSING YOUR EYES, USING GREAT (Noise-Cancelling helps) HEADPHONES, and just RELAXING. Don't think. Let go. And let the music take over you. Connect with the music. You don't need Goatrance (specifically) to do this but I find certain goatrance albums work great for this. You can get some amazing visuals, mind trips, ideas, thoughts, and clarity from this if it works.
  14. haha.
  15. Definitely. The better the quality the better the song! I am looking forward to this.
  16. Stop looking at it for psytrance! It's not psytrance anymore. People are unintentionally thinking of psytrance when hearing their popish stuff because of the psy influence and (generally to old IM fans and on here) hating or disliking it. I watched the "Becoming Insane" video and when it comes to quality pop music, this is shallow, mindless, forgettable trash IMHO. They're aiming at being pop stars by using their talents in psy and it is what it is. I'm open minded to hear the other songs on the 2007 album before judging it for what it is, not for psytrance. Yes they're heading in a direction I find infinitely less deep, complex, imaginative, and enjoyable, but the mainstream is huge and if you can appeal to the mainstream most artists don't care if they lose the non-mainstream fans. IM is generally less or not psytrance anymore. Take that into consideration before saying it sucks even if it's NOT a good electronica/pop song. They're trying to make a catch phrase for mainstream audiances to remember, not for fans of their earlier work. And I THOUGHT the next album was going to be more like the OTHER SIDE on Converting Vegetarians. What happened?? Was that a rumor or some other album?? If they were at all aware of the mainstream pop and electronica scene, you'd think they'd at least get a good singer!! Two actual songs worked well with voices and singing. 1. Converting Vegetarians (Self titled song) 2. Muse Breaks
  17. Younger Brother - A Flock Of Bleeps 2003 FULL REVIEW 01. Weird On A Monday Night ... B 02. The Receptive ... B 03. Evil And Harm ... B+ .................. Richly DARK and moody. Powerful in its voice and music, delivery and rhythm. 04. Crumblenaut ... B+ 05. Scanner ... B+ ........................... From 2.50 forward, great, continuously rewarding, and very enjoyable. 06. Even Dwarves Start Small ... B+ 07. Magic Monkey Juice ... B+ .......... I love the first 2.40 minutes of this song, those goa-esque melodies, how they develop! 08. The Finger ... B ......................... The last good or great song on the album. I most like the melodies in the second half. 09. Safety Zone ... B- ..................... The best is clearly behind us. 10. Bedtime Story ... B- .................. A peaceful, short, and forgettable closing. I was listening to this earlier for the first time since 2004/05. Upon going to review it I saw Younger Brother was at the very top of the 2003 review section. How convenient! I don't know what happened to this album over the years... but I forgot how good it was. Really, before I thought it was fairly good as a whole with several pretty good songs, those being tracks 1, 3, 4, and 8. I like it more now than ever before. The first 4 songs go together so well. The first two bounce with fun energy and groove. They build up to Evil And Harm which is so deeply dark and evil sounding. I really like that song. It's just badass!! From there the speed and rhythm seems to quicken. I like this album more than the first Prometheus album. There's generally more character and style. It's more diversified with sounds, voices, ideas, and melodies. There's generally more feeling and substance to the album. These artists have got to release smashing follow-up to this thing. It's not superb to me but it's very good or great. Some moments and parts in certain songs are so arresting. I love the creativity in certain parts of this album. I love the unpredictable elements when they're catchy. The general album is pretty catchy. Some tracks are better than others sure, and all are easily above average for downtempo, trance-esque, chill/dub-hinted experiemental, etc, etc. The taste has improved over the years. This could have been a masterpiece relative to the amazing talents behind it. It isn't a masterpiece to me but who knows. It's underrated, undersold, and even I under appreciated it for some time. A Flock Of Bleeps very well done regardless. I hope the next one is even better. Very cool cover and interesting song titles btw. HIGHLIGHTS: 1. WEIRD ON A MONDAY NIGHT 3. EVIL AND HARM 4. CRUMBLENAUT 5. SCANNER 6. EVEN DWARVES START SMALL 7. MAGIC MONKEY JUICE 8. THE FINGER B+ or 8.8/10
  18. MAN WITH NO NAME - EARTH MOVING THE SUN 1998 FULL REVIEW 01. VAVOOM - B+ 02. SERATONIN SUNRISE (MVO MIX) ... B- 03. CAMOUFLAGE ... C- 04. OWN THE WORLD ... A- 05. THE FIRST DAY (HORIZON) ... C- 06. TREACLE ... C 07. POSSESSED - A- 08. PARALLEL UNIVERSE ... C+ 09. SPAGHETTIFICATION ... C+ 10. TARANTULA ... B 11. THE BREECH ... B+ INTRO: This 2nd album by MWNN starts off really well. It dips and shoots for the stars multiple times before arriving at a safe place. This is not your usual goatrance album. For starters there are some very strong and just as week songs on this album. Two songs include singing to goatrance (!). There are two interludes. And as if that doesn't sound typical, all this album needs is two babies! NEGATIVE: When I first heard this album back in 2000 I hated it. I liked few songs, tracks 1, 4, 7, and 11. I found others average and below. I hated the singing in track 2, (and probably track 5 also but I forgot about that track, shows to go how memorable it was). I basically stopped listening to the album for years and one day I had the urge to come back to it again. Update Negative/Positive relative to 2007 begins: The interlude at track 3 seems interesting at first before degenerating into repetition the more it progresses. It seems out of place here, pushing the good songs further apart as opposed to keeping us captivated. There are also two songs with singing that never sat well with me, but the one that is definitely the lesser or the two is Track 5, The First Day (Horizon). I had completely forgotten this song existed until hearing this album the other day. The song is too popish and clubby. It brings down an album comprised of such imaginative songs and parts. To bottom it all off there's one goatrance (can we even call it that?) song without lyrics called TREACLE that should be called TERRIBLE because that's basically what it is. It's weak to the point it shatters in comparison to virtually every song without lyrics (including the interludes!!) here. Cheesy tracks like 6 weren't necessary, but I can understand the artists attempt at getting some mainstream recognition. Sometimes however it's good to create more mystery as opposed to appear as if you're trying to get famous or create stardom within the same GOATRANCE (!!) track you create. Just an assumption because the best work on this album is not these tracks by a sure shot. Some people actually liked track 2, the first goatrance song with singing very much. Nonetheless, those voices distract from the good music, especially somewhere around the middle where the song seems to be taking us somewhere with its catchy ambient notes. I never liked the songs with verses because I find the mind works best via goatrance when you don't have a voice distracting and affecting your state created by the waves of sound. POSITIVE: Around those hit-and-miss tracks however are some really awesome songs! Not only that, these are some of the coolest goatrance songs I've ever heard. Earth Moving The Sun is a good goatrance album because it holds a good number of great songs. I used to not like this album (my first review on page 1) but I was focusing on the negative. The positive is so special and fun in this album and the negative is so well, disappointing and lacking relative to the greatness that just like with the first album...I wish he avoided the fillers and made a masterpiece. This follow-up to 1996's Moment of Truth is a big improvement to an album which had only 2-3 great songs on it. The ideas behind songs 1, 4, 7, 10, and 11 are great. Several of these songs are just awesome, several have moments that are unforgettable in how catchy they are too. The handful of goodies aren't just good, they're great! This was the MWNN's last goatrance album and because of the positive I'll never forget it. IN CONCLUSION, the good is so great and the bad is so disappointing that I always seem to revive those feelings of love, hate, and frustration each time I listen to this album. As years past I ignored the entire album just because of the disappointments. Fortunately with todays technology we can make playlists and hear great songs back-to-back. This as opposed to being reminded by the weak ones by manually skipping them in the cd player. Regardless, I've generally gotten better at focusing on the positive as I've grown up. When a song is that bad or average you often forget because you don't care to remember it. There are such great songs, full of character, energy, imagination, and zest! I don't want to avoid an album because a couple songs are average and below. If anything, the annoying songs gave us a good debate back in the day. Now days who cares. The once great songs are now classic in a genre that never knew the definition of limits. 01. VAVOOM - Great dance song!! He mixed a mainstream sounding main melody with goatrance melodies to create an excellent, climactic dance song!! 02. SERATONIN SUNRISE (MVO MIX) - At first back in 2000 I hated this song, but it isn't bad at all. The voices are alright, lyrics are so-so but they make the song unique and different. Musically the song is good. 03. CAMOUFLAGE ... A barely interesting interlude that doesn't sound necessary or catchy. If it developed into a longer chill song that would have been better. Add some substance to it!! 04. OWN THE WORLD ... Yet another great goatrance song that's highly danceable. This great song becomes excellent around half way through. I'm not joking!! 05. THE FIRST DAY (HORIZON) ... I don't like this song at all. It's too popish and clubby. The voices don't sound good either. What he's says and how he says it sound both uninteresting and unappealing. This sounds like a filler in relation to Seratonin Sunrise. 06. TREACLE ... Pointless. I've always found this song so boring and uneventful. The sounds used have never been appealing to my ears. 07. POSSESSED ... Yes!! This is arguably the best MWNN song to date. I love how hynotic it sounds as the wave moves up and down. The melodies keep changing, altering. They're so catchy and well constructed. More layers are added, the song is psychedelic, stylish, has key changes. It's awesome! 10 years later I love it! He should make more awesome songs and attempt to top this one with something amazing and completely different sounding!! 08. PARALLEL UNIVERSE ... Not good after hearing Possessed. It isn't bad. Some melodies are nice but they aren't anything special sounding. The song drags the more it progresses IMO. 09. SPAGHETTIFICATION ... Ahhh the second interlude. I actually really like this chill, downtempo-ish, ambient song...well until it ends. Why did he not further develop and lengthen this?? The melody conveys a certain emotion to it, almost sad.. It brings me into it. I get into this song and suddanly some sounds are removed which signals the end. This could have been such a great chill, ambient goatrance song. It feels like a tease more than an interlude. Seriously, he could have put a track as great as AZYMUTH on this album but no. 10. TARANTULA ... Good song. This reminds me of the goatrance, well done inspired version of that repetitive, famous house club song, "The Perculator" because of it's deep psy hook that continues throughout. It's catchy, very danceable, and good. It doesn't really develop that much or seem that intricate or very goa to me. It maintains a strong catchy rhythm throughout. 11. THE BREECH ... Badass way to end the album!! This is such a strong, interesting, cool, mysterious, and characteristic song. I love that part towards the end when *WHOOSH-BANG!!* the music returns in a suddan rush. Great ending! HIGHLIGHTS: POSSESSED, VAVOOM, OWN THE WORLD, TARANTULA, THE BREECH. SCORE: B or an 8.5/10
  19. Is this thread about the new Transwave release of Old-Skool songs (Back-Fire) or the new upcoming Transwave style album with songs many on here are calling Full On??
  20. MAN WITH NO NAME - INTERSTATE HIGHWAY DRAGONFLY RECORDS 2003 Tracklist 1. AXIS FLIP ... B- 2. SPACE JUICE ... B 3. LIGHTS OUT ... C+ 4. COCOON ... B 5. VISIT THE MOON ... B- 6. REINCARNATION ... C 7. BROKEN PROMISE .... B- 8. EAST 98TH STREET ... C+ 9. PIPELINE ... B- ... (the most GOA-sounding, GOA-influenced song on the album) This is MWNN's 3rd main album. I couldn't find this album to review in the 2003 section anywhere. 2003 was the transition year when the old review section was down and the new one wasn't up yet. Some 2003 albums made it. Many didn't. MWNN's style has changed. You cannot expect goatrance or you'll be disappointed. The style is more progressive, psytrance and I'll agree with someone who said prog, more in certain songs than others. There is some goa influence such as with certain melodies and especially on the last song. I like the melodies on certain songs and I've heard him do better. This is not goatrance. This is generally a progressive psytrance (or psy and trance) album. Interstate Highway is made for dancing. It isn't mind-expanding trance but it isn't the Full On that we know as Full On now days either, or not as Full On at least. Nonetheless, this album is more mainstream sounding relative to his earlier work because almost all songs seem to be made (or most friendly) for dancing until the last. He gets to spice things up a bit now and then but they never reach the climaxes or peek that he achieved in several awesome goatrance songs in 1998 with Earth Moving The Sun. Several songs are good here. I can't say any one song is bad but none are great either. Several are average. The album is generally less complex, deep, and/or layered than the stuff he generally did with his goatrance. Nonetheless, the proggy style compliments the album in what could have been nothing new. In short, this is a more linear style, but several tracks retain pretty good energy, character, and groove throughout. From reading whatever reviews I could locate on the internet, his more progressive style seemed to turn off a good amount of his older goatrance fans. I think this is because they were expecting goatrance really. I was one of those people who loved some of his earlier work. However I happened to like some of this right away because 5-6 years had past since his 1998 goatrance album and by then I had become acclemated to other less elaborate psytrance, i.e: Goa. Regardless, this album took some time to adjust to for me because I loved some of his earlier goatrance songs and this wasn't a real follow-up to that. In conclusion , there are some pretty good songs and melodies on this album relative to MWNN's more progressive style. No song is superb or great. Some tracks like track 3 and 6 for instance are very repeticious, lacking, and unimaginatice. I don't like those songs. Some tracks build up to more groove and melodies like track 4 and 7 for starters. This is what I like about MWNN on this album, the feeling and melodies when it's actually somewhat catchy. I like the songs with more feeling (2, 4, 9) in this style, but much is forgettable around those tracks. I also like certain sounds such as the *HITS* 2:05 into track 2 which he repeats multiple times to the music. This sounds similar to something he used before on THE BREECH I think. That aside, it seems obvious the artist here had less freedom to be more creative on this third album because he was working towards having a far more mainstream (for clubs and dancing) album than ever before. I can see why many people were disappointed with this album who experienced the more imaginative, deeper, less linear works from him in the past. Not to say they were't danceable either. Much of his best previous work was superior to and for dancing to over this when you carefully select tracks like FLOOR ESSENCE, VAVOOM, OWN THE WORLD, and TARANTULA just for starters. Those were monster, full of energy and character (catchy!) dance songs. Interstate Highway has some good melodies that save the progressive sound from becoming all but a blur from my memory. It would be cool if next time MWNN has some real gems (excellent, really stand-out songs) to showcase as he's done in the past. Personally I hope he goes all out unlike this far less memorable but definitely not bad third release. At 5:43 this track has a good climax and release. More climaxes and bursts of energy and style throughout the album would have been great! HIGHLIGHTS: - SPACE JUICE - COCOON - VISIT THE MOON - BROKEN PROMISE - PIPELINE B- Samples: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/dra/dra1cd063.html I’ve recently posted reviews on his first two albums, Earth Moving The Sun and Moment of Truth in the 1998 and 1996 review sections if anyones interesting seeing that and my scores for each track and album.
  21. Wow... thanks Tox! I hadn't known about DINO PSARAS 2003 album before. I don't even think I knew about DINO PSARAS at all. I just sampled it on SaikoSounds and I like this very much!! Many of the songs sound good and the HOOVER track with MWNN involved sounds great!! I enjoyed his third album too. I was listening to it last night. It's just, there aren't any really superb (what I consider awesome) songs on the album. The first several tracks are pretty good and the last is interesting enough. Screw it. I'll post a SHORT review on MWNN' - INTERSTATE HIGHWAY in the 2003 section VERY soon. Check it out! I agree. So when he releases something it's really special and worth it!! - Everyone who hasn't heard MWNN's track titled HOOVER on 2003's DINO PSARAS album: Check this out! http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=3781
  22. What's going on with this artist? His last album was 2003!!! Is this guy still making music?? I wish he'd make a REAL comeback album, a masterpiece. It would be awesome if he had songs on it that followed up his best work, most noted several from his first album (Floor Essence, Asymuth, Sugar Rush) and more from his second (Possessed, Own the World, Vavoom, Tarantula, The Breach). I couldn't find his underrated third album, Interstate Highway to review in the 2003 section here because that's the transition year (I believe) when the old review section was down and the new one wasn't up yet. Interstate Highway had some very good songs and some average (as you'd expect from MWNN) ones as well. The more progressive sound seemed to turn off a fairly good amount of his older fans of goatrance. But not all. He can really make an amazing album, and if it's Full On, (since that's what many of the once great goatrance artists seem to be doing now days) may he PLEASE include some amazing more goaish psytrance songs and regardless.. PLEASE create great, catchy, psychedelic Full On super songs that are full of energy and power unlike the Pleiadians mixed comeback (or falling out) album... if he does do Full On. I want a KICKASS 4th album! UPDATE: I've finally posted short reviews and grades on his previous albums in their related review sections.
  23. I'm moving this to the GENERAL section... Where is "Man With No Name???" or something like that...
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