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Jon Cocco

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Everything posted by Jon Cocco

  1. IM: CONVERTING VEGATARIANS 2003 FULL REVIEW CV: THE TRANCE SIDE (CD1) 1. ALBIBENO ... B- .............................. (NICE OPENING AND MELODIES) 2. HUSH MAIN ... C+ ........................... (NOT AS GOOD AS OPENING BUT DECENT) 3. APOGIFFA NIGHT ... B+ ................... (GREAT DARKER ONE...MY FAVE SONG ON THE TRANCE SIDE) 4. SONG PONG ... B ............................. (CLEVER, FUN, UPBEAT, MELODIC...ONE OF THE BEST HERE) 5. CHAPLIN ... C .................................. (WEAK SONG...TOO SILLY/TINNY SOUNDING AND UNEVENTFUL) 6. ECHONOMIX ... B ............................ (MUCH BETTER THAN PREVIOUS...GOOD MELODIES/FEEL) 7. SCORPION FROG ... B ...................... (GOOD MELODIES, SONG, AND FOLLOW-UP TO PREVIOUS SONG) 8. DEEPLY DISTURBED ... B- ................ (MUSICALLY GOOD (VOICE IS OKAY) UNTIL THE SCREAMING/WHINING!!) 9. SEMI NICE ... C+ ............................. (STARTS WEAK...PICKS UP AND GETS BETTER...IT'S NEVER GREAT) 10. YANKO PITCH ... B ......................... (NOT SUPERB BUT A GOOD ENOUGH SONG TO END CD1) CV: THE OTHER SIDE (CD 2) 1. CONVERTING VEGETARIANS (Self-titled) ... B+ 2. ELATION STATION ... C 3. DROP OUT ... C+ 4. AVRATZ ... B- 5. BLINK ... B- 6. SHAKAWKAW ... B 7. PLETZTURRA ... B 8. I WISH ... C 9. BALLERIUM ... B+ 10. SELECT'A ... B+ 11. ILLUMINANAUGHTY ... C+ 12. JENGE ... B- 13. ELEVATION ... C+ Good album overall. There are some VERY STRONG AND WEAK songs on both the TRANCE and OTHER SIDE. Many fit somewhere in the middle. Not great or superb, and definitely not bad or average. When you think about it, the Trance Side is disappointing as a whole because it's not superb like every main "psytrance" album by them before this one. THE OTHER SIDE is better IMHO. It's far more original, novel, creative, interesting, and at times going through different strong emotions. There's a good variety of songs ranging from multiple genre, sub genres and experimental. The bottem line is there's a handful of well done and composed good and great songs even if not all of them are great or that good. THE TRANCE SIDE would unquestionably be the weakest album released by them had it stood on its own, without the Disk 2 that brings such innovation to the table, it's almost necessary in comparison. Having the second disk is no bonus. It's an entirely second side and aspect to Im with songs ranging from OKAY to good, great, and EXCELLENT! Few songs I didn't care for. It's fun listening to what works more and less. It's also great that they generally separated the songs with lyrics, vocals, and voices to two different disks. I'm glad they released a double here. It appeals towards both groups of people and introduces us to an entirely different musical aspect of IM....even if they took half their energy out of the TRANCE CD 1 (Psytrance) and put it into the OTHER SIDE. After releasing three superb albums before CV, I think it was really cool and appreciative that they did somethinig different. I find the songs with vocals, voices, and even lyrics and singing... generally work MUCH better as done on "THE OTHER SIDE" album of Converting Vegeterians as OPPOSED to doing it to (would have been otherwise great) psytrance songs like DEEPLY DISTURBED in THE TRANCE SIDE here and tracks 1 and 5 on 2004's most mixed reviewed "Im the Supervisor" album. Did tracks 1 and 5 from their 2004 follow-up to CV even make a big splash with people and clubs around the world?? To me, the overall singing, lyrics, and voices on disk 2 of CV are superior to everything that has followed to date with exception of Muse Breaks [Rmx] maybe. CV was a learning experience for them to see what works and doesn't amongst listeners. IMHO they have much more learning to do after cheesy lyric-ridden psy/club songs like Im the Supervisor and Cities of the Future. BEST TRACKS ON (CD1) CV - THE TRANCE SIDE: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10. I'd score THE TRANCE SIDE a B- or an 8 out of 10. There are few great songs on the Trance side and few average and below average ones. There are some really catchy melodies and a song or two (track 3) is great. Deeply Disturbed, track 8 would have been great and one of their best psytrance songs without the voices. BEST TRACKS ON (CD2) CV - THE OTHER SIDE: 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12. I'd score THE OTHER SIDE a B or an 8.5 out of 10. If they made an entire follow-up to the OTHER SIDE with all great and superb songs, that would be worth buying. SCORES OF THEIR OTHER ALBUMS IM THE SUPERVISOR .. C+ CONVERTING VEGETARIANS (overall) ... B- B.P. EMPIRE ... B+ CLASSICAL MUSHROOM ... A THE GATHERING ... B+
  2. Earth Crossing is excellent. I love that album and I will buy that for my collection if it releases. Many people will, especially Chi A.D. fans and goatrance people in general. It's a superb album and arguably his best!! What's up with this artist? Any upcoming comp songs?, a release date of an album?? Will anyone officially release Earth Crossing?? Did Suntrip have any thoughts/ideas?? It's Chi A.D. we're talking about here. !! I sent him (or who ever reads them) a letter to his MYSPACE page several months ago and never heard back. Yes, Chi A.D. has a myspace page. Many artists are on there including Astral Projection have one. Hell, my Mom is about to go on myspace...J/K. Anyway, the last thing I bought that Chi A.D. is on is PEACE THEARAPY 2. It's a very good goa-influenced chill/dowmtempo comp that gets really good and great as it progresses. Lotso of cool melodies, very well composed. Tracks 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are all very good (several great) and I like the suble ambient opening song. There were no bad songs on PEACE THERAPY 2.
  3. INFECTED MUSHROOM: IM THE SUPERVISOR 2004 UPDATED REVIEW 1. IM the supervisor ... C ...................... (Wrong way to do voices and hurts the otherwise good music) 2. Ratio Shmatio ... B ........................... (The first good song on the album) 3. Muse Breaks RMX ... B- .................... (A better way to do voices, mainly with the female) 4. Meduzz ... C+ .................................. (The end is good, otherwise decent) 5. Cities Of The Future ... C .................. (Hardly average way to do voices, better w/ out them!) 6. Horus The Chorus ... B+ ................... (Arguably the best song here. Great melodies/climax!!) 7. Frog Machine ... C+ .......................... (Some okay melodies, decent at best) 8. Noon ... F ......................................... (More filler than anything IM's ever done IMHO) 9. Bombat ... B ..................................... (Pretty good song) 10. Stretched ... B+ .............................. (No Kadafi but very unique. It's good, maybe great) After 2-3 years and having heard this album over a dozen times...the only songs I find good are: RATIO SHMATIO !!! HORUS THE CHORUS !!! BOMBAT ! STRETCHED !! So if they must continue this way...they should make new songs as good and better than the several best ones on this album. They wanted feedback and now they got it!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only song with vocals that doesn't suck IMHO is MUSE BREAKS [Rmx]. I prefer the femal vocals if they have to do it. The soft melodies compliment them in this song. The guy singing (his voice and shitty lyrics) like "Dance with me!!!" on the opening song "Im the Supervisor" almost killed the album for me and for many people, it did. "Cities of the Future" sounds more lame in it's singing and lyrics now than ever before. "Noon" sucks...I mean what a waste of time that could have been a good song. Meduzze and "Frog Machine" are OKAY, nothing to write much about. Conclusion: This was and still disappoints on a huge level compared to their previous work. It has several really good songs on it though and overall, something still feels missing, even on the best songs. There work isn't as detailed and involved anymore with as sound layers. I really did enjoy some of the singing/vocal songs in Converting Vegaterians, but other than tracks 3 and 10 here, I'd say the two other songs with lyrics, singing, and vocals is not cool or enjoyable. They're going to lose their original core support base of fans if they continue this singing thing (and gain many new people who think Paul Oakenfold, Sasha, and Digweed are amazing) I think the people on this site have a pretty strong, general idea of what's great and what isn't, especially when it comes to Infected Mushroom...one of the most famous and popular names and groups in psytrance. I'm curious to see what they release next but I'm reluctant to think it will be better than this. BEST TRACKS: 2, 3, 6, 9, 10. IM ALBUM SCORES: - IM the Supervisor ... C+ - Converting Vegetarians ... Trance/Other Side ... B- / B: Overall B- - B.P. Empire ... B+ ... Great album with some excellent/superb songs. - Classical Mushroom ... A ... A melodic masterpiece! - The Gathering ... B+ ... They improved after their debut no doubt, and I have to hear this one again.
  4. Will this thread ever die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People are always listening to different music today, the next day, etc. Is this some eternal life diary of what music everyone's listening to today?? It's the most pointless, endless thread ever made. You are all insane!!! HA!!
  5. lol. I'm not surprised to find a review thread for this here. Hmmm... well MIRANDA is the queen of psytrance. She's underrated and I have a ton of respect for her, for Miranda. DALI seems inspired by the "CASCADA's" out there. It's an opportunity at money and stardom. I heard the album and instantly realized this is a woman singing to psytrance...it's more club eurotrance but still. And I thought...THIS is how they'll make psytrance even more friendly to the mainstream. That's the way a big aspect of psytrance is heading anyway. They'll be others like Dali. Thing is...she hardly sings on the album and honestly. She does not have a good voice and accent. She isn't singing as much from her diafram as she should. Her English is whiney, but I think it's more her voice and accent because just look at how good T.a.t.u. is in English compared to this. Christina Aguilera is a good singer. Dali is not. Much of Dali's singing is limited to few notes. But even Infected Mushroom has people singing (tracks 1 and 5 for starters) on I'm the Supervisor. Dali saw an opportunity to get attention and liked by many in the next teen generation. It's not really psychedelic anyway. This is typical eurotrance with a cute skinny girl DJ girl doing vocals occasionally. I actually like her "Get Your Emotion (Dali Vs Silent Hill) song." I find it catchy in its own way, much better than anything else on the album. Anyway, for clubtrance I like the "Get Your Emotion" song. We're in a totally different sub-genre here. This song has more character, melody, song change than the others for what it is. I initially thought the singing at 7:26 was a group of children singing together (I thought was interesting and catchy) but now I realize this is Dali's voice and she's doing voice overs. Anyway, I like that song whether you people do or don't. Is she the one creating and mixing this music? I assume she is of course but you never know these days. I read someone else writes songs by T.a.t.u. and I was surprised to hear that. At least the girls have great voices in T.a.t.u. and musically T.a.t.u. rocks. People are naturally putting her music on psytrance boards so of course she's going to get backlash. At times Dali music reminds me of something IM might be making if they were doing quickly thrown together Full On and I wish not to say that about IM but after hearing several songs on "IM the Supervisor", you never know now days. Someone like Dali isn't going to ruin the entire scene. She'll join the other Full On groups, some with singing/lyrics occasionally. It's not the end of the world. Samples: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5729 Yes this is interesting and kind of humorous to see some of the reactions else where. I couldn't find the album to see what people were saying about it on amazon.co.uk for some reason. http://forum.isratrance.com/viewtopic.php/...c/89190/forum/9
  6. This is one of the best downtempo albums ever.
  7. Ouuu...I like how that sounds. Very badass. I'll have to release this album from my collection and hear it again. It's only been 5-6 years.
  8. On first listen I assumed he was talking about drugs...a trip. He says, "People think they know about drugs but... it's a sacrement, just a portal to another world I assummed he had a mind-expanding experience with drugs because he says "it's terrifying and enlightening and the next thing you know you're taking it again..." He's obviously alive so I imagine he thought he died from having some type of experience with drugs and saw the Mexican Jesus. I'm not certain but it seems logical to me why one could interpret that. Okay, now THIS is hilarious: "I saw the mexican Jesus floating down the river, Yellow Stone National park. I think it was minun 20 degrees in the snow...butt naked. I don't think he was native american... and he was butt naked in the yellow stone river, minus twenty." LOL. What is your interpretation?
  9. SCATTERBRAIN - INFERNAL ANGEL 2003 01: Mexican Jesus ... B 02: Wool Gathering ... B- 03: Bedlam ... B- 04: Infernal Angels ... B / B+ 05: Mental Vortex ... B- 06: Hex ... B- 07: Possessed ... B- 08: Scattergram ... B 09: Pass The Buck ... B 10: Power Of Inner Strength ... B- I find Infernal Angel good or great as a whole because of what it does so well, and that is how it presents its attitude through music/mixing and voice samples. Voice samples play a big role on this energetic, dark badass psytrance album. Also, things take place that suggest the artist doesn't mind or care whether you're offended, shocked, surprised, or not. Infernal Angel has this cool "who gives a fuck" attitude that is rare in psytrance these days unless something sucks and the artist doesn't care...and Scatterbrain sure as hell doesn't suck. It is fucking great! Relative to it's voice samples, they're sometimes humorous, occasionally pretentious, and often times downright clever and cool in their own way. This is an album that people will either get or not get right away. Like a Tarantino film, this is definitely for you or not. Those who find the first three songs a bit too sample-driven may generally enjoy the songs that proceed because the album (for several songs) becomes becomes less chaotic, energetic, and dark through it's samples and just as chaotic, dark, and energetic through it's music, the melodies and other sounds! This artist has chosen and gotten creative with some great and excellent voice samples. 01: Mexican Jesus is pretty good. The story can be taken different ways and I have an idea what it seems to be talking about. To be honest, when first listening to track 1, it seems pretty basic in beat and sounds. It's the story that stands out and for the first fifty or so seconds I find it humorous. Although it goes on for longer than I enjoy, it's the voice samples that really make this track so unique, and how they play to and around the music. However, it's the sample that make this track stand out the most. I like when the music is more animated, layered, and engaging in combination to engaging sample(s) as he does in other songs. 02: Wool Gathering to me is far more interesting musically than the first song. I like his voice samples in the beginnning and end, and I love the part in the middle with the voice sample. Along with the aggressive tone that storms in after that wicked-fun remark, the entire song engages on a higher level. There are moments in this album where the beat and occasional sounds begin to sound repetitive to me, as they do here. And then something happens which makes me go..."FUCK YEAH... That was cool!!" When these moments take place, they can change the ones perspective of the song because of what the song does or doesn't do depending on the sample. I love how kickass he made this song. The music and mixing is supposed to compliment samples of course, but this artist loves to play with sounds and make those sounds and samples both compliment and engage better than most artists out there. 03: Bedlam I don't really care for, but's I find it entertaining in its own twisted way. The first time I heard this song I was like "Wtf?? hahaha...this is nuts." There's something about the "More spegetti Mr. Ed??!!" sample I find humorous and I get giddy over it for some stupid reason. However, the whole "crazy" theme in the song eventually gets repetitive and tiresome. It eventually wears off IMHO and the song never grows out of it. This is a decent song, maybe it's pretty good due to all the creative mixing, random sounds, samples, and the way they're presented, but it's a one-trick pony. 04: Infernal Angels ... is one of my favorite songs on the album. This is his style with more melodies and I really like it!! Not only can he create some good melodies but the female opera voice that comes in at the second half really enhances this song even more. I never would have unexpected to hear that opera in psytrance, and sound so great, but that's the nice thing about this album. Lots of things that may sound silly or strange by themselves have a way of playing along great with the songs. I really enjoy this song even if it's not insane (cool voice samples) like many of the others. It's interesting to see his versatility when it comes to style and sounds. 05: Mental Vortex is an aggressive dark psytrance song that nicely follows track 4. It's just too bad that it doesn't do much as it progresses. I really like the "I am the God of Hellfire..." sample and sounds of sirens convey distress and chaos, the way its thrown into the psychedelics. It's different from every track before and after it, but nothing great. 06: Hex starts like a decent, more clubby song. It's not really dark than some others and also does some interesting things that sound good when fused together. Also, around 2:20 there are new, incoherent high pitched vocals. This is catchy. This is another song with less crazy voice samples (skipping and mixing). I see he used some sounds from track 4 here. The reversed echo of the girl or whatever that higher pitch sound is (taken from a film I think) played 3:35 minutes into it. I like the eerie, incoherent sounds of some guy, his lauguage alien to me. The song begins to drag by the fouth minute. At 4:45 the cool echoed voice bits are followed an appealing harmonic melody that quenches the tracks thirst here. I most enjoy this part of the song with all the sounds coming together, the ambient notes, incoherent voice, harmonic melody, etc. Part of me wishes he brought the melodies in sooner and further added and developed them as the song progressed. 07: Possessed is more dark than the previous song and not nearly as dark as others. The Darth Vador sample is of course cool. However it doesn't seem to influence in changing the music or energy of the music that follows as track 2 greatly did. What I miss here is the change or development in the songs direction (more layers added as the song progresses) as done in several other tracks. Nonetheless, there's enough trippy sounds/melodies ripping across the beat to keep it cool throughout. It's a pretty good song that would have gone downhill in repetition if it went that much further past 7:00, but it doesn't. The song is cool and to the point. It just doesn't really change or develop much throughout. The beginning sample is a nice touch and like few others on this album, this song could have been great by being more involved, animated, and dynamic IMHO. 08: Scattergram returns to having more cool samples, and in this case referring to descriptions using the word "crazy." These samples are helps give the album so much character. Fortunately, these samples are totally different than before. There are lots of cool ones here, and they are generally less repetitive than those of track 3, albeit less wild and giddy. They're entertaining and very cool. I like the Brad Pitt one the most, taken from Fight Club I presume. Once 4:28 hits, the song becomes more arresting. It's a driving, energetic song filled with zipping acid (?) psy-sounds and sweet melodic bits bouncing around all over the place. It's a cool/good song throughout but nothing superb IMHO. 09: Pass The Buck starts more melodic which is fine. I like how it soon picks up. There is another good sample. It seems this album has enough cool samples to last the average artist a trilogy of albums. This song doesn't do much for me until around 3:30 when a melody drops. It sounds more classical until the next voice sample. As soon as that ends, the song returns with more substance. This is what I like about this album. The songs generally get more and more interesting, crazy, fun, weird, sound-layered or whatever! I like his style, voice samples, and melodies. They're entertaining! 10: Power Of Inner Strength is a reasonably good song to end the album. To be honest I find many tracks more interesting here than this one but the positive exceeds the negative so much I'm not going to complain. It's shorter than the others, not chaotic/crazy, or intense sounding IMO, and the voice samples occur less often. It's still a cool song, not great but pretty good for what it is. In conclusion: Scatterbrain may lack emotional punch and substance but it has enough crazy fun and unpredictable moments, catch tunes, rhythms to be exist as a memorable piece of art in psytrance. Sometimes the melodies hold my interest on a deeper level until the next cool voice sample which is often unexpected, funny, or catchy. I like this entire album, especially the middle where more melodies take place. One thing that stands out for me is how well the voice samples (both altered and not) compliment the songs and melodies. The second thing that really stands out is that this guy can create some really good melodies. They're psychedelic, dark, and at times beautiful. I don't consider every song great and few I find closer to average, but the amount of quality or solid songs here is good. This album has more personality and character then a plethora of psy albums out there. There is a showing desire here to be more than just random or crazy, because the music is so well composed and mixed. Infernal Angel is occasionally spontaneous, random, twisted, humorous, insightful, and at times bizarre or just nuts. It's one of the most original, unique, and distinct psytrance albums I own. It's no masterpiece IMO, but this guy has proven that he has the potential to make great music and maybe even a masterpiece if he is that ambitious, passionate, and wants it bad enough. The lazer, Star Wars sound fx do boarder on over-use at times however. Whether you like the psytrance, occasionally Full On style here or not, this IS one of the bettor or one of the best psytrance albums of 2003. Now bring on the next! SCORE ... B- / B = 8/10 Samples: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=3597 ....................................................................................................................... Best albums of 2003 Ethereal - Anima Mundi ... B+ ... (Best Goa-Trance album of the year) Aes Dana - Season 5 ... B+ ... (Arguably best Down-Tempo album of the year) Penta: Pentafiles ... B+ ... (Solid debut and style raises standards in dark psytrance) Antix: Lull ... B ... (Arguably best progressive trance album of the year) Xenomorph - Qlippoth ... B ... (Good Evil-DARK album follow-up to CN with several great songs) Infected Mushroom: CV - Trance/Other Side ... B- / B Overall: B Scatterbrain: Infernal Angel ... B- ... (Good, sometimes great, creative, stand-out psytrance album) Protoculture: Refractions ... B- Entheogenic: Spontaneous Illumination ... B- Vibrasphere: Lime Structure ... B-
  10. The last song is good; I'd like to hear more songs like that. I don't like the opening though. I like Filteria and Khetzal more. There's some good work here. Both Suntrip and Ka-Sol can do better.
  11. Probably not. We just think it is.
  12. Why is the actual track titled "11" not on the tracklist at saikosounds? http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5981 It says it is here. Is this unofficial?? http://www.discobole.gr/en/product.asp?pid=108849 I think people realize there's no I.F.O. sound anymore because even their second album was very different from their debut and that was back in 1999. And their singles following F.O.L. were no where closer either IMHO. If it's an excellent album with lots of Pleiadians feeling, I have to hear that for myself, because the "feeling" they've been giving me since 2000 has generally been weak and average. I've avoided buying any of their comp and Etnica stuff. Do modern characters mean Full On?, typical club psytrance? It would be ashame if they placed some of their touches into something average. So many great goatrance artists return 5-10 years later with something that has no ingenuity, something that doesn't stand out, something that everyone else is doing...they smack their name on something generic (maybe with a few certain melodies and sounds here and there to pay homage to fans) and $$$ seems to be the only reason. I mean, just listen to MFG. It had several nice melodies which reminded me of MFG but I'm not supposed to be occasionally reminded of the group I'm listening to. The album is supposed to be good because these artists were leaders setting the example of what was novel and great. That's why it's so disappointing to hear Full On coming from AP, MFG, etc... because these artists have proven they can accomplish so much more. Did Pleiadians basically follow the path MFG took, doing their version of Full On? I presume they are. Money talks louder than making fans happy from 10 years ago.
  13. PLEIADIANS: FAMILY OF LIGHT 1999 Dragonfly Records Update 2008 Update 2012 Update - February, 2016 01. 08'11" Head Spin 02. 10'33" Universe 13 03. 16'49" Modulation 04. 07'09" Meter 05. 07'35" Family Of Light 06. 08'04" Moon In Your Window 07. 15'51" Seven Sisters My perspective of this album has changed in retrospect, though I still find it inferior to I.F.O. There is some amazing work on it. When I first heard this album back in 2001, I didn't like it very much. I noticed the style had changed to being less melodic, elaborate, and intergalactic compared to I.F.O. I found less involved arrangement among melodies and the track Universe 13 I felt was unimaginative, uneventful, uninteresting, boring, and lazy...in need of more drafts, refining, or a stronger track in place of it. Meter's synth work (later on after the awesome opening two minutes) I found distracting. The signature Ka-Ka-Krrr FX in Family of Light was distracting to me and (also I found) Moon In Your Window too screechy and the voice sample unnecessary. Suffice to say, I feel similar today in 2016 regarding every criticism, though I don't find anything too screechy about Moon In Your Window. One thing that's changed is my tone and appreciation. I.F.O. was a milestone in Goa when it first released, and I was comparing the follow up to it as opposed to enjoying Family of Light for what it was. I think it's understandable that when a group releases what many consider the MAGNUM OPUS of Goa-Trance, expectations are high. While I still notice things I don't care for regarding several of the tracks, I've gained so much insight over the years like many of you. My perspective has expanded. Consciousness has expanded. There is some really wonderful here, though at times I feel a mixed bag. The positive far out weighs the negative. As opposed to focusing on what this album lacks compared to I.F.O., I'd rather look at it more broadly, objectively in the sense I'm not comparing it to I.F.O. so much but listening to it for what it is. Some of it surely has to have made improvements over I.F.O. right? For starters, the beat work, baselines, production, and mastering are I feel. ... I appreciate how each of our perspectives make up a piece to the whole. We each offer insight and here's mine. 1. Head Spin is a classic, or at least a cult-classic in Goa-Trance. Don't listen to this in the background or you may get annoyed with it fast. This requires your full attention without concentration on any one part. Just let go and enjoy the ride. I LOVE the song's cosmic opening, followed by the synth plucking "twang" sounds. I love how many layers they were able to cram into this thing, all the while producing delectable rhythm, aggression, and fluidity. That said, Head Spin is not as seamless, fluid, nor as elegant as the transitions or structuring on I.F.O. It isn't as melodic either. But that doesn't seem to be what they were going for here. Sure you could argue that more variety of sounds could have been used, more emotion, atmosphere, etc. The song feels emotionally distant to some degree, and yet there's something hypnotic and kinesthetic to the whole, and on an adrenaline level. The latter relates to being in the mood to enjoy this missile. The beats and baseline stand out more here (and on this album) than they did on I.F.O. too. A good set of ear buds or head phones really showcase those crisp, tasty details and the immersive, more intimate feel that would otherwise feel less present hearing this song without them. Head Spin capitalizes on creating Maximal Psy/Goa-Trance in the 90's. It's raw, uncompromising, intense, abrasive, and even a bit over-the-top, catchy! The song raises the stakes as it progresses. Aside from being a monster, some may feel that it lacks the epic vision and feel of the songs on I.F.O. to some degree. As said, it's less melodic. I don't find it as deeply satisfying as my favorite songs on I.F.O. due possibly to lack of emotional resonance. But for what it is, it's pretty awesome, both for its time and even today. A 2. Universe 13 starts off interesting and atmospheric, coupled with soundscapes and ambient. The song isn't half bad, but now I can articulate my criticisms. My first issue is the tinny beat at 0:55 that continues through a chunk of the song. I find it distracting to immersive opening. The song picks up and retains some unique FX and ambient. Some nice development occurs at 2:17, but by 2:36 we return to that repetitive "tinny" beat and that's my first issue with this song. Around 3:05 presents more catchy sounds, and again at 3:50, though I feel like I've heard these ideas executed better before. The ideas are good; it's the delivery that doesn't agree with me. The song is like two songs colliding without marrying one another as Pleiadians usually do. The result is a bit harsh and convoluted sounding, like cousin that forgot to marinate. The song seems like an experimental track filled with ingredients but lacking the measuring and physics we're used to, to turn a list of good ideas into something delicious. I'm baited with some nice sounds always hoping that one of these unique sound fusions will elevate the song from out of its current state, but such sounds work as mere accents it seems rather than elegant transitions to transformation. I'll say that another fairly catchy part is around 8:05, but again, it's basically sound effect, not a section of the song. That's my other issue with the song. It never feels fully realized to me, thus it's not up to par with the other songs and to me, sounds a bit bland, repetitive, overly long, dull and uninspired. I'm sure others will appreciate it more than those of us who didn't and I won't say it's half bad either. Their Deep Frequencies track on the other hand is an example of slow, long too, and ENGAGING. So yes, I would have loved a more interesting, arresting track in place of Universe 13. I'm sure they had their reasons for including it here so I'll stop here. It's just pretty mediocre to me, for what Pleiadians are capable of. C 3. Modulation is a return to excellence. Well that was easy! Universe 13 was, well, considering these guys know how to produce super songs. You gotta ride your winning horses and this is arguably the best track on the album. Maybe the only thing unnecessary is the voice sample, but really, I have to dig hard to find faults or gripes. It could have been more emotional I suppose, but it does have feelings (that come later). It's even a bit dark. Fortunately, there's rhythm, a leading sound that sticks in my head, and then there's that baseline, etc. Modulation has such healthy development too. The song's engaging, evolving, fun, and quite possibly the best "epic" Goa song I have ever heard to date. When I say epic, I mean over 15 minutes long. This thing is awesome, with at least 4-5 acts! Moreover, they're CATCHY! Eventually, without being boring for a second, the song returns to its powerful signature synth leads! Here's a track that sticks to what works. It knows its imaginative and visionary, ideas for Universe 13 that never reached its potential in my opinion. Modulation is refreshing! Not a second is boring, rather I'm hooked for the full 16:49. Now why couldn't Universe 13 be this good for its slower approach? This song is like five great/excellent songs all homogeneously rolled into one to form a SUPER WHOLE. It's nothing like anything on I.F.O., and yet it's EXCELLENT, what this entire album could have and should have been. Well done! A 4. Meter is more zippy, fluid, and melodic than Modulation. I LOVE the cosmic opening. The first two minutes are sleek, with a dynamic kick drum, synth work, and direction. So far the track is perfect for me, but then something happens after the transition from 2:25 to 2:31. An anything but intergalactic synth lead enters that to me, does not compliment the immersive journey. But rather distracting from the universal space flight. This melody/sound work (thrown on something so strong prior) changes the feel of the song, bringing it closer to Earth, foreign culture associations, and definitely not galaxies. Some will accept it as more or less catchy. You could argue that it works (or doesn't). it adds variety among the more cosmic ingredients, but I was never a fan. Again at 3:31 is where the arrangement changes up again, to one less interstellar. To this day I have my preferences (more cosmic), but at times I don't mind the sound fusions. Other times I just cannot get into the track with these unclear synth choices. At 4:16, the cosmic feel takes precedence. Fantastic stuff. We're back in the zone! This part is accented with an echoed "boom" effect. More melodies enter. The beat changes up again. This section is VERY catchy! But it's short lived since yet again, an aversion synth to the track's cosmic feel shows up via 3:31, and another and another. Meter is energetic, sleek, tasty and engaging, but those last two words depend on your enjoyment of the synth work which to me, take away from what around it is a mesmerizing jewel in Goa-Trance. The song is unique, though no lead gets stuck in my head. The buildup early on is great, as well as the mini-climactic feel approach. Overall, Meter is a song some find awesome or great with its relentless energy, while others feel mixed due to some experimental synth choices that takes away from the intergalactic feel relative to the promising opening. B+ / A- 5. Family of Light takes a backseat to more ambitious structuring but I only say that in relation to Pleiadians. It starts out distinct and intriguing, fairly darker and atmospheric. Those mechanical roaring sounds make the song feel more repetitive at times, similar to the WHIRLING sound on I.F.O.'s track Targeta. The song develops nicely and has fantastic elements throughout, even if it peeks in the second act. The female voice samples are nice too. There is a mystic/cosmic and nostalgic feel to the song which is what I love, its future/retro melodies! Their style coupled with the leading section via 4:12 is fantastic, ascensional work. The song has feeling, and the key notes compliment it, like a story being told. Even those Ka-Ka-Krrraww sound fx have grown on me, from was once more or less distracting. The song may not be considered spectacular as a whole, but rather great with one spectacular section. But opinions differ. There is some masterful work here and on the previous tracks too, though I'm not so sure about Track 2. I really enjoy the melody/sound work here when it arrives regardless of the shortcomings. Even after it leaves, we have those tasty nostalgic, melodic remnants to eat up, the female samples, etc. Great song overall, but superb as a whole, I think not, but that one section from 4:12 to 5:00 is infectious ! A- 6. Moon In Your Window has grown on me the most since I bought this album back around 2001. Initially I didn't care for the voice samples. I felt the song was too screechy (acid-y in retrospect) and piercing for some reason. I still find the voice samples distracting. The first few synths I sometimes find piercing or grating, though as a whole, the song utilizes higher and lower ones well. The beat stands out too. I like how often the song changes up, the sound/melody (synth) work encompasses healthy development, though some of the synth choices are, for the record a bit grating at times. Nonetheless, the arrangement is varied, though each new synth entering does not have much development like much of the album. Some of the synth and sound mixing here is outstanding, thus producing a sleek, involved, intelligent, and gripping ride. A song doesn't need to be climactic to work well as Moon proves. The key changes are great. Same with "accents" and sound effects. I'm not sure the title choice since it seems to specifically reflect the voice sample that only distracts from the otherworldly creation here. Back in 2001 I found this track disappointing to put it mildly. I was comparing it to Maia, Electra and Asterope on I.F.O., instead of listening to it for what it is, a chapter as part of a new vision and album. With exception to the mediocre voice sample and a few synths that could be perceived as more or less abrasive or grating, Moon In Your Window is a tightly composed, interweaving, and delectable track. A- 7. Seven Sisters is an emotive, floating, retrospective, introspective, and expansive downbeat Goa number. I once felt this started out good, then felt drawn out. Sure it's long. So what. I think it's beautiful. Unlike tracks 2 and 3, some may consider this too lengthy because part of the song seems to repeat toward the last third as opposed to developing more in combination with repeating leads. Regardless of its shortcomings, the song is spacey, elegant, and rare. I love its harmonious sound throughout, like angels or light beings realizing their limitless abilities throughout the Universe and beyond. Another word is poignant and space opera-esque. Seven Sisters is like a space opera with characters you love. It's so hard to say good-bye to them. Maybe these characters are going to a place of peace i.e: angels, spirits. Overall I find this a wonderful way to end the album, and a beautiful good-bye from Pleiadians (though we are approaching their solar system in actuality -- believe it or not, as physics and astro-physics shows I believe, so it's not good-bye to the true/real Pleiadian start system that (along with Goa) inspired the Goa-Trance group. Rather a seed was planted that will one day lead to a truly magical realization via expanded consciousness ). I love this song. If there's one song filled with feeling on this album, it's Seven Sisters! Did I mention the more mid/uptempo Goa-esque pickup in the second half? Totally unexpected and not necessary; it's surprisingly unique and kicks ass. The song could have ended 3-4 minutes before it does. But I don't mind the bringing the energy back down finale! This is the most emotive work I have heard by Pleiadians to date. Just shut your eyes and breathe in deeply while hearing this on ear buds. Agree or disagree? Unlike the others, I have to be really present to appreciate this song, otherwise I'll shut it off unlike the others, and that's maybe the least positive thing I can say (personal preference). The end result is a rewarding track with lots of replay value (like numerous songs here). I think Seven Sisters is a beautifully realized space opera, downtempo Goa-Trance number. Well done Pleiadians! A CONCLUSION Family of Light is different than I.F.O. It's less cosmic (comparatively speaking), less melodic, less elaborate in its melodies and melody arrangement, less homogeneous, and less elegant overall. It is more rough and hard. The baselines and beats stand out more, with greater variety and production. The songs sound widely distinct too, though I.F.O.'s songs sounded distinct, the style on Family of Light has expanded too. I have listened to Universe 13 again and again, and it's honestly not bad. It's just not very catchy to me, and I question its purpose here relative to the other songs that I enjoy so much. If a track is not clear to me (or us), how was it not clear to the group who literally raised the bar unless it wasn't the entire group that raised the bar on I.F.O. and one or two artists less involved with the debut wanted to make their own track (Universe 13) here? I don't want to speculate though or focus too much on Universe 13. I think we compared this album so much to I.F.O. when it first released, that we failed to enjoy it (as much) for what it is, and what it is? Family of Light is an ambitious, imaginative, and visionary sequel that is different, yes, and that also showcases some of Pleiadians' best work, some of the best work in Psychedelic Goa Trance. I enjoy and appreciate this album so much more today, in the year 2016 than ever before. It's not I.F.O. and yet what made I.F.O. so great was that it was/is different too! This is a very creative and well done album with some of the most awesome material in the genre on it. Did the complaints from fans back then contribute to why the group split? I wonder. Around the positive, some pretty critical stuff was written back, in these forums and by myself too. It's nice that we grow and mature, how we become more conscious versions of ourselves over time. I am thankful for this album because without it, I wouldn't be able to enjoy what I love about it so much. Although I.F.O. will always have a special place in my heart and yes, it is still my favorite of the two, F.O.L. also resides in my heart. I feel pretty bad for trashing it back then and I apologize. I want to add that Seven Sisters is great and so much more enjoyable to me than "Celeano" on their debut; there's just so much more feeling in it (which I prefer). When I first wrote about this album, I was a lot less mature and well, conscious. I thought Pleiadians were going to make a third album (in goatrance) and I wanted so much to influence it to some degree, to say what I wanted, to hear all new, awesome tracks that made me feel the way I felt when first listening to I.F.O... like an I.F.O. Part 2 with just as much magic as the first time. It's amazing the impact one album can have on one's short-term mindset. But then consciousness kicks in; we (or many of us) one day realize and all is forgiven, the truth preveils. Though not without its flaws, F.O.L. has some amazing, beautiful and wondrous, magical work on it. Things have an interesting way of working out in the end. Favorite tracks: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 A- I.F.O. recap and some thoughts - This album is like my alien dream woman from across the Universe. She's beautiful inside and out, compassionate, adventurous, intuitive, intelligent, highly evolved, and conscious (aware) ---> everything I.F.O. is. The last track, Celeano could have been a more engaging I suppose. The first time I heard I.F.O., I gave it a 9/10 because of Celeano to be honest. Naturally, we were in the peek era, the golden age of Goa and I thought it would last forever. I wanted to leave room for I.F.O. 2 to... you know it's pretty trivial now I realize. We enjoy what we enjoy and that's that. We are attracted to what we're attracted to. I'm grateful for so much. Nothing is perfect of course, except to the mind. Everyone's a little bias. We're not 5th dimensional light beings (yet). One day... [my opinion --->] Many of us will experience the 4D earth as 4D beings. When spirituality and higher truth come together, acknowledgment and experience of the physical and non-physical realms, people will start to perceive what was once outside of their perceptual range, what has existed all along. Everything will change. The world we have always desired is being manifested. So it's important for us to keep our vibrational frequency up! We are energy and attract what we put "out" there. Many of us are dealing with personal challenges but this too shall pass! As Earth's frequency continues to rise (physics can test this), more truth will pour to the surface. Darkness will continue to be exposed and the deeper meaning to the photon's showering Earth (now acknowledged in science based documentaries such as N0VA: At the Edge of Space on Netflix in 2016) will begin to be understood in ways scientists cannot fathom. Earth will experience some extraordinary occurrences between 2015 and 2030 and our experience will be proof. I.F.O. is like that giant leap in consciousness -- in music. An awakening to a genre already awakened. It raised the bar. Same with Family of Light to some degree, though it changed the style somewhat and wasn't as loved after the little I.F.O. album became huge. GOA has opened us up and expanded us spiritually for things to come. So it's not just an album in the past. Everything we feel drawn to is a part of something greater. There is more about this in my "About Me" for those interested. This music simply inspired me to write this over simplified bit as part of my review (in reflection) here.
  14. Jon Cocco

    Cosmosis - Cosmology

    COSMOSIS - COSMOLOGY TRANSIENT Track list: 01. 08'38" Cannabanoid 02. 07'34" Oceanic 03. 07'49" Sanyacid 04. 06'43" Alien Disco 05. 06'43" Morphic Resonance 06. 07'11" Interspatial Meltdown 07. 07'49" Gift Of The Gods 08. 07'30" Key To The Innerverse 09. 06'31" Afterglow Cosmology is a diamond in Goa Trance. To give it to you straight, this is one of the best [most awesome] Goa-Trance albums. Ever. 1. Cannabanoid is epic, constantly evolving, developing, and traveling. This is a very strong albeit somewhat subtle piece to meditate on. The melodies flow like liquid, sound/melody combinations are infectious and continuously develop. The music isn't too in-your-face and yet it's engaging. You can't keep your ears and mind off its influence. This can be a wonderful explorative track or an intelligent, rhymically conscious dance [party] track. More people deserve to be aware of how amazing this music is. This is one of the best songs I've ever heard. A 2. Oceanic has a very infectious, liquid Goa synth that carries it to other more evolved terrain. Great direction! I'm hooked from the start. Great use of samples too! "There are no boundaries..." Though less elaborate in structure than the opening track, this is one of the tastier pieces of Goa music I've tried and the result is always excellent! The ending gets a tad repetitive, but overall what a sleek track! A- 3. Sanyacid is ethnic, worldly, and simply put, wonderful. I love songs that make me go wow both during and after, and this is one of them. The melody/sound work is juicy and flavorful, wrapped around smooth transitions, advanced mixing (well, that goes without saying), and production design. How this artist morphs one part of the terrain into the next is impressive. Wonderful work. A 4. Alien Disco is the first really climactic Goa track on here. Lots of high pitched, altered melodies pushing the listener to dance non-stop. A 5. Morphic Resonance changes up the tempo, adding variety to the album. The borderline mid/up-tempo track featuring buildup and retreats. Its [very catchy' signature Goa song appears early on and heightens the whole. The song's a unique, fairly moody approach coalesces with an infectious uptempo finale that develops for the remaining 45% of the song! The already catchy number is accentuated further as each minute winds down to its last. Although this is arguably the least strong track on the album, it's very good if not great old school bliss nonetheless! B+ / A- 06. Interspatial Meltdown is far more energetic and aggressive than the previous track. It appears to be another strong idea derived from the driving, dance energy the previous one built up to. This one is faster, starts strong and doesn't let off the ignition until the final frame. There's a strong melody around the half-way point. The song is a fun, rhythmic trip. A- 07. Gift Of The Gods seems to be the centerpiece on here album according to many reviews throughout the internet. It may be the greatest track to get the listener dancing on herel; it's just one of the best. Reunited is the idea of high pitched and altered melody work, that of Alien Disco. However unlike Alien Disco, this one packs strong emphasis on various melodies, both lower and mid-ranged too. There's an ascending melody around half-way through followed by an interlude which really pushes this song into heavenly terrain. The voice gives it a more epic feel as energy comes together for an even greater take off. It's very clear here that the artist had a blockbuster-esque vision for this song. In other words, it's packed with powerful leads, melodies, charged rhythms, evolving direction, and ear-candy that goes on until the last second. As far as dancing and climax songs go, this is the jewel in the crown. It's also one of the strongest and more popular Goa songs. A 8. Key To The Innerverse is an excellent diversion from the last beast. It's very groovy and driving without being as climactic or epic as the previous number. Everything flows so rediciously well right up and past the climax, lift off. Even more elaborate combinations of melodies are introduced and the structure continues to develop in a stylishly, complex, concuction. Add a strong leading melody to top it off. This is one of the best tracks on the album. A- / A 9. Afterglow is an infectious, Ambient+Goa influenced downtempo gem. It's refreshing, contemplative, and intriguing. While I've heard more impressive final songs on Goa albums, the melody combinations are great. The song is complimented by a wonderful accent, like an alien beacon signaling. Indian-Eastern influence compliments the whole. This is a very satisfying number. A Cosmology is one of the best Goa albums ever released. Relative to super Goa albums like Pleiadians I.F.O. and Hallucinogen's Twisted+The Lone Deranger... Cosmosis's Cosmology is right up there. Be it a cosmic fantasy number like Cannabanoid and Sanyacid, or a mindful party stormer like Gift of the Gods, Cosmology lacks a single dull moment. The only track that I found mildly less strong at times was Morphic Resonance, and even that track is solid by Goa standards today. I expected a little more with the final track developmentally, but its overall sound is so catchy via accent (among other elements) that I keep coming back to it, decades later, as a reminder of gems and diamonds encompassing a terrific album. The follow up album to this one via Synergy is great. I prefer this album by leaps and bounds due to its incredible GOA influence. The details, accents, infectious sound/melody work, and more make this the purest Cosmology album, and one of the purest cutting-edge (still is in 2019) Goa albums ever released. The album's interesting (exploratory!), exciting, contemplative, visionary, imaginative, intuitive, innovative, expansive in its conscious approach, risk-taking, occasionally euphoric, beautifully layered, and in a word, groundbreaking. Their are songs here that may inspire your soul (and/or mind) for the rest of your life (and beyond as consciousness continues). It's that good and I have less than zero interest sugar coating anything. Despite a few less than amazing tracks, the album is wildly strong and IMO-- a masterpiece. Favorite tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 A
  15. This is a great album. Outdated? The best stuff appreciates. This album has some awesome Goa songs on it. Not every track is superb IMO. Overall this is a great album with super songs!!!!! I wish they made new Goatrance today. Super kick ass music. UX is fun, edgy and very creative! Best tracks: 6, 7, 8. - Pure intellect ... B+ / A- - Alien Earth Activity ... B+ / A- - Dominion ... B+ - Life Support Technology ... A-
  16. I voted Xenomorph - Cassandra's Nightmare because it was most accessible to my mind when I thought of most evil-DARK goa/psy. Whenever you have samples from horror films like Hellraiser and In the Mouth of Madness...coupled with the already dark background music, atmosphere and occasionally screams of pain and torture) it sounds really evil. I could see why The Delta and BotFB are popular choices. They don't use samples as chaotic or evil sounding as Xenomorph has IMO, but the music in itself is very brooding and heavily dark. Xenomorph is more shock value (evil voice samples and sounds) mixed in with good dark goatrance. I don't know if it would feel as evil-dark as Sandman's WC and The Delta without those samples. Cydonia is more great wicked melodies goatrance with a dark tone throughout. The tone is dark and it doesn't have sounds of actual people in agony or terror. It's different. All of these are psychological in different ways. Anno Domini is more dreamy/fantasy, not fully dark IMHO. Certain tracks such as Pathfinder and one other (for starters) are heavily dark, definitely... but as a whole? The Delta debut seems to have been generally favored a bit more than BofFB so I can see why it would appear that much higher. Other super dark albums I would have added to the poll maybe: - Penta: Pentafiles (!) - Dark Soho: Combustion
  17. Prototropic is my favorite album by Transwave to date. I may be biased because this was my first album by Transwave and I had it for some time before finding a copy of Helium. The first Goa song I heard by Transwave was Land of Freedom on a comp too. Initially upon hearing this album I was unimpressed by the first several songs because I thought their whole style was going to be full of (what I considered) super songs like Land of Freedom. I really thought that Land of Freedom was the superb track and the rest here were more or less fillers. I was wrong. LOF is fantastic and not close to the only super song here, though arguably speaking, the best track for the dance-floor on Phototropic. Arguably. The album as a whole is very special.
  18. Transwave is creative!
  19. Jon Cocco

    Biot - Saturation

    Oh I like this one. Some songs have that slower more chill goatrance/ambient feel.
  20. I'm listening to Time Dilation by old Pleiadians and loving every second of it. I found several superb and not so great songs by them earlier. The comps they're on are unavailable to buy everywhere I've looked and these are available else where. - Deep Frequences ....................................... Wow!!, an excellent 14:52 sec long Goa Ambient one!! - Time Dilation .............................................. This is fantastic!! - Zeta Reticuli Lazy (spiral mix) ..................... I'm sorry it's not superb. It's just reeeeally good. (!!) And I think I just heard the weakest tracks ever by old Pleiadians. They're called Sonic System and Ciberland and they still kicks ass, lol. It would be cool if the newer songs (at the very least) were on par and better than the weakest songs from old Pleiadians. Because even those are pretty good!! You know...it is amazing how fluently and gracefully they built, combined, and developed sounds and melodies. Just listening to their older stuff, the way they blend sounds together, how it flows. The way they elevate certain layers above others reminds me of how waves flow over and through other waves in the ocean. I'm just listening to these songs I never heard and they're beautiful. Their Deep Frequences song is impressive for an ambient one. Their rhythms and tunes are deeply catchy and engaging. Their mixing abilities... I love how they combine sounds at different tempos and keep adding and echoeing sounds on top of sounds. It's like, you don't want the song to end at times. It's captivating.
  21. Great mix Anoebis! This really kicks ass. I'm hearing it again the same day. I love the opening and when it flows into track 2. Hearing Family of Light put a smile on my face. You picked some superb tracks. I never heard Psylent Budhi before and both of his songs are great here. I especially like the part around track 6 though 8...excellent!! It seems you created this to make it more intense as it progresses until tracks 9 and 10. How the heck are these songs by Psylent Budhi and Imperial Project unreleased??? These are some great goatrance songs I'd imagine existing on earlier albums or comps. I really like the part around 27:00 foward....and around 32:44. Wow, the fast tempo waves of melodies!! What? No peaceful chill track in the end? I'm J/K.
  22. This is too slow and uneventful to me. When I think of build-ups I think climaxes and this has none IMO. The music picks up a bit, then slows down, picks up, etc. Things never really build up and take off. The drums are a nice touch when the song is moving at a better pace. And when I mean better pace I mean the part that is not inbetween 2:05 and 3:05. That goes on for too long. The overall song lacks layers and melodies or more animation, changes in song direction...and it's generally too repetitive. It wasn't until around 6:00 that something seems to finally be happening...a build up of sorts. The song gets a little better at that point but by than I've lost interest. It needs to captivate earlier on and improve from there, not at the last minute. All of this feedback of course. I'm generally critical with everyone and my intentions and words are ntended to help bring insight for the artist to improve his skills and or song/album. Others may enjoy this song more. It has some nice touches and ideas and it can be much better. Once again, nice idea is around 5:55 forward relative to the rest of the song. Maybe the song could start there after a short intro and then drop the drums, add melodies and than really lift the song, tempo, and beat up even more...dropping new melodies (remove older ones) etc... just some ideas.
  23. To make money. Lets' be realistic. Etnica has slowly gone downhill over the years. Although the Pleiads have hurt their name by associating it to weak comp songs over the years, their name still carries allure because there hasn't been a third album yet. Sometimes people on this site including myself generalize what the real world view really is because we people come from different countries and communicate on this site. However, it's just a window amongst many. This site used to be called goatrance.free.fr I believe...which to me means many of us have goatrance roots. We often don't talk about quality alternative rock, pop, industrial, hiphop, etc...because that's not the topic here, but neither is goatrance being made often anymore and we talk about it an awful lot because to it we can relate. Who will buy this??? Try some thousands of random people throughout the world who go to online shops every day and buy anything that sounds cool to them. We call it crap, but WE also are generally more aware on this site because of this sites and members history. Not to sound cocky...we've evolved and for many of us, so have our standards. We should be greatful for the first two albums. At least I am. I listen to some of their tunes today and it's much better, more sophisticated, artistic, and intricate than virtually all electronica being released now days. If you love Pleiads older stuff and want a third album similar and newer to IFO's style, listen to Filteria: Sky Imput and Heliopolis. At least there's TRANSWAVE to look forward to. I keep hoping that another one, like Pleiads, AP, Planet Ben, Sandman, Cosmosis...doesn't bite the dust. Look at Simon Postford and how well he did with Shpongle while NOT touching a perfect thing knowing damn well he could harm it forever if he wasn't amazing, that being well duh, Hallucinogen 3. Such awareness is not in everyone though. Artists like Pleiads have to make capital like everyone else. I just wish they'd make a great album because "great" often mean better word-of-mouth and sales, right? Well "great" sales also come from Full On now days it seems because it has the basic formula that doesn't stray from not working on the dance floor, whether it's good or bad Full On. And I'm not asking for I.F.O. part 2. I am not even asking that they do goatrance. All I ask for is great songs, the best they can make, back-to-back with the two members left. Make them danceable! But what if (passed a decent song or two where they put more effort into it) they just don't care anymore? People change. Groups change. Ideas differentiate and sometimes the artist just isn't as passionate anymore. So why continue to make music? Because making music is all he or she knows. That seems to be the case with The Pleiadians. 5-7 years ago I would have said fuck them and argued with everyone who disagreed with me, but I'm more aware now. I realize that at the end of the day it is what it is. I don't like the direction they've gone based on tracks released by them over the past 5 years...and we can look forward to bigger and better things regardless how big the disappointment...bigger and better OTHER artist albums that are give us what we consider awesome for our time now. It is what it is. The Pleiadians, the REAL Pleiadians ended in 1999 after the F.O.L. release. When the disappointment hits for certain with this release, we shouldn't waste that much more energy on a pointless topic because that's like investing in a crashing stock. Pleiadians have been going down and none of us have control to bring their group back together to what it was so why get irritated over that?, and I fully agree with you guys, but it is what it is. The positive side is that this third album may only further prove why their old work is so classic and appreciated. Exactly, referring to our ears. They do listen to club trance like Sasha and Okenfold!! But you're not 100% about some things. For example, I live in the USA. When I first started posting here back in 1999-2000, hardly any of my friends were aware of what psytrance was. I used to actually drive up to the clubs and blast my music outside as people were getting out. Occasionally a person or several approached my car and said stuff like, "What is that? Where did you get that? It's awesome sounding." I got a bunch of my buddies into psy coz trance music is considered Sasha and Okenfold for starters. But there is NO scene in many parts of the USA so people tend to hang out where other people do. If you have no psytrance scene and like trance, you're likely to go to club trance places just to hang out and have fun. Years later I learned thousands of people (I presume thousands because I'm aware of close to 100) order online psytrance albums right here in the USA. And there IS a psytrance scene. It's in California and attracts people who live in CA from all different countries. Our scene is not nearly as big as many other countries and many people in the Central and North East are unaware of any scene, especially in those areas....but the US scene is rapidly growing. People in the USA don't generally go to FULL MOON to my knowledge (some people do I presume) ... They go to Burning Man. Haven't you yeard of BURNING MAN festival??? That's the big one in the USA in Navada. Over 40 thousand people go each year I heard. My friend drove there in 2006 at the end of the summer. And yes, they do play Psytrance, lots of psytrance!, dancing, partying, fires, giant set-ups like Full Moon pics I've seen. Many famous psytrance artists, Dj's and famous people are known for going each year. Check Burning Man festival it out here. http://www.burningman.com/
  24. Looking forward to hearing more from this one. I like how many times that sample song changes...asssuming it's one long track. It's like 4 songs in one. Towards the end of that sample (the last fifth) is my fave part on it...the tempo pics up, guys vocal-skippiing...is this another song altogether? Is this sample like parts from each song mixed into one long song as a preview of the entire album? Maybe I missed more info on this previously in the thread. Regardless, it sounds good!
  25. To EVERYONE who posted recommendations on this thread: Please check my big posts on page 1 and above this post for updates on my feedback and responses to your albums! I've added many words and links to samples (to many of your recommendations) to make these more accessible for anyone interested in checking out. There are some very cool things listed througout these two pages. I'm will be ordering a handful of them. Just some of your albums I didn't know about before and really like are: Dark Nebula: Rototic Tongue was mentioned for songs like Structual Failure. I heard this and found it easily one of the best dark psytrance songs I've heard in years. It's GREAT!!, I've just added a short review on it in the 2004 reviews section on this album. Encephalopaticys: Psychotermic Meditation .... Holy shit this came out in 2006??!! Where are the reviews on this site?? It's atmospheric (ambience) at times darker/fantasy sounding. At other times beautiful such as in the self-titled track "Psychotermic Meditation." Some strong melodies present. I didn't add the samples before so please, samples here: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5800 Menis: Temporal Insanity ... I think those who enjoy classic Tandu: Multimoods will generally like this!! It has some very cool melodies too! Nordland Orchestra (album) ... Very cool, chaotic (sometimes intense) with some melodies. This ones a shade darker than many of the others! Toi Doi: Technologic ... Another interesting dark one with some great melodies. Oh of course...Darshan's on there...check the list at the top of page 1 to see Darshan: Awakening. Yes! I recently ordered Electrypnose: Subliminal Melodies. It sounds really good and one of my fave chill/ambient albums of 2006. I recently posted impressions in the review thread for this album on this site. As far as Botfb go...I find their style so distinct and original. People either love or hate them and due to the intricies of sounds, effects, frequencies used, some of their tracks have this repetitive HYPNOTIC effect...tracks that work differently according to different listeners. So "Leave The World Behind" for some reason doesn't put me in the zone like others I listed for that same "hynotic" reason I find difficult to explain. You probably know what I mean. Botfb sound has the power to trance or irritate right away due to it's subtleties...it's very mood influeced to enjoy IMHO. I'll check out Schlabbaduerst Rekkords 06. I simply wish those were more available to buy elsewhere because I've heard complains of delivery problems by few people over the internet. I find some good Botfb tracks on several Schlabbaduerst comps I've heard.
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