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Jon Cocco

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Everything posted by Jon Cocco

  1. Hey thanks! Mucho gracias DP. Btw this album sounds extremely different and unique. Highly experimental, ambient, downtempo, and more. I may get this. It's fresh and inventive, at times beautiful, weird, strange, interesting, boring, not boring, unpredictable, touching, happy, sad, soft, light, thoughtful. I seldom feel this album was inspired or influenced at times by Violet Vision albums. Oh Jesus.
  2. I heard the teaser. This sounds interesting. It's nice to see some more artists putting the GOA back into psytrance. I'm looking forward to this. So far based on samples I find tracks 1, 5, 6, 7, and 9 most engaging and catchy. Impressive is that there appears to be several gems on this unreleased, free comp. Tracks 3 and especially 4 sound extremely fast in bpm. I presume this was intentional and I prefer the speeds of tracks 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9... Is it me or does track 4 sound too sped up relative to the others? Just an observation. Ethereal is really something. I'd love to hear there new album and I hope it gets distributed to places like before, i.e: psyshop, saikosounds, etc. Filipi, I like how as Suntrip albums are, you release quality over quantity. You're new song once again sounds promising. I'll write more when the album is official ready and listenable in it's entirety. Thanks for the preview.
  3. Where does one sample and/or buy this thing?? I would like to sample it. I can't find any links on the initial review or following posts from anyone. The album doesn't seem to exist on psyshop or saikosounds either.
  4. GHREG ON EARTH - SINGILWEAVER WIRIKUTA RECORDS 2005 Track list 1. Table Of Contents ... C+ 2. WithInfinite ... B- 3. The Invisible College ... B+ 4. Sigilweaver [142] ... B 5. Thoth Sphere [150] ... B 6. Hex Vex Elixir [150] ... B 7. Book Of Lies [145] ... B 8. Siren Stars [148] ... B 9. Quintessence Unfurls [145] ... B+ Finally. We finally have a solid dark Psytrance album that's good. I really like this artist’s ability at mixing atmospheric sound-scapes (atmosphere combined with building up sounds) with good melodies and ambience. The industrial/metal influence really compliments the album. I find Sigilweaver more enjoyable than Derango's Tumult album, which had some good parts; I overall found it lacking in melodies and just too noisy. It seemed like the artists were packing in as many psy-sounds as they could on Derango's debut. In doing so, the effect was more psychedelic, but occasionally messy sounding. It lacked melodies. Ghreg on Earths debut sounds more simple, yes, but more focused, clear, and coherent in comparison. I didn't realize before that all tracks are continuous, meaning no two-second delay in-between songs. When I thought to still be on the opening track, after it finally changed it sound several times, I realized it was track 3. There are no shocks, crazy parts, surprises, (for me at least), or a sign that made me aware that the song changed. Sigilweaver's sound is more subtle in a sense; less powerful and aggressive sounding than most "good" dark psytrance I'm familiar with, and yet it works surprisingly well because it's a groovy dance up a continuous, catchy climb. This album flows very well, but it also lacks moments of surprise and powerful climaxes, or moments of shock or awe. No track seem inconsistent with the style or tone. I found the voice samples enjoyable and well placed. The industrial feel (with minimal guitars if those are guitars in track 7) is generally haunting atmosphere coupled with effective ambient notes and catchy melodies. Sigilweaver doesn't sound repetitive and boring like so much darkpsy today. Ghreg has a style and he's consistent about it. However, I feel there are few tracks that really stand out. I'm not saying any of them are bad... it's just that ... some songs seem to have much less character development than others. For example, when I listened to The Invisible College samples, it right away stood out to my ears. Gripes / Weaknesses - More variaty in sounds and song structure, direction, (and design) may be a good thing to further explore for the follow-up. Few individual songs seem excellent by themselves. They're always a more or less catchy part connected to the area before and after it. Basically it would be awesome to hear some monster works, less focused on their individual terrain of sound like a cog in the wheel. It would be cool if the songs felt like they had more of a beginning, a middle, and an end. More surprises, twists and turns, UNEXPECTED parts would be awesome. The songs are generally good, dark and groovy but predictable for the most part. Nothing really exciting or different ever seems to take place within the same track once I've heard the first several minutes. In Conclusion, while no specific song stands out to me as superb here, none are below average IMO. Many dark psytrance albums are rough and hard. Few are this strong, dark, and intriguing while creating this much atmosphere and melodies. Sigilweaver has grown nicely over time. It seems to be best listened to as a whole, but that can get tiresome as each track flows into the next without pause. Several songs may be great but most are good, few I find fairly good. I agree with those who have complained about variety. Some songs sound kind of similar, not enough variation in sounds, style, and texture (how both sound and style is delivered). Often times it's a distinct melody and/or middle transition which indentifies the song for me. Tracks 3 and 9 I find most distinct in sound and style. It helps that they're as catchy as they are. The songs blend into one another with such ease, smooth transition that the album may sound like one long track with lots of good (occasionally great) parts. I'm not complaining about the continuous mixing from track-to-track. I realize it's more club-friendly this way. Fortunately, even the more similar sounding songs change direction or develop past the middle duration to some degree. It's as if the artist knew he needed to change direction or the song would become repetitive. The voice samples work. The stressful female "No.. I'm Alive! reply during a voice sample in track 8 is eerie stuff...well done. I love the machine-like churning sounds in track 7 creating a type of melody per say. I also like when he skips the melody and ambience as if chopping it up. He does this in the middle of track 5 and else where in track 8. I don't know what this effect's called but it's very cool sounding. I look forward to a follow-up more powerful and flavorful that takes this up to the next level. I'd love to see more songs that stand out as whole, super songs. This is the best dark Psytrance album of 2005 in my opinion, (Yes, over Psykovsky) and one of my favorite albums of 2005. Favorite tracks: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. B
  5. I will write more on this some day. For now... ASTRAL PROJECTION - ALBUM SCORES: 2002 - AMEN ... B+ 1999 - ANOTHER WORLD ... A- 1997 - DANCING GALAXY ... A 1996 - THE ASTRAL FILES ... B+ 1996 - TRUST IN TRANCE ... A
  6. Jon Cocco

    Etnica - Chrome

    It's good alright, if you're planning on comitting suicide. I'm sure you're right. People remember the best of what someone does. It sucks when artists lose edge because it changes peoples awesome impression of them. I doubt I'll look back the same way on Etnicas newer stuff in 5 years as I do with their earlier stuff, coz earlier stuff impressed me right away. Etnica used to be great IMHO, but Pleiadians were amazing. But to say they were really good?? Okay fine...and a napkin is really good too if it's clean and available when you need to clean your hands.
  7. Far as I'm concerned they died once when their group split around 2000. Half a group does not a whole group. I suppose it's officially confirmed... all speculation can be finally put to sleep, most likely forever. R.I.P.
  8. Hell yes!! True chilled Goatrance. What song is this??!! Quit teasing Ukiro. Please tell. I just saw the live Transwave video clip. I mean, they turned Land of Freedom into an average club trance Full On song. Ahhhhh!!!!! You can make almost anything half decent sound so much better on the dance floor. Of course people will dance to it...they're at a club!! Anyone listening to the actual quality of the song knows this isn't good. This isn't what made Transwave awesome. This is then watering down a classic goatrance song for the clubs. Sure those melodic bits are nice in a nostalgic way, but those do not a great song make!!!
  9. I like Twisting Dreams or Dream Twists. Twisted Dreams is kind of lame and cliche sounding IMO, like I heard it before. Which title sounds best and is relative to the theme, thoughts, feelings of the song. For the record: DREAM TWISTS and TWISTING DREAMS sound interesting and definitely more proper sounding, no problem! DREAM TWISTS ... TWISTING DREAMS ... DREAM WEAVER ... WEAVING DREAMS and DREAM SCAPES are profound and intriguing. Just imagine... it doesn't have to say Twist-anything. Put whatever works and sounds great!
  10. Wow...sounds impressive. I look forward to hearing this!! No. This doesn't sound good. Can someone who has affiliation with Transwave communicate/ask what they're doing if indeed new Transwave is mediocre Full On?? If they too chose the highly forumlatic and less ambitious/impressive Full On approach, I suppose they're fully aware of what they're doing. Ahhh... That would suck!! I couldn't see the video on the current cpu I'm using so I can't comment... feedback and overall consensus from their own fans and listeners seems disappointing. Can someone pass this feedback to Transwave because they have an opportunity to go back to the drawing boards and make improvements before it's too late. WHAT?!?! People all over the world in trance/psy have been looking forward to new Transwave. They can't sell out to club trance.. they just ... can't. You don't need to dumb down your layers, syth sounds, climaxes, etc... to make amazing music both danceable and great sounding in a club... just as long as it isn't the formula most Full On gets trapped into. Good GOATRANCE is, well, I don't need to explain. I suppose they're not doing that. How I was imagining how cool their new sound could be... visualizing what a new-skool goa/psytrance album would be like for Transwave today... not for them to retrace their old footsteps creating a shadow of their former self. No. No . NO!!!
  11. 13 seconds into it you have this ocordian-ish sound I didn't care for. It seems too basic/easy-to-do sounding... but after that, the beat, the notes around 1:30 are very nice. Return to beat, the squeeky sounds...the LOUD crow/bird effects are a cool touch, I like how loud you mixed it. Don't care for that orcordian sound that returns. It doesn't seem to flow and go with the overall song, it's better skilled in creating than that sound IMHO. I like your goa melody...especially at 4:20!...followed by a cool echoed voice bit. - this part at 4:20 -6:08 is my favorite part of the song. It's more catchy. Maybe raise the beat/kickdrum, bassline a bit. Give it a bit more punch. I like the second goa melody and the atmosphere added soon after. Nice! The entire song shifts ground and direction around 6:17...going back to being dark. I really like the added in crow echoes... and I don't like the easy 1-2 ocordian notes thing. That sound isn't catchy IMHO and distracts from the more provocative tone and experience. It almost takes me completely out of the song which is I like. This thing could be really good with some touch ups, improvements, and perfections. Is this in mono or sterio? It was hard to tell. And do you plan on releasing this??
  12. Jon Cocco

    Etnica - Chrome

    UGH...what happened?? This is just awful. If you want quality, good ETNICA music, put ALIEN PROTEIN or EQUATOR back on. This is pretty bad.
  13. It's nice sounding but nothing great. I'm not impressed. There other stuff is more enjoyable and appealing. I'm comparing their own previous work to this 2005 release. And naturally, the more one hears something it often grows because you're putting energy into it! Some tracks I find boring and downright irritating... they're just blah. It's the way the song is created, the sounds. The rhythms and mixing of the sounds on this album are generally less interesting and catchy relative to their previous work. Tracks 1 and 2 for starters are annoying and repetitive sounding. Track 3 is the FIRST song that actually sounds pleasent and decent. I mean, did it take a fucking enema for this album to improve?? Aparently not. Track 4 sounds OKAY. It's packed with slow echoed particle effects, dropped over beats and little cut-off tunes. It sounds more interesting towards the second half. Their style is unique alright... but unique doesn't mean good or bad... it's what you do with your style that counts, and they don't seem to develop and bring out songs nearly as much as they could have on this album it seems. Track 5 seems to go on for far too long with those skipping sounds but it improves and something about it sounds very catchy, touching. Tracks 6, 7, 8.. are just that interesting or captivating IMO. I'm bored by this. Some of this sounds experimental which would be great if it actually was great. Track 9 sounds better, more catchy to me... it finally has some catchy, pretty melodies that compliment each other. The pace is better... the echoes are graceful. It's very peaceful and this actually sounds pretty. Track 10 is interesting, different. It's more thoughtful sounding. The sounds in this song actually seem to convey emotion and bring out emotion (mood setting) in the listener, at least to me. I wish more songs had more emphases on creating emotion and feeling, to connect with the listener on a deeper level. Track 11 is also interesting, peaceful.. It's very slow but almost enchanting. I don't know. I don't think it's that good. It's very short and could have developed into something really beautiful and deep, but whatever. It's certainly one of the better songs here. Overall, few songs on this album sound good to me. I don't find any songs great here but this isn't bad either. Several songs sound very uninteresting and lacking in "something" such as soul/feeling maybe?...better structure/development and heart. There sure are some beautiful, touching moments/parts on this album. It's too bad those parts/moments (better tracks) are so few to me. SAMPLES: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5300
  14. Why isn't their more replies and reviews for this one??!! Few songs I don't find great or good here but overall... IT'S GOOD!!! SEVERAL SONGS ARE LIKE BEAUTIFUL, TOUCHING, FLOATING... SO GOOD!!!! For those into deeper chill music... I liked this one... and I was far more impressed by Phutureprimitive 04 or 05 album called "Sub Conscious." Now that is awesome!!
  15. I haven't heard this album until now. Solar Fields has made some very good and great spacey ambient and downtempo music. I don't know if this is better than their 2005 LEAVING HOME album, but that had some traxx I found quite montonous and dry while I found several other songs really good and great. Track 1 puts me to sleep. And I do like spacey ambient stuff when it's good but this is more some ambient piece I find boring and uninteresting.. Track 2 picks up, it's definitely more catchy. I really like the third song. Wow!! When the music it hits I never expected it. WHAM!!! COOL sounds. Good melodies!! Track 4 is ambient... strange sounds... birds, animals maybe? Thankfully a beat and melodic bit arrives before I lose hope that this isn't developing into something catchy. Track 5 is very cool. I really like it... a cool ambient piece that develops into a very cool, melodic, more energetic trance/downtempo(?) song. Track 6 is ambient... I mean AMBIENT. I generally admire their atmospheric, ambient tracks but it's usually a hit and miss with me. With track 1 on their Leaving Home album I feel like I'm floating past galaxies or space. The opening track is very dreamy on their follow-up album to this, but this ambient one is barely gripping, and not because it doesn't have a beat. This isn't floating or all that catchy to me. Some will like it but I don't. Track 7 is another more ambient song that develops... It's more dreamy/spacey in a better (more catchy and relaxing) way. Track 8 seems to be going somewhere for quite some time. I mean, Jesus you have to patient and it's not great but not bad either. There are some beats and strange sound that goes up and down in tempo sounds... getting repetitive.. ambience.. more ambient notes, the same beat and two-note up and down tune repeats until the song breatks out, moves forward. It's cool but not one of the best songs here IMO. Track 9 is another floating, peaceful, relaxing ambient piece that gives birth to a beat. It stays fairly slow throughout however. It's decent I suppose. Track 10 is also generally slower (even slower) as the album comes closer to its end. It retains a spacey feel throughout which is pretty cool. The song is alright. Track 11 ends the album very softly, peacefully. No further words. In conclusion, I may have to order this album. No it's not superb as a whole IMO but there are some very cool tracks here, several seem very good and great. This is definitely one of the better chill/downtempo and ambient-influenced albums of 2003. How it compared with there follow-up?...er, I think I like this one more based on samples. Leaving Home is slower sounding overall I feel. If it gets too slow, I get bored unless I'm in that rare meditation or sleepy mood, and in that case I usually just fall asleep. Guys/girls, when you post a review, PLEASE add sample links below!! It's convenient for anyone who is interested in hearing the album you just reviewed!! SAMPLES: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=3288
  16. At first I thought, like Pleiadians?...but Transwave was originally two artists that actually reunited UNLIKE Pleiadians who have stayed split and haven't impressed since traxx like Head Spin and Meter got my panties wet in F.O.L. CONCERNING THE "GREATEST CLASSIC HITS" ALBUM. That sounds cool, although I like many people own their previous albums. It's great for those unable to buy some of their most superb songs on one album. I'd love to hear several songs that were excellent goatrance songs by Transwave NOT on their main albums if that's possible...but if indeed it's a comp of their best songs from the old days.... TRASHISH ... MALAKA DANCE ... LAND of FREEDOM are three for starters... although I've heard those songs (especially LOF) dozens of times so I'm not excited to buy something I already own unless there's great stuff I haven't heard on it. It would be great to hear some other old (from comps, singles, unreleased) tracks not on their main albums to give old fans an excuse to pick up the Transwave comp... that is, if they have other awesome songs. Maybe a double album sounds like a good idea?? One disk could be greatest hits (their best released work) while the second disk could be their coolest older unreleased stuff and good stuff NOT found on their main albums. I never heard exclusive songs for comps only and unreleased tracks by them so I'd be more interested in those. Like most people out there... I've heard their three main albums, hence the double album idea if they release a comp of their best work. Just a thought. CONCERNING THE NEW ALBUM: A BIT CAUTIOUS AND EXCITED ALL AT ONCE. It DOESN'T NEED TO BE FULL ON TO BE AWESOME DANCEABLE NEW SKOOL PSY/GOA TRANCE. REMEMBER THAT. I HOPE IT'S SOMETHING INNOVATIVE, NOVEL, FRESH, DARK and LIGHT, EXCITING, INTERESTING, IMAGINATIVE, AMBITIOUS, FUN...AND CATCHY(!!!!) I'm thinking positively... a little cautious still but hopefully they'll go beyond these Full On artists and create something really inventive and ground setting. They have the opportunity to really change things in the trance/psytrance genre if they aim for it.. They already have a name so many people love and admire... I'd love to see them do something stunning with it, then they'll be bigger and more important than ever. TRANSWAVE!!!!!!!
  17. CLICK BELOW for 4-MINUTE SAMPLES AVAILABLE http://saikosounds.com/english/display_release.asp?id=5981 I like the melodies in the opening song. The voice samples aren't bad ether...for FULL ON I must remember. That track we referred to as "11" is titled Starbase 11 (track 6 here). How I wish there were more goa-influenced songs like that on this album. The melody makes it the MOST Pleiadians-esque song here. The overall old-skool touches are so nice and few and far between. It would have been great to hear more old-skool touches of course. It's actually NOT bad for Full On / (Clubtrance) ... it's just NOTHING like their older stuff, and we were aware of this anyways. There are some nice, cool melodies (atmosphere/ambient(?) last track) and Pleiadian touches/sounds. Unfortunately, the overall song structure NEVER does anything that basically is NOT club-friendly. It has some fairly good dance songs for clubs and this is better than much Full On out there ... but since it's Pleiadians this WILL disappointment most fans of their older AMAZING work no matter what. Their "feel" exists more on some tracks than others. When I say style, I do NOT mean their I.F.O. or F.O.L. style. I mean that on parts and tracks you can just tell it's them, even if it's them doing something a ZILLION times less ambitious and intricate and impressive as what we heard before the group split. There is some catchy work here FOR CLUBS/DANCING. I think these songs are at least better than the average and below average (filler?!) sounding songs they've been releasing since around 2000. Let's just compare this thing to other Full On out there since this is that. It's not great and it's not bad either... for Full On. CLICK BELOW FOR 4-MINUTE SAMPLES AVAILABLE http://saikosounds.com/english/display_release.asp?id=5981
  18. This album should be re-issued, available to buy. It's one of the few goatrance albums I can't find to order/buy anywhere! I'd enjoy having it in my collection. I don't even think I ever got to hear all the tracks here. I haven't found it available to buy for half a decade.
  19. Wow...just wow!! TALPA(!!) ... RA(!!!) This thing should be great!!! You got RA!! , And Khetzal is on it. This is looking very interesting. And RA's releasing a new album??! This was a rumor for years! I own his To Series and it's great!! I always wondered why he didn't release a great goatrance follow-up since. It's nice to hear something good is taking place relative to this great artist. I've been left in the dark for half a decade. The cover design looks great btw. All of this is such positive news. Maybe every track be beyond what these artists have done... something next level and yet old/new skool amazing new classic goa/psytrance melodic masterpieces!
  20. I didn't pay much attention to this when it came out. I suppose the recent Hallucinogen track on GT 4 soundtrack didn't impress and TIP World stuff not long before this release has been weak compared to how it used to be. One question: Who is LUCAS?? Why is he featured in almost every song? Just curious. That said... Someone posted this as one of 2006's best albums in the 2006 Best releases (October) thread and I had to check it out again. There's some very good work here, but none of it sounds superb to me other than the nostalgic tracklist. That's the problem. I hear a song like, yeah alright it's cool... and for the most part...that's it!! None of these songs are spectacular, superb, or a "masterpiece." Arguably few songs are great. Few tracks really stand out and grab my attention. It seems what masterpiece COULD HAVE BEEN has missed ACTUALLY BEING ONE due to two artists not going completely all-out, old-skool goatrance (where it all began) as if there is some big hollywood budget where the studio is telling them what to do (fear of taking risks to make it more mainstream friendly) The artists are trying to make their song very danceable, even if that means less imagination and creativity (see: greatness) to compensate for more Full On dance floor sound. I could be wrong, but it seems to me this "trying to appeal while not completely losing old-new skool goa/psytrance roots/tones" creates limitation to how superb these songs had potential to be. With exception to few songs (opening and closing) it seems the artists are limited to a certain, structured formula even if that means stunting the growth and development their songs could have had while still being danceable and fun as hell to listen to. I see some of these artists like HALLUCINOGEN and PROMETHEUS which instantly grab my eye. The first delivers a pretty good song I suppose, nothing impressive aside from some good melodies towards the end. The song by HALLUCINOGEN doesn't seem that interesting or intriguing for the majority which I found odd. Sure it sounds cool, and I was thinking of something more arresting from one of the greatest goa/psy trance artists in the world according to so many. The PROMETHEUS song delivers and is one of the best on the album, it's good. Tracks 4, 5, and 8 on the other hand are nothing special and pretty weak. They're OKAY, average, decent more or less, not good I feel. You'd think these artists would go all-out indivudually to bring fourth one of the best, most excellent songs of their career to re-emphasize the greatness of why they (their work) is so superb, to let loose a huge stomper for this whatever-year-old occasion and theme it is. Few of these artists seem to have acknolwedged or have cared to acknowledge the importance of why they're on this comp. I assume the initial goal was to make it magical and it ended up coming down to hit-and-miss for reasons that go beyond my my understanding. Nonetheless this is one of TIP's best releases in years but when you put things in perspective... I agree with others.. this comp could have been amazing. Some tracks are very groovy, occasionally fun, and the tracklist is great/nostalgic. It has songs that seem very danceable. This is probably one of the better or best comps of 2006 along with one of the biggest disappointments due to not meeting expectations since the great artists on here, including Hallucinogen seemed to create almost anything but superb. I don't think there are any bad songs although several are very weak IMHO, some decent and above average, few good. If these were any other artists I'm sure more slack would have be given. TIP World finally released something good in 2006 and maybe it's biggest flaw is that it's not the great thing many would have loved it to be. It's still cool. Naturally, this isn't 1996-98 anymore. You can't eat your cake and have it too, and regardless...some songs here could have been much better than they are.
  21. No review thread on the 2006 comp with new tracks by Hallucinogen!!, Prometheus, Eat Static?? It didn't come up when doing a search. I just found out about it on the Oct thread titled Best 2006 albums. UPDATE: I just found it when searching for "LUCAS." Hmmm...wish the search engines were a bit more widely accepting.
  22. Wow thanks to abasio in Octobers "BEST 2006 albums thread" I just became aware of this one. It's a good ambient/downtempo comp...very dreamy and floating. I love track 6... (!!!) It's beautiful, spacey, floating, and dreamy. Asura inpressed me with this one. It's great!! I just can't get into track tracks 7, 8, and 10... they're too slow and monotonous...boring and dull IMHO. They're good for putting me to sleep, especially the last track. Don't get me wrong, their supposed to be relaxing and slower...and I find other songs far more arresting and catchy/enjoyable to listen to here than those. I most like tracks 1, 4, 5, 6, and 9. Track 2 is decent, not great IMO and track 3 is above average, very spacey/floating. I may have to put this one on my next order.
  24. I don't buy and tend to avoid putting energy (once hearing samples) into bad releases. UPDATE: Based on samples, Electric Universe sucked.
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