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Jon Cocco

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Everything posted by Jon Cocco

  1. Oh.. Too late now, but this thread should have been titled Filteria: Heliopolis... (add whatever else) ... because I just posted a link in the general forums this same date I'm posting this. I was completely unaware of this or any thread existing until now... Hmm... I wasn't aware that Heliopolis was the title of the second Filteria album, so I totally overlooked it.
  2. New Filteria album titled "Heliopolis" released Feb 6th. Any thoughts/comments? Samples... Psyshop = http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/sut/sut1cd004.html Saikosounds = http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5491 *This is not a review thread for those who have ordered and/or fully heard the entire album. Based on samples: I just had to listen to one of the saikosounds samples. The psyshop sample didn't give me the best impression of certain tracks I felt, although the sampling quality at psyshop. Anyway, Heliopolis has some tracks that seem less layer-piled and/or climax-filled than Sky Imput it seems. I believe the latter part was mentioned not too long ago. Now I admire the excessive, sheer, intense energy and over-the-top with melody-layering and climax-filled madness of Sky Imput... I admire and enjoy that... and I also enjoy the leaning more towards "balance" here while still keeping it mad and wild with more focus on melody structure and occasionally very well done, super big climaxes in place of tons of climaxes all over the place. Sky Imput was interesting, inspired, ambitious and may just be the most climax-filled trance album ever made to date. Unfortunately, and there are no history books that currently record such a fact (to my knowledge) if that be true. This follow-up, based on the samples, sounds very well done, more diversified with style and sound in relation to the debut, while still keeping overall feel, style, and tone... which you may feel sounds more or less the same or different than Sky Imput. It's still loaded with energy, and yet some of it sounds less intense; it still seems to have it's moments of intensity. If Heliopolis builds and becomes greater as the tracks continue towards the middle-third of the album, I think that will be a great as opposed to throwing a super-song at random, but that's my opinion. The album seems to end nicely with a chill/downtempo track. Surprisingly, it seems some parts drift into an original, yet complex-melodic goatrance style OTHER than the Pleiadians... (!) Does anyone else notice this? Most times I think the Pleiadians-feel and sound is very present, and it's being done in Filteria's style based on THEIR style of course. Hmmm... I wonder how this will compare to Sky Imput. It is more diverse as opposed to almost every song being mad-layered-crazy-intense back-to-back. I think more people will like this in general, but will more Filteria fans find it better after hearing Sky Imput? The interesting thing about Sky Imput was that Filteria took a beloved style with climaxes and pushed it... But for those who didn't like the so many climaxes and/or Pleiadians style, you'd probably not care for the overall album. It is what it is however, not everyone can like everything. If Jannis tried to make it appeal to everyone it would suck because we have different tastes. No one can appeal to everyone, it's just not humanly possible. Whether Heliopolis achieves as many climaxes as the debut or not, it doesn't seem to be alienating those who enjoyed Sky Imput. I like the colorful, trippy cover too. It reminds me of some of those really cool covers on classic goatrance albums from back in the day. Transwave covers anyone?! Nice... Sure they could have accentuated the artist and album name better, and the colors are enough to pull in more than the average persons eye.
  3. What? What ever happened to my 2004 thread? I made a best albums of 2004 thread somewhere in October, November, or December of 2004. I can't find it when I do a search. It was titled something like.. "Your Top/Most Favorite albums of 2004." It would be nice if that thread still exists and can be located somehow. I don't know what happened. I remember several of my faves and those I considered Top 2004 albums were: Filteria: Sky Imput ... A- Talpa: The Art of Being Non ... B+ Four Carry Nuts - Mechanical Age ... B+ Ypsilon5: Binary Sky ... B+ Space Monkey: Psychotic Episode ... B Electric Universe: Cosmic Experience ... B * And the best comp of 2004 was (for me at least) hands down, the "There Is No Tomorrow" comp. I haven't heard a dark psytrance comp nearly as good since! As far as the list above goes, I don't agree with AP: Ten. I mean, it's basically a comp, a remix cd (by other artists only), and an extremely disappointing one at that. AP didn't do one track! It's probably the only album I wish I didn't buy in all of 2004.
  4. Interesting and good news! ... I too wonder how his other tracks will be compared to the one on APSARA. That was one great song that I'd love to see not be the only or several only great morning ones from this talented artist. Ka Sol really has a chance to do something excellent and impressive if he's willing and ambitious enough to nail each track with greatness and inject it with a shot of super, beautiful, kickass, intricate, catchy shots just to top it all off. Maybe I'm hoping too much. I hope it's TOP stuff and every track is impressive to me. Well see... I enjoy some of his dark stuff very much too. Ka Sol is interesting.
  5. Great job Moni. I was impressed with all the details, stats of your work. I was expecting you to list 5 albums with points next to each one and thats it... ..but you did far more. I admire your work and dedication. It's interesting to see what record labels produced more albums people most liked over others. We'll see how that changes this year. Great stuff! I had each one in my top 5 and I consider myself very selective. We have to take into consideration that Suntrip released Filteria in 2004 which was considered the best album of the year by many people on this site because of it's successful, ambitious take on the famous Pleiadians style. Both Suntrip releases making the top 5 or 10 is no fluke to me. They've been exceptional releases for what they are so far, and I hope it continues. Actually I have both Apsara and Khetzel back-to-back in my top 5, unable to decide which one I preferred most. In the end I think I favored Apsara because of the variety, but both are great albums. People on this site [in general] seem to talk and care stronger for goatrance than on other psytrance sites I know of. I think that would easily play a role on the voting. Same. GaySatanicHippie, not to sound rude but how would you really know that you liked the Isratrance top 3 better had you not heard the top 3 here? That's like saying you automatically like something more without giving the other thing chance. I also voted for Khetzal in my Top 5. It's an overall fantastic psy/goatrance album that I found not groundbreaking or perfect, but a beautiful nostalgic sounding, new-skool goatrance album influenced from some classic, old-skool stuff. Certain people may have not heard it on Isratance (or nearly as much) but that's how we become aware of gems or underrated albums. What counts is quality, and Khetzal is a great album that people generally seem to enjoy lotz! As far as anyone questioning the poll numbers go... I think Moni did a great job. Anyone who wants to count the numbers for themselves can always do so. I can't say the Top 5 final albums are my Top 5 favorites, but duh.. they're not supposed to be. It is what it is. Simply put. This is taken from the popular vote here. Sure the results may be different on other sites. That's good because it gives both sides of people albums they can both check out that maybe they missed one or two before.
  6. traveller, I thought Shpongle's last main album was Nothing Lasts. Is this a rmx album of Nothing Lasts or another new album? I'm curious and skeptical about The Delta, which I had no idea they were making a third Delta album until you mentioned it. Hmm... hope it's dark and great. Prometheus's recent "free" track I thought was pretty good, and I hope there are no boring tracks on his new album. I found several boring songs on his unique debut. Looking forward to Younger Brother too. Don't know much about the others but anything impressive, well see... AP is coming out with a new album in 2006??! Is this with only new tracks by AP on it or some crap like the TEN comp? Also, I'm looking forward to MFG too, but I'm skeptical what their new sound will be like. Same goes for AP if they release another album. I really hope it's not some full-on sound, so many of the old masters seem to change for the worse as time goes by. It would be so awesome to hear something amazingly complex and delicious with melodies and imagination after all these years from those classic artists, especially AP who I love their older stuff. I'm looking forward to Filtera ... Talpa, and what about the new Transwave album??? I don't think anyone mentioned that yet.. that is if it actually gets done and released in 2006. YES. Many people do, but I wouldn't hold my breath. As far as I'm concerned, the group died when it split. It's never been a tiny bit close to the same in sounding greatness since. It's ashame. It's like their currently using the name for popularity name recognition.
  7. This is the first interesting-looking tracklist I've seen so far in 2006, but I've learned to never judge an album by it's tracklisting or cover, for better or worse. My Impressions: Eat Static: Xeno-Phonic sounds OKAY. I like the voices and I expect more from Eat Static, who produced some great stuff. This clearly is not great. Control F: Release-Rhythm Circuits sounds boring, repetitive to me. X-Dream: Insanity - Well there's that female cpu voice again from off We Interface. Actually, this song sounds very similar to that album, but nothing great. I wish they made their songs more imaginative, melodies, etc.. It's got a good kick for dancing. At this point I'm beginning to thiink this is just not my style. I was impressed by the tracklist. Koxbox: Geomancer 2006 - I find this track boring too. I guess psytrance has spoiled me of ever enjoying new techno or tech-trance, at least in these songs. CJ.Bolland: Mole Patrol - So-so. Forgettable. Close Encounter - not impressed. Kloq Music 2 - Blah.. Prime Suspect: Synthetic Love - Wow, imagine a song that sounds like it was ripped right off X-D's We Interface sound and this is it. Neither good nor bad. Cool sounding but a bit too inspired maybe. The unoriginality turns me off when an artist sounds too much like another artist. Synthetic: Evil Thing sounds different, more refreahing compared to the others before. It's slower in style and I like the change. However, for what it is, I overall didn't find it THAT catchy or engaging, it's still decent and stands out whether you like it or not. Juno Reactor: Angel & Men (X-Dream Rmx) - Okay, I like this, and it doesn't sound like techno. It's pretty cool for a remix. I'd have to hear the original again. Nice sounds, melodies, voices... it's catchy! Someone said it was too short. Oh well. The voices and segment when the beats stop completely add feeling, making it more dynamic and interesting I think.. then the beat continues with those nice melodies. I wish there were more songs like the last one on here. Overall, this album is more intriging in it's tracklist and cover than the uninteresting songs appearing on it. I generally like X-Dream very much, but I've heard this sound before and done far more catchy too. I don't care for X-dream's first song here, but I like their rmx of Juno in the last song. This comp isn't my style. It's too techno sounding for me, and NOT good techno, maybe ten years ago this would have sounded great but now??? I suppose fans of the new X-Dream sound and those into techno may find more interest here.
  8. Jon Cocco

    Pleiadians - IFO

    Wow, just heard a sample of Zeta Reticuli for the first time, at the link below. Great stuff! I wish they kept making music like this! Update: Youtube is your friend.
  9. Oh, like to keep track of the mail in case anything happens, is that what you mean by registered shipping? If so, than yes, I believe so. As far as guarantees goes, that depends on who the buyer orders from I suppose. I get an order number each time I place in order. I copy and paste that number, and keep the confirmation e-mail that shows when the order was placed or will go out. I rarely ever have to ask for anything more, but problems unfortunately happen at times. If an online store loses 10 cd's or more, I'd imagine it could be a possibility for them to drag out the time-table of the albums arrival. (5-10 days for instance via priority airmail I think) so they don't feel oblligated to send out another box when the box already sent may just be late for whatever reason, or in some cases orders get backed up I would imagine, like on holidays. Speaking of orders, I like psyshop and saikosounds for trance albums the most. They don't carry everything I want though, but they specialize specifically in what I want for much trance/chill. For something older that seems to be out of stock most places, like Transwave - Helium, I'd check EBAY from time to time, which could get pricey but you have a better chance finding something rare or older at EBAY because anyone could sell it at anytime. I like amazon because they basically oversee and record the order, transaction, user, buyer, etc.. It has to go through them to happen so in part I feel they're relatively responsible if I don't get my order, even if they're not the direct sender. With some place less widely known or familair though (which to me was the other psytrance shops at one time) a buyer not always knows what level of commitment he or she may have if "something" happens to the cd and/or they don't get their order for some reason. But that goes back to what you said about guarantees I think. It's all relative.
  10. Jaia - Fiction is available at the ever popular online store, www.saikosounds.com. Psyshop hasn't seemed to have it in over a month or two! ... and of course www.psyshop.com is very recommended. Both of those online stores are popular, especially here to my knowledge. I'm more familair with psyshop, which I also recommend. I never had any problems with them, nor saikosounds either. The guys at psyshop communicated with me when an album came broken. I sent it back and they sent me a new one. That was the only problelm I ever had and it was corrected without further stress. I recommend www.psyshop.com... and www.amazon.co.uk for rare or older goatrance albums especially. Oh, and some may argue this, but I don't recommend placing more than 6-8 albums sn order because once you pass a hundred bucks on an order, it starts looking expensive and just in case, what if the box gets lost in the mail or something strange happens? You'll more likely have less stress if you don't make big orders, assuming you're not a label ordering from a distributer or for sale purposes that is. Most people aren't out to screw you. Regardless, if you haven't ordered from a site before and will try it out, I'd order one or several. If I like the service you can always return.
  11. That may be because many of us reviewed this album years back in the old goatrance reviews section. It's kinda tiresome to imagine reviewing every classic album again and again. Not just this album; many classics haven't been re-reviewed again. ANOTHER WORLD is the last classic album by Astral Projection. I feel this is nothing less than a 9/10 score. This was their last [and probably final] masterpiece. I would've been more content with things ending here, in a reflection of near perfection, as opposed to what followed. I didn't like Another World nearly as much back then... after hearing Dancing Galaxy. Most songs in Another World don't have much of an interesting introduction to the songs before the kickdrum drops in. The melodies build of course, but at times the kickdrum drops in within the first ten seconds of the song! I prefer those atmopheric, cool intro's to lead me in. The quick drop of kickdrum obviously makes it more dance friendly. I enjoyed the atmopsheric, fluid intro's in Dancing Galaxy.. arguably the *PEEK* of AP's career. However, Dancing Galaxy at times felt like one, excellent, long goatrance track. Another World's tracks seem to have more differentiating personality and character with which distinguish them. -Nilaya -Visions of Nasca -Searching for UFO's -Tryptomine dream -Trance Dance -Aqua Line Spirit amongst others, really stand out. They're very different in AP's style and all sound like great, [more or less] classic songs! That's almost the entire 79:39 minute album! Any Negative or less positive?: First, I've always felt that Still on Mars is kinda boring for a final track on an AP album. It's far from bad and overall nothing great IMO, even for a chill/trance song. Second, the self titled Another World isn't nearly as impressive, great, and Mahadeva RMX isn't original and as great either when compared to the others. I can't give this album a perfect score, their are better goatrance albums if I had to compare. I've come to appreciate these songs I once didn't care for over the years. I also clearly think the album should have started with the self-title song, Another World, because when going from Nilaya to the second track, Another World, it's a bit disappointing or lacking in comparison. Third, I strongly feel no one remixes AP's songs better than AP. I'd take a Mahadeva rmx by AP over some other artist doing it any day. Of course I feel it could have been even better. Also, it would have been nice to have a different, great, original song on this album, maybe in place of that remix, but wait... that was their choice. If the original was great, I feel the rmx is good. I wish they made another album masterpiece like their first three AP albums ... with all new songs updated in a modern style that's excellent. AMEN was pretty good, but a disappointment for many when compared to their earlier albums. AMEN was not the modern, excellent album I speak of. We haven't gotten that one yet and may never. AP peeked somewhere around 97-99, and I question whether or not the still have it in them to put out another masterpiece of all tracks created, written, and produced by them. They seem to enjoy sitting back doing less now days. Then came AP - In the Mix... which had some pretty good CLUB songs on it. I always enjoyed Burning Up and several other songs. However this is comparing their stuff to other club trance out there. I remember the negative conversations of AP going commercial, or more commercial, and overall In the Mix was not to be compared to their earlier sound, because at this point, AP had developed something called a "shadow of it's former self." And what the hell was TEN?!! Getting other artists to remix your classic songs seemed like a BIG jump to cash in, simply by leaning back and not doing much. Most of the rmx's on TEN felt pointless and uninspired by the classic songs that are intended to inspire them to be remixed! I know that sounds bad. The remixes gave NO justice IMO. So maybe one or two weren't exactly terrible, actually decent at best, but compared to the original songs (?!) and even most stuff thats considered good out there? The overall remixes comp wasn't good, or decent, or half-decent. It was disappointing and unnecessary. I didn't feel special when hearing it, which is what these classics were supposed to feel like I'd hope.. nostalgic with a modern artist's touch. To ensure TEN wouldn't be screwed up like it was, they should have remixed their own songs! I bought that TEN comp when it first came out. I was so bummed out, sitting there like.. this can't be right. Are they serious? This is so typical and boring sounding?!! As amazing as AP's earlier work is.... I found the TEN compilation a complete waste of money, time, and focus. A HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT -- especially coming from my first favorite artists in goatrance ever... it was Astral Projection who got me into goatrance. In conclusion, Another World is one of the best goatrance albums of all time. The first track is beautiful, stong melody layers remind me of powerful, colorful waves of energy or water coming in on some gorgeous alien planet. This album is more visual for me. Most of Astral Projectin's earlier work I found so magical, visual, and amazing, now classic. Beautiful cover too! Speaking of their covers: Another thing that changed and became less memorable after Another World. What happened to AP? Was it age? The label pushing them to cut back and make club trance because it sells to a wider audience?, or was that what they wanted in their heart? What REALLY happened? Everything seemed to change after this album. Sure they made an occasional good song every now and then...but the detailed, stunning work on their first three AP albums took a backseat. Actually, it left the effing car. The passion and magic was no longer their. (!) Do you not agree?
  12. Jon Cocco

    Psychopod - Dreampod

    I simply meant if there was a longer version (main album) including the two singles mentioned on Dreampod, I'd be interested in getting that over an EP, because I prefer the whole album in general. But after my earlier post, I checked and saw that unlike Psychopod's second 6 track album... there simply is no longer Psychopod debut album. I hadn't known it at the time. All other comments were my thoughts outloud, because the Dreampod song is the one I find most special.
  13. Jon Cocco

    Psychopod - Dreampod

    Was this an EP or a singles album? I suppose if they made a full album, meaning 8-10 tracks, you would've reviewed it. It's strange because they seem to have made a full album in 1997 at the first link below, soon after their first er.. main album (?) at the second link. I wonder why their second album says EP with there being 6 tracks on it Is there longer albums somewhere other than the two lins below? Does this seem strange that their dubut has only two tracks and is considered a full album? I mean, occasionally a two or three track EP is released prior to the main album, which seems to be what they did with their second release titled Headlines, but not the case on Dream pod. I wonder why. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/tip/tip1cd926.html http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/tip/tip1cd901.html Dreampod sounds very cool. I overall really like their trippy, melodic, psychedelic sound. Their two-track cd is available to buy. Anyone know how Headlines is compared to their first release? I'd take the latter over Dream Pod coz it has at least three times the tracks and sounds very good also.
  14. Good recommendation. I hadn't heard Delerium's Sphere album before. I really like it, especially tracks Colony, Transmitter, and Monolith. I think if they added a kickdrum and sped it up, it would probably sound pretty close to goatrance. I like the ambient sound though. About the samples... yeah, the same year (1994) Prodigy relased an album called Music for the Jilted Generation, which I believe happend to have the same damn "My Mind Is Glowing" samples. Which album came first I don't know, but I do know that the Mind...Glowing samples have been used over and over again throughout the last 10+ years by multiples artists. I don't care for it but the song is still very well done. It's slow but it builds, develops, and compliments the songs with more animation or imagination and more attractive speed that follow. I had heard some of Delerium's later, dance/clubby stuff...nothing great, some of it's cool, such as Silence and Truly (feat. Nerina Pallot), very upbeat, catchy, feel good pop/dance stuff. Was "Silence" ever made without Sarah Mclachlan singing on it? It's a song right off her 2003 album with a different beat and melody attached. ...but that sounds absolutely nothing like their earlier, more individualized expressions of art. I don't eveknow how the group evolved into songs with singing? It sounds like a different group. The Spheres album is totally unique. It's not trying to appeal to the mainstream; it's an imaginative creation from the heart. I really like the dark tone, with melodies, atmosphere, gradual build up. I consider much ambient boring in general. I couldn't give Spheres a perfect score because I don't consider every track excellent or amazing. There are one or two tracks that really strike me as excellent for their time and still our, especially when realizing that they released in 1994! Several other tracks however far from bad, are not exactly excellent IMO. Overall a very well done album and probably one of the best ambient albums.
  15. By starting off your thread topic as "Hallucinogen Overated?" ... then asking if people think "he's" overrated, I'm uncertain whether you're talking about Hallucinogen or Postford, since Postford has done other works since Hallucinogen. Hallucingen seems to be what you're focused on, unless you mean both of them, combined, as one... I think Hallucinogen's overrated only in the minds that expect or hope he will release another album we consider amazing, groundbreaking. Many people have come to associate such big words to Hallucinogen because there was no sound like Hallucinogen back than and there wasn't since. As far as Hallucinogen's current work. To talk about that may be more objective I think because his release(s) on the Gran Turismo 4 soundtrack, for example, were nothing to get excited over, and yet I'm sure some people got excited just because one or two tracks have the "Hallucinogen" name attached. So that's when I shake my head and think, "It's just not the same." It's overrated because I'm sure those who got excited wouldn't have if THAT name wasn't attached. TWISTED. People certainly didn't seem to consider Hallucinogen overrated when Twisted released. The Lone Deranger. Same goes for this one. I was very impressed. It was actually the very FIRST goatrance album I gave a 10/10 to I think. We can look back at anything and feel or think different of it. That's the whole point of being retrosptive, and having perspective. Were these albums impressive then? ... If you answered yes, then it did it's job, whether it's dated now or not, hopefully it will stay special and classic forever. Unfortunately, as time goes by, things that have been put so high up on a pedestal are usually questioned... It's like as we mature, out outlook matures or changes too, but does it mean Hallucinogen is overrated? Ask yourself, was it overrated when you first heard it.. that should help answer the question. Now has the man become overrated is a better question IMO. The man hasn't released a main Hallucinogen album in 8 fucking years! There's nothing to judge or review, other than Shpongle! We seem to talk about artist Postford maybe a bit too much. I feel he's recieved the attention and credit he's deserved for his ellaborate, ambitious, imaginative, most excellent works. Keeping him alive by a thread popping up on these forums every month is cool. Such great work deserves attention... but TOO much attention makes him and his music seem more than they actually are. It may be around that point that some of us may start to question our initial thoughts and feelings about the artist and his music.
  16. Oh... I really like this comp! Dark, with MELODIES, chill.. interesting.... catchy, (!) It sounds refreshing from all the more psychedelic, twisted, noisy darkpsy that comes out each week. Been listening to samples here: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5385 The Neoris - Last Mission of Atomic Submarine track is very good. The whole album actually sounds pretty good to say the least. Hopefully this comp gets more attention!
  17. Wow, I really like the Neoris - Last Mission of Atomic Submarine track! That was a good recommendation you got earlier in the thread. Do they have entire album like this, in this style? The Neoris track, "Last Mission" has melodies, MELODIES! ... it's not too psychedelic.. and DARK... ambient, synths, atmosphere! I really like it... (!) ... I found it on an interesting, dark compilation called Refresh at link below. There may be other songs similar [more or less] to the Noeoris one. I kinda like the comp it's on, several of the other songs are catchy too, whether they're what you're looking for or not. http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5385 Silent Hill soundtracks have some good ambient/chill dark, depressing, interesting tunes, songs, atmosphere, as you well know. There are currently 4 soundtracks for those! The games are great too, especially the far-out, twisted, demented, EVIL, DARK Silent Hill 2... for the PS2...with amazing, cult horror characters like Pyramid Head...ahhhhhh, eerie, nightmare stuff.. You and anyone can read my full review of the Silent Hill 2 game here if you're interested: http://www.epinions.com/content_88172629636 but thats another topic. And then there's the Silent Hill movie coming out this year (2006), April in my country... with a soundtrack that has potential to be very dark and interesting. Second, if you're interested in one of the most underrated dark, ambient (with melody) songs of all time IMO, check this track out: "Analgesia." on the Sinsation album by PIG. The other songs by PIG are NOTHING like it.
  18. Sounds different. I think the sample in track 4 is interesting. I find the hard kick drum rarely ever seems to change throughout most songs. I would have preferred if he accentuated the melodies a bit more too, as the beat seems to grow monotonous. Parts seem original. These words based on samples.
  19. KHETZAL - COROLLE SUNTRIP RECORDS 2005 1. LISTENING WINDS 2. ANAMATHA (REMIX) 3. BELLS OF SARATH 4. NARAYANA 5. GANESHA PRAMANA 6. INDIAN ATTIC 7. DJANINGAR 8. NYIRAGONGO 9. AVASARI Lets be realistic. There weren't many Goa albums released in 2005. There was the Apsara compilation from the same fantastic label and that's about it. The two are difficult to compare because it isn't two artists competing. They're both great for what they are. Both have similar sounds used in different styles, different songs. Both are impressive gems, which include a handful of the best songs I've heard in 2005 and in years. It's ironic that Khetzals song on the Apsara compilation was the one I enjoyed least. Khetzal is the modern sound of what real Eastern-Influenced Goa used to be. Why call it Eastern-Influenced? Well, that's what words most of us have always associated to goatrance albums like these. These being Goa albums that, for starters, are "up-lifting, beautiful, lush and melody-driven, fast, psychedelic, floating, ethnic and world influenced, dreamy, arresting, and filled with texture and depth." History and Corolle Corolle explores the realm of light, similar in spiritual essence to Astral Projection, RA, D5, California Sunshine, Electric Universe, and more. On the other hand, bands that explored the dark include: Battle of Future Buddha, Xenomorph, Sandman, and Darshan. There was also bands inspired by both light and dark combined, such as Pleiadians. Corolle is the most known (Eastern/Indian influence) in Goa-Trance, and it's more earthy and nature-esque than most other groups in the genre. The album appears influenced by both spirituality and the Triplicities. The Triplicities are the four Elements: Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. Khetzal in essence, is influenced by consciousness, spirit, love, and light. The artist has taken a classic, beloved sound from the magic days [96-98] and creatively, passionately brings it to life in the 21st century with wonderful results. 1. Listening Winds is beautiful and magical. The melodies are warm and gentle, floating and touching. This track feels and sounds so accessible and comfortable. It isn't as danceable or fast as the handful of songs that follow which is a good thing because this leads us to the path, to other area's with grace. Listening Winds has character, substance, feeling, and heart. It's a great, uplifting opening song. The melodies are beautiful, catchy, and peaceful. The speed seems just right. Several people seem to think this is a beginning song to the better songs to come. I believe those people are focusing on the dance potential and more animated layers in other songs here over the simple fact that Listening Winds is deep and less animated, more calm and at peace. It's like soothing the body, mind, and soul before a big adventure or experience. This sounds nostalgic and yet new to my ears. It's beautiful. A- 2. Anamatha (Remix) involves wonderful notes of ambient and a strong atmospheric aspect throughout. The beautiful female vocals, not often used on this album, are best used here. They add strong Eastern/Indian influence and character to an already dreamy, more emotional, (with feeling) elegant song. This is a beautiful, excellent track. A 3. Bells of Sarnath is the first track that really picks up speed, bpm. It's also less emotional and deep than the previous tracks. Furthermore, this really is the first real dance song on the album, so it will please the general Goa fan waiting for a more danceable song. Unfortunately I was a bit surprised and disappointed with it. It's faster, sure, but more predictable, repetitive, and more ordinary sounding for what I expect of a great Goa-Trance song. I do like the interlude in the middle at least, and the following sound develops the song's previous, predictable direction. Bells of Sarnat is less complex, involved, and developed than arguably all of the songs on Corolle. It's entertaining and far from masterful IMO. The song has cool melodies and sounds and it does appear to become more catchy as it progresses. It just could have been more imaginative and gripping. I think various people like this song because it packs momentum to dance to, whereas the two previous songs were more gentle. I prefer great songs whereas the album builds up to higher level energy, danceable, and even stronger songs. But this artist has already proven capable of creating better. That said, it's still pretty good! B 4. Narayana is far catchier and engaging than the previous song. The album seems like something is all building up to something powerful with this ethnic-influenced, danceable, and infectious number. Many attractive melodies and sounds take place throughout with several change ups as the number progresses. It's an enjoyable song overall, albeit nothing spectacular. There is a strong, psychedelic aggression and melody (beginning around 4:45) that is unlike every song on the album so far, and it's great, especially when it takes off around 5:08. A- 5. Ganesha Pramana has an interesting intro. The violin melody around 1:55 is very catchy. A flute-like melody around 3:20 adds zest to the layers. The song becomes more interesting when it quiets down, towards the transition in the middle. The *whispering voice* really enhances, adds character to this gental part, especially as the melodies return. The song feels slightly too sped up though. why is that? Other than that, it's more or less great. B+ 6. Indian Attic begins gentle, slow, and peaceful. It builds very nicely and basks in peace around 4:10 to 4:25. Around 4:30 is the development to something startling powerful. Suddenly the song takes off around 5:24 like a coaster soaring off the tracks and shooting to the stars. This is a great, excellent dance song. It has many layers and a wonderful climax or boost towards the second half which puts this beauty into overdrive for the rest of the song's duration. Until around 7:27 where things get quiet... until 7:30 where it suddenly returns. A- 7. Djaningar is the most developed super dance song here. It has a plethora of beautiful, lush melodies and sounds. I love when a song captures my attention and becomes increasingly more infectious as it progresses. Respect for locating and mixing a strong amount of carefully selected and infectious sounds. A beautiful lead takes place around 4:22. There is a dazzeling, climactic final-third that elevates the song further. The track takes to the stars and never looks back. Wonderful song! A 8. Nyiragongo is very different from all other tracks. It's less predictable in style and energy. It's slower too. I find Nyiraongo interesting and mysterious. This is very different in character from every song on the album. I like how it's not as uplifting as the others, while being unique, more serious in tone, (somwhat dark? hmmm.. interesting) and catchy. I admire Nyiragongo for its change in style, tone, tempo, sound, and speed. There is not need for any cool tricks, buildup, or climax here after the previous several tracks. In that sense this is refreshing to some degree. It remains appealing throughout. B+ 9. Avasari is one of the warmest, dreamy ambient Goa-esque Chill Out songs out there. I don't find the voices as "emotional" or as effective as I did in Anamatha. They're unique and seem heavily Eastern-Indian influenced. One could float away to this. Avarsari is a beautiful number, and an excellent way to end the album. A CONCLUSION - Khetzal's Corolle is one of the best Goa albums ever released. Every song is good, great, or superb. Track 8 is the only song I find less in sync with the general theme of the album, and I like it, a lot. I'm glad it's here. Listening Winds, Anamatha, Djaningar, and Avasari I find most beautiful and exceptional here, followed by tracks 4, 6, and 8. There are several super-energetic buildup/climax moments; they're fantastic. The introductions, earthy/nature, ambient, and atmosphere elements throughout the album is very well done. The artist goes above and beyond in this department, producing an album in tune with nature, the outdoors, and the wilderness. The melodies are gorgeous for the most part, creating waves of lush sounds, beautifully orchestrated. Although nostalgic and fun to listen to, I found tracks 3 less arresting then the others. Sure it's danceable but lacks zest I feel. The other tracks seem to have more character development, sound variation, and depth. Some people have said Filteria has too much climax and I wouldn't argue that Corolle has too little. As I hear the album more, I'd say it has just enough! Naturally, climax isn't the main goal here. Nonetheless, the few unexpected climaxes is excellent; I would never ask for less, but the same, if not slightly more(?) on a follow up album. It's great how much feeling there is in Corolle too. With this debut, the artist has not so much revived but re-imagined and modernized a beloved Goa element to greatness unlike ever before. Corolle is a gem. It's worth buying and listening to over and over. This is the best album by a main artist from 2005, one of Suntrip Record's best albums, and one of the best goatrance albums ever made [updated 2013] in my opinion. I really enjoyed Filteria - Sky Input and very happy to hear other styles in Goatrance. It's meaningful, very positive! Thank you Khetzal and Suntrip for this wonderful album! Khetzal please make another if/when the day comes that you feel it in your heart. Favorite tracks: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 A-
  20. Dude, it came out in 2004. That's when I bought it. Any site can make mistakes once in a while. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/yoy/yoy1cd063.html http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...7192830-8475858
  21. lol... I think I get what's being said here. People take the word "commercial" out of context all the time. There currently is this very "typical" sound going on in dark psy. It hasn't happened over night, it's been happening for some time now and I'm getting sick of sampling dark albums coz of it. Call it Full On, or lack of innovation, and being dark and very psychedelic, intelligent, etc. While this Lyserg Lesson album has several tracks that clearly stand out: 3, 4, 8, 9, 10. I don't care for the others. Many of them seem to fall into that more general "mainstream, take-no-risks" dark psy catagory that seems so popular right now. When it comes to dark psy, I want the real deal. Are the record labels lost? How hard is it to make a REALLY GOOD dark comp? Truly dark psy that's actually DARK with: Awesome atmosphere, samples, trippy, original, psychedelic, (several rollor coaster climaxes with exploding breakout greatness what follows) intelligent, imaginative, intense, wicked, risky, unpredictable, twisted, fun, and thrilling, crazy, dark psy with layers and LAYERS of catchy DARK melodies, and impressive, varied, smart, CATCHY and intricate basslines, mixing, and overall GREAT production values. Is that too much to ask? It's been done before, it seems it's such a difficult task to perform more than once in a full blue moon now days. The last dark album I got is Ghreg On Earth, (read my review posted recently) which is good, not anything excellent or amazing, but good. Two or three kickass or well done tracks on this comp isn't enough for me to spend $16.00.
  22. EDIT: Totally somehow missed Moni's list on page 1.
  23. I'm surprised you even thought of downloading when you read about "respect" in my previous post. The point I was making had to do with name recognition, (this thread for example) which helps make many people here aware of certain artists, albums, comps, etc.. they may not have knew existed before. Clearly it is obvious that certain people will always try to get music for free and others will pay. That's just obvious. As far as myself goes, if you read any of my reviews/impressions, you'd see I post a link to where the albums available to buy. Unless an album is out of print, unreleased, etc.. I encourage paying the artist. That however is a related but totally separate topic from the point I was making which you quoted. To try to make others see the way they see things I suppose. None of it better helps develop the self so why I even write this is pointless too. People get so wrapped up in little stuff on the internet, it amazes me, especially in retrospect.
  24. Because it's interesting to see people reflect and list what albums they most liked... in a short list that's easy to read in 2 seconds. It's easily accessible. Threads like these, (preferably done once a year, right after the end of each year) give listeners recommendations. I didn't know about CAPSULA, SOLAR FIELDS, or several others I now really know I like and dislike...until I read this thread. I thought, maybe they'll be something here I like I haven't heard that's good. If this album's good enough for someone to make it their top 5, maybe it's worth a listen. When I see an album listed in more than one persons list, it seems that it may have a greater chance of being liked. I'm thinking of ordering several albums I didn't know existed because of this thread. Also, I don't mind seeing where other people stand in relation to my most favorite albums of the year. Afterall, I've taken the time to write some reviews (Filteria, Apsara, Ghreg On Earth, etc..) on albums I thought were some of the best for what they are. We all believe our tastes are excellent, but whatever.. we're all different, like different stuff, some similar, and it's cool to see the similarities and differences. The Poll is for fun. Of course it's shallow. Most people won't care a month from now, but since the year just ended, it's cool to see what people most enjoyed from the entire previous year. And this Top thread has been going on for years HERE. The poll is just something they thought would be interesting. Lastly, there are no Awards for albums like these, and it's nice to give respect (peoples lists) to artists whom were found to have produced a TOP or favorite albums of the year.
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