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Jon Cocco

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Everything posted by Jon Cocco

  1. OMG!!!, what track title is that? Is that last track on that comp a track that Pleiadians made that was actually called, "Pleiadians???" I clicked on it and it showed me a picture of I.F.O. but no track on I.F.O. by Pleiadians is actually called "Pleiadians." So if its true, I've never heard this one! I have to know. Does anyone know the answer to this question?!
  2. To Filteria and Mars, Hey guys!, how are you! Its great so see your album finally released and I've read mostly very positive feedback on it! Its also nice to see you communicating with some of the posters on the forums, exchanging ideas, opinions, feedback, questions, etc... I've ordered this album several weeks ago and its already arrived at the location I plan on being at over Christmas. I'll finally be hearing soon it and I look forward to giving you my thoughts and feedback. So far I've only heard samples that filteria posted before and the ones off psyshop. In the mean time, I had several questions for you that I found good and interesting to ask. I'm curious to hear and learn what you think and why, and I'm sure some others are to. Please take the time to go through these at your convenience. Mars: Is Suntrip Records your own record label? If so, thats great. With the established connections that you (and if anyone else is involved) has, can we look forward to seeing and hearing new, creative goa/psy talents and debut albums in the upcoming years though Suntrip Records? Filteria: Has there been any other artists you've been inspired by other than Pleiadians? If there are, can you list any? Filteria - Do you have enough great tracks that you might put out a second main album in 2005, (like Transwave once did, releasing two albums within a years time) or will it probably take longer? Mars and/or Filteria - What exactly makes Pleadians psytrance and not goatrance, or vice-versa? I've read that you're music brings back some classic goa sounds. Some say its goatrance while others say its really melodic psytrance, which one is it? What really qualifies it to be one over the other? And do you consider your album psytrance or goatrance, (or do you consider those the same thing) and why? And if I straight up knew the answer to this I wouldn't bother asking it. Filteria - I thought this was an interesting question because you've been inspired by Pleiadians, a group which has only released two albums to date, both with mature and intricate, yet different styles for the most part. What do you think of Pleiadian's Family of Light album as a whole, the style? FOL has created lots of debate, and I too wondered why Pleiadians never followed-up with a second album based on this beautiful, detailed, fast, and innovative first style. Fileria - Can you give any ideas (estimates) how long it has taken you to produce/finish the production of this album? I realize you've probably made many tracks, some which didn't make the cut on Sky Imput. Can you think of any track(s) which have taken you the longest and the shortest to finish? I have a friend who makes Hiphop back beats professionally. He can make a "HOT" beat (with melodie (s) in anywhere from 25 minutes to 3 hours on average. HOWEVER, hiphop beats are obviously so simple and repetitive, they're quick to loop and rare to morph into another rhythm or beat. I realize goa and psytrance music is much, MUCH more involved and ellaborate, hence time-consuming and I can relate to certain "concepts" so I'm curious. Can you estimate how many hours more or less its taken to do this album, and do you have any idea which tracks on your album took the longest to finish? Can you imagine how many hours went into finishing those tracks? Mars and Filteria - Do you guys have any idea how many album COPIES a good (like Astral Projection, Infected Mushroom, Hallucinogen) goa / psytrance album sells about? What warrants good sales with this type of music? I mean, has IM or Hallucinogen ever sold over a million copies? Or is a hundred thousand copies really good? I have always found this question interesting because people buy these albums from all over the world, and yet they're so not as mainstream, but that makes them all the more interesting... because of the work and talent that goes into creating it, it only appeals to a certain crowd, but oh what music, and what a cool crowd. Any ideas, thoughts, and / or numbers you can give? Mars and Filteria - Do you have any favorite tracks on Sky Imput? It seems like all the tracks are good to say the least, any particular favorites? Anyway thats all the questions I could think of right now that I found really really curious. I look forward to hearing your stuff soon. Cool looking cover too. It grabs my attention. I have always found certain covers so cool and interesting looking, like Halluciongen and Transwaves covers for example. Anyway, thanks!
  3. Hehe, I kind of like his post because it reminds me of some of the stuff I've said on these forums in the past. I do agree that GOA MUSIC may never die!, but I don't think its nearly as strong and celebrated as it once was in the mid-to-late 90's! And I've never had the pleasure of going to a real Goa party, (Is a psytrance party any different???) so I hope there still are real Goa parties where they play REAL GOA MUSIC so I can experience one some day. The whole crazy parties, freedom of all types of things, exotic or unique locations that GOA parties have taken place all over the world, I've read... just sounds so awesome! You'd think they'd be more of this, stuff so cool and fun, right? I too was introduced to Goa music as a teenager, and when I heard it I was like, "Wow, I can never go back to techno, house, and hardcore again." Although I do enjoy all types of electronica, I've always found myself being drawn back to Goatrance because of its imaginative structures, catchy layers of melodies, etc... but I've come to accept the "changes" to psychedelic because I have no direct control over the direction that the music industry and artists will take. I don't like how general sounding and by-the-numbers, most trance music has become. Much of this music has become very formulatic, simplified, and unoriginal...exactly what the clubs and labels want, and some times their commercial intentions force the artist to give slack to their creative control and vision! Labels want a product garenteed to make money, and while I think Goatrance has certaintly made some labels lots of money, it doesn't sell as much because its just not mainstream. But if it was mainstream it might suck because then everyone would be producing it and it wouldn't be special anymore, ya know? When Astral Projection released In the Mix in 2000, it was basically melodic club trance with some psy influence/songs here and there, I thought that contributed to the beginning of the end of GOA MUSIC because AP was one of the biggest goatrance producers who were now not really producing goatrance, that is until AMEN came out. Now is AP's AMEN considered psytrance or goatrance?, because it did have lots of layers of melodies and some songs and it sounded like goa although more modern than their older classic and magical sound. When these club trance albums came out, I thought, "Oh shit!, AP's selling out to the clubs." Many people said the same thing. Some even said that AP sold out to be commercial on this same site under the old GOA REVIEWS section under AP's - In the Mix album reviews I believe! Hell, just scroll down to Infected Mushrooms BP Empire reviews to see the comments made about IM selling out. I even had several posts years back under my same name on that. Some time around then, it seems that goa music started to fade, and most of the upcoming stuff didn't have that magical "thing" that goatrance once had. Anyway, some years back, minimal psytrance came out, and there was a wave of music that wasn't epic, magical, and spiritual like GOA MUSIC was! Maybe some of it was really psychedelic and had many layers, but something was changing. This more mainstream music would sell on the same sites I used to order my GOA albums off of. I became worried because I was afraid that GOA Music would devolve into minimal or music not special anymore too, and all the great artists would start producing club trance with little melodic riffs that basically degraded the greatness of Goa music. (It even happened with Sandman turned Green House Effect, right?) B But Goatrance hasn't devolved, (some people say it evolved into psytrance) it simply was (for the most part) stopped being made... and psytrance, which had already been around through-out the 90's, began even more so-called branching out into all these other sub-catagories, some of which were misconstrued (by some people) for the death to Goa music, or poor, disappointing typical Goa music, or something like that I think. Many people not to familiar with Goa music don't realize the difference between psy and goatrance in general, right? Heck, theres some stuff I'm still not all that sure about. I knokw that Goa and Psy music are known for being psychedelic, fast paced, dance-ableand that they share other similar characterists. But why, for example, isn't Infected Mushroom called GOA?!?! Many people refer to it as psytrance but IM's Classical Mushroom album has more intricate layers, melodies, and sounds than most of the psytrance albums I've ever heard! Can someone explain this? I know that many goa albums are awesome, and their music will never die as long as we keep it alive by talking, listening, danceingt, visualizing, creating it, etc... Many people want to go to a goa party on beaches or in the middle of dark forests and all that other fun stuff. I think everyones positive energy coming together with all the amazing music is just one of the coolest things! Are there still traditional goa parties? I would think there are, right? The thing is that many people are unaware as to the history and of GOA MUSIC. I've NEVER heard goa music in a club here in the USA, ever!, but so what!, because most people would probably not even appreciate how special it is, like its history. And I wonder if GOA music will ever make a comeback because according to most people it seems, there is a very distinguishable thing between GOA and psytrance, and labels have mostly stopped producing Goa I've read. Will those epic layers of melodies that can tell a story, sometimes spiritual, super incredible epic songs that are so special... will they ever reappear again in the future? You'd think the fanbase and demand for GOA MUSIC would only increase over the years, but in stead, more and more typical trance and psytrance keeps coming out. Some psytrance is really great, but will GOA MUSIC ever really come back? Some say its evolved into psytrance, but if it has, much of the special stuff seems to rarely pop up now days, ya know? Anyway, Dre-Stortion's opening post got me thinking of those things.
  4. Well its old now, but the comp I feel is very important for its time was Future Sound of America, which introduced many newbies (and had some great songs too) to some of the greatest artists of goa music! I'm not saying its the best comp ever, but it certainly has quite an impressive artist track list with several great songs, you can't deny. Tracks 1 and 6 are most awesome!, and I really liked Hallucinogen's Gamma Goblins and EU's Stardiver. Great stuff! The Future Sound of America (1996 ir 1997) 1. 09'32" Astral Projection : Kabalah 2. 08'32" Miranda : Green Man 3. 07'18" Deedrah : The Wizard Demo 4. 07'04" Hallucinogen : Gamma Goblins 5. 07'11" The Infinity Project : Hyperspaced 6. 07'27" Transwave : Land Of Freedom (Radio Edit) 7. 03'37" Man With No Name : Jack In The Box 8. 06'43" Electric Universe : Stardiver 9. 08'06" Transwave : Malaka Dance 10. 09'49" Cypher O : Psychedelia Junglistia
  5. I too, totally agree with Slyman! Certain things will simply never be, and we should only look forward to the future and what is, and not a past sound that can never be created twice for its time. I fully agree with what Ukiro says. This is all very nicely written and while reading it I kept thinking, "Yes, yes!" I strongly agree with you. I just wish I got to my points across in fewer words from this threads previous pages, as you have. Hey, I found the site for Schlabbaduerst Rekkords at www.fly.to/Buddhas to listen to samples, and maybe order albums, but how do I samply these albums I know so little about??? I hope the site is very easy and simple to understand where to go to get or see what you want.
  6. No probably not, you're right. I'm just being hopeful, ya know? I know. Just making an example. My intention saying that simply was that I like when it isn't about trying to appeal to a general audience. I like when an artist focuses on being creative and not "just" to sound generally appealing, hence the dumb blond or whatever color haired girl shaking her ass on the floor. Shes so lost with the better stuff out there, and labels know how to market it for the average consumer, via clubs which encourage the typical music because it already generates a common audience. You're basically comparing apples to oranges if I'm correct. My point of the movie list was not to state the obvious that those films had well known actors in them, nor was it meant as if those films had unknown writers or directors (Most had very known directors and writers) Thats not the point. My point is that those films I listed, like Braveheart, involved very personal, passsionate film making, with very uncertain expectations on how accepting the mainstream would be, because the vision, tone, approach, and direction was something different and unlike Spider-Man 2 or X 2, where they knew the turn out would be big, the films on that list were very uncertain because of certain content and/or innovations not done before, hence albums that take non-commercial (i.e: original) direction. In a sense, every movie released in theaters is commercial. I don't want to get too into the whole commercial topic because its off the Transwave topic on this thread and maybe I should not have even brought it up, because Transwave created its own formula, style, etc... Their intentions were to make music because they have a passion for the music they make, simply put I believe that what I say is true. I thought of movies because someone got me thinking about how disappointing many psytrance releases have become in general I feel. SO, I thought of something I could relate to (movies) just to make a point, which seems to have been taken out of context for certain people, certain things written above. I hope thats more specific for those who didn't "get" why the heck anything about "being commercial" was even mentioned. Not to confuse anyone again, the point of me explaining the problems or uncertainties with the studio has NOTHING to do with my knowledge of Transwave's future or vision. But relative to what I said about passionate creating of something, that is when I relate those films for example, to Transwave, for example. So ... passionate, quality work is how I feel about Transwave, and classic goatrance in general. I love how an artist will put out something so catchy, creative, imaginative, good, great (wwhether dark or light) ... and not be tempted to change their style because the label wants it more "clubby," i.e: commercial, you know? I respect how Transwave has not watered down their music to appeal to the majority like most of the so-called club-trance, and yet the majority of pstrance listeners seem to really like Transwave! Its all about the music, their vision, and if they never had a story to tell, or a label willing to market them (finally their own I think) we'd never be around to talk about it, so I thank them and many others for getting their art out. Now, when I'm talking about commercial films, that doesn't mean its good or bad, known or unknown. Its about the intention behind it. Shrek 2, for example, was specifically made to cash in on, while also being entertaining and more commercial, by adding more gags, and giving the general viewer more of what they liked the first time. You can change this by changing the formula and doing something different, original, not generic, but then its intention wouldn't be commercial, see what I mean. Going into it any further only distracts from this thread.
  7. Dado? THE Dado? ... Well this is what I'd like to say right now if I was communicating to The Dado, with some general stuff on my mind, others can relate to. First and for most, I'm involved with creating music, writing songs and screenplays, and directing films, all independent stuff. As those things I enjoy doing, have done, and aspire to do for a large audience eventually, I agree in full creative control. The artist should create his or her vision the way they envision it. No one should try to alter that, period, and as a creater, I'm always open to giving and getting feedback. When I think of old Transwave, I think of catchy goatrance, lots of layers of catchy melodies, sounds, rhythm, composure,etc.. but I can only imagine a new Transwave because I have not heard it yet. I look forward to hearing it and I hope its something really special. On another note, I live in the USA. We don't "really" have a psytrance or goa scene in that I know of. I first heard your music back in highschool when one of my friends introduced me to a comp. On it I heard the first goatrance in my life. AP's Kabalah was my first goa track ever!, followed by Miranda, Deedrah, Hallucinogen, MWNN, Transwave's Land Of Freedom, etc... I fell in love with with this music! Kabalah and Land of Freedom were my all time TOP favorite songs for over year. This music inspired me to create many of my own works of art, and to trade in hundreds of my techno, trance, club, and house albums! When I started getting into goatrance... techno and house (in general) sounded so boring and repetive to me, and listening to this music was like moving up to the next level in a musical sense. Anyway, after buying such great albums by Astral Projection, Hallucinogen, Transwave, Infected Mushroom, Cosmosis, MFG, Miranda, etc... at the time after 1997-1999 for me, something started to happen. The great Goa artists seemed to stop making music, or they began making disappointments compared to their earlier work, such as with Astral Projection - In the Mix, which I feel they listened more to the general audience and clubs as opposed to their energy and imagination if you know what I mean. That In the Mix album wasn't magical like AP's others. ...and now Infected Mushroom I hear had their tracks "tested" in order to compile the most generally appealing songs on their album. Had they done this before?, because I heard this is the first time they really "tested" their stuff. Anyway many agree that all these artists old stuff was far, FAR better than their most recent album or two, because it seems that they listened to their hearts and instincts, it was all so genious, original, and creative! Nothing could compare to it and we all so loved it! Anyway, Transwave never released any album remotely disappointing in my opinion. My impression of Transwave, like Hallucinogen is very high. But at our current time, there are LESS masterpieces and the majority of the great artists seem to have ended or haven't released something great since around 1996-1999 about. Artists like (for starters) Astral Projection Transwave Hallucinogen Pleiadians X-Dream Infected Mushroom MFG Cosmosis Chi-a.d. Shpongle, etc... (Some of The Very BEST) have inspired and been loved and praised by so many people. So when someone mentions "Pleiadians, Hallucinogen or Transwave for starters, its bound to drum up some strong feelings because of how great and nostalgic those who heard it then, consider this music. When someone mentioned not too long ago on these forums that Pleiadians might release a third album, there was LOT'S of speculation and pessimism because of the thought of WHAT IF it turned out not to be good? ... It could hurt the impression of the originals that are so classic. So now the topics Transwave, and people are once again talking, (Will it be good?, How will it sound?, etc... ) and I'm thinking ... many people are thinking, and remembering ... how great the old days were. Those days are over. But most goa or psy (whatever you call it) artists don't produce great stuff anymore. In general, the great releases are becoming more and more rare. I very much look forward to hearing the new Transwave album, just as I would a new AP or Hallucinogen album. I realize it will sound different and I can only hope that I like it and that the artists put in as much as they can to really make it something special. I guess I've gotten spoiled from listening to all the great goa, psytrance, newage, Trip hop, ambient, chill, dub, etc... and walking into a club here only to hear a boring, repetitive beat with some radio extended version song with cheesy lyrics playing, and people seem to like it because they are so UNAWARE to the better stuff out there, frusterates me. So focus my energy on the great goa groups that have always maintained to seem so intriuging and appealing. I could always depend on goa and psytrance because it was more "out there" more involved, imaginative, entertaining and interesting music (for me) call it whatever you want. But most artists don't seem to make Goa anymore. And psytrance seems to have few new great talents, and so I when I hear that Transwave might make a new album, I get so excited like some other people because I remember AWESOME tracks like Land of Freedom, Rezwalker, Trashish for starters! I so think how great it could be to hear new, monster, catchy, detailed, adventuous songs. So yes, it brings up good memories when goa music sounded so special. Now today, its not goa. Its some electronica stuff mostly made for clubs, or less ambitious stuff, not those insane, catchy, melodic, rich, interesting, layers on layers, twisting, wild, amazing, epic songs ... which used to be so special. The key to the potential of this album is in none of us but its creaters. If this is Dado, I wish you the best of luck on your upcoming album!
  8. Thanks Filteria, I wasn't sure, regardless of what it said. I'm a bit surprised that they released both albums in the same year. That means Transwave only produced Transwave for like two or three years when you think about it, relative to when their albums were released! Wow, a seriously short life span! I wonder why they didn't make another album after Phototropic, must of had their own individual ambitions or problems I guess... There were some good, great releases this year. I don't agree with you when you say that not even 1 release was worth buyin., I mean, just think about Juno Reactor, Filteria, Binary Sky (Ypsilon 5), and Electric Universe, for starters... But I do agree with you about Transwave and about how everything sounds and is so full-on now a days (in general). Most psytrance has already or is gradually or quickly devolving into club-trance with some psy-sounds. Its mostly full-on club trance crap and its pathetic, generic, same-old-boring-style crap. I'm sick of it. It seems that ALMOST every psytrance album now is some full-on comp or disappointment, compared to years ago, where we still had disappointments but not nearly as many as today. And I want to say to all and in general, because psy-structure got me thinking: Its this commercial (typical, formulatic club trance) garbage. And this time I have a feeling its here to stay for a long time because it SELLS, it makes MONEY and its easier to do something thats been done than branching out and doing something new. Commercial stuff works best on the dance floor. at the regular clubs, with mostly young people who (not all but most) DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT GREAT psytrance and goa music. So everything is getting WATERED DOWN, which is why when something unique and innovative or great and NON-COMMERCIAL comes along like ... Juno, Filteria, Talpa, maybe X-Dream, (haven't heard it yet) Electric Universe, and even Four Carry Nuts... its up to us to support this stuff and keep it alive so they keep producing it! Thats why I'm so hopeful of Transwave coming back. I remember the old days when music wasn't as COMMERCIAL and aimed at the general dumbass blond girl who just wants a phat beat to shake her ass to. In the USA, it seems that if theres no lyrics, it sucks or isn't cared for, according to most people who attend dance, night clubs. Its pretty pathetic, I'm like, "Hey, it doesn't need some looped "check me out" trendy lyrics crap, use your fucking imagination," ya know? But no one seems to want to hear it because all they see on the TV is celebrities attached to there little image, one-liners, and pop song. Its shallow and common but so what because the general audiance can relate, they're naive. Thats why this music has become less produced. Just look at Chi-ad - Earth Crossing for shit sake!, that album won't even get a RELEASED?! and tons of psytrancers have been waiting years to buy that! Groups like AP and Infected Mushroom are only crap when they sound commercial and typical because of their where they come from, how great they have been. If Transwave's new album turns out to be great, not-commercial, and I agree... they must STOP the whole GMS influence and avoid the general, boring full-on (although they can have full on tracks, but when I say that I mean several highly dance-able track, not the typical "sound") sound, then this should be HUGE in psytrance communities world-wide, because there has been a growing demand for excellent psytrance / goa music like back in the day and for our time now. I hope Transwave listens to their hearts and fans and doesn't get caught up with the trends and the $$$, like what happened to Izik Levy's once great Sandman. Because of Izik Levy's selling out to Green House Effect, (which sucked even for general clubs in my opinion) fans in general seem to HATE this music for selling out like he did, same goes for Eminem with his new crap release. No quality! I hope Transwave never turns into commercial (meaning unoriginal, trendy) crap ever! I had a point to make. They're some of the last classic comeback potentials we have left. For example, several great non-commercial movies were... Star Wars Legends of the Fall The Shawshank Redemption Scarface Goodfellas Fightclub American Beaut American History X Akira, Vampire Hunter D Passion of thr Christ Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ... those films were widely accepted by general people and viewers and they WERE NOT INTENDED to SPEFICALLY CASH IN ON, or with the intention to appeal to the majority like your typical commercial film. It was about passionate film-making and if you make something really good or great, your bound in most occasions to not only gain lots of respect and a following, but lots of money as well. Thats my point. Goa and psytrance used to be like the example of those movies in my above. Now few artists want to take chances and get risky, crazy, inventive, innovative, because they've been corrupted by easy money and the studio / record labels. And then you have about 95% of all psytrance doing their own spin on full-on crap. Transwave can change this and hopefully create the beginning of comebacks for maybe some of the greatest goatrance artists ever! Imagine Hallucinogen 3, Astral Projection 6, MFG 5, etc... but if Transwave comes back in the wrong way, well, then we're fucked.
  9. Strange thing, Today (and I've noticed this before) while searching on this sites old Goa Reviews section list, I noticed that both Transwave albums, Helium and Phototropic are listed both released in 1996. Both albums! Now HOW is that POSSIBLE? There is no way both of these came out at the same time, right? Usually at least a year or two passes, so which album was Transwaves last album to date or which came first Helium or Phototropic? Why does it say they were both released in 1996? One of these must have come out in 1997 or 1998, right?
  10. Dude, shes can't be that old.. She actually looks very attractive on her album covers! I know that Phenomena is downloadable off her site. I have downloaded it and it has some really good songs, but for its time I think this was one of the greatest goatrance albums. I have always found Mirana's music very cool. She has created several great songs in my eyes, several awesome ones! I was disappointed with her recent 2004 remix album. I hope she one day makes another good album like Phenomena - Great! I would still buy this album. Its worth buying, not downloading but it seems impossible to find a copy. Miranda rocks! I don't know of any other female goatrance artist. Although I'm sure there are several out there who've done goa and psytrance, I've obviously not heard about them so they can't be all that great. Miranda is Queen. Real Rush - This album wasn't bad at all, there were some really good songs but it wasn't innovative like her first. Some tracks I believe were follow-ups or modified versions of one or two tracks from off Phenomena. Northern Lights - Nice cover. Interesting, cool intro, several great songs and some disappointing songs. The last one or two tracks is sooooo cool, the one with the voices! Asynja - I think this is her most solid album since Phenomena. No words I can think of right now other than its good, real good! Her style and talent seems to once again be evolving and improving on this release, so why not release another album in a year or two? This is what she is great at. I hope one day she releases another album that rocks!
  11. Oh this is easy... and granted for (several reasons) everyone has their own favorites "placement." 1st Best: Phototropic - (Land of Freedom is such am awesome track!) 2nd Best: Helium - (Trashish on this album I felt was unquestionably the best one) 3rd Best: Hypnorythm (Wow, I really like this intro so much! Great melodies!) ...but Hypnorythm I think was a head of its time, for its time, and should probably be the most resepcted because the others would have not existed, had it not been for Hypnorythm.
  12. I chose Hallucinogen vs. Juno, and AP vs. D5 sounds VERY nteresting too, ...but what about PLEIADIANS Vs. Hallucinogen ?!?! Or Infected Mushroom Vs. Hallucinogen ?!!! And why don't we ever see such amazing collaborations like ones on this poll for real??
  13. Yes, I got this one too! Cool album I heard once and through back in the box for 5 years?!?! Shit now I want to hear it again! It has some very strong basslines I remember. Not as melodic as one might expect. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Planet BEN's Trippy Future Garden? I've been looking for that thing forever, luckily someone let me listen to a burnt copy but I want to locate an actual copy with the original cover, not some cheap-ass burnt copy! The BEST albums, films, etc... should be owned, not ripped. But what the fuck am I talking about! This album used to be available on psyshop. Check Saiko Sounds, they have literally THOUSANDS of albums in their catalog lists, but its just too bad that thousands of those thousands are out of stock or unavailable. ............................................... \\// //\\
  14. What few melodies they're currently useing, far from equals what made Transwave have such great songs. I'm not saying all their songs were great either, but Transwave made some of the best goatrance ever!, and it was because of their rhythms, songs full of idea's, cool melodies, tunes, imaginative + interesting moments, intro's, atmosphere, etc... Take away the melodies, lush layers, and you take away classic Transwave or rather main charateristics that would most likely evolve and translate into making new Transwave great! This recent Deedrah, from some I've heard, (Specifically his 2003 release) what crap! Maybe its just not my stye, but considering this is the same talented artist who used to make up half of Transwave, I would have expected more. But how about the other half... Christoph's stuff on the other hand, yeah.. I've heard some of Absolum, and he's made some decent, good harder, darker, pounding dance stuff, as far as dark, minimal psytrance for the club goes... and yet he sounds nothing like Transwave at all. So okay, he's been doing different stuff over the last couple years, but I could never compare this stuff to old Transwave! Transwave is on an entirely different level. Like Izik Levy's Sandman, I would have never expected him to do lesser work. Transwave was one of the greats and I really feel that even with the several good songs here and there, they've been doing work under their full potential since Transwave. These guys were some of the very best EVER at one time! But that was like 10 years ago. I doubt they're even that crazy now. I'd be impressed if they actually made something awesome! I doubt they can do it. But how would these two artists come together? What direction would they take?, I mean the direction of new Transwave? Think about it. You have one guy who's been doing dark club stuff and another who's reduced his work to mostly forgettable tracks (in the eye's of most listeners, when compared to much of their earlier GREAT work) Dado is now doing remixes of old Transwave? Has he run out of ideas?, Are they even any good? I must admit, I did hear the Land of Freedom RMX years back but I never heard all of Deedrah - Reload. But Land of Freedom rmx was really good, nostalgic, special stuff because of those classic tunes. I think, and the Deedrah reviews on this site are on my side, his last really good work was in 2001. But maybe they still have it in them yet! Imagine a dark, storming, intricate, crazy, atmospheric Transwave, with great production, fresh sounds, and unexpected insane moments of whatever moments they'd be! Am I dreaming? Err....... A darker Transwave? Hey it could work! I'm being optimistic. I'd love to see and hear an awesome , FUCKING WILD, WELL DONE album after almost a decade! The point is that without melodies and catchy melody or whatever driven rhythm, no one wants to hear more melody-LACKING club trance, dark tones or not. It seems that many people are tired of Absolum. Its time to move on! I think we all want to see a great album comeback from Transwave, with some of the golden things that made them famous (Melody layers, Monster tracks like Land of Freedom, for starters, but all NEW songs of course) as opposed to an album that sounds NOTHING like there classic style or one which lacks the catchy melodies and great twisting, combining, mixing and rhythm that has made their music so great. In short, they've gotta build on what made them so good and release something that really is a masterpiece!, something entirely new and that gives justice to old Transwave. But I have not heard their recent stuff, and sure, the new Transwave could be totally different, and on another level than what most of us are expecting, for better or worse. The potential is always there until the product is finished, assuming there really is a product thats really, actually going to formulate, finalize, and release to the public. I really hope it comes together and is awesome!, but don't we all. In short, like Pleiadians ... (Another group who's music I feel passionate about) I'd rather see no new Transwave album unless its gonna be something really special, something great! ... unless the new sound and style is so creative, melodic, and catchy, and NOT some collaboration between the styles of "Deedrah" and "Absolum", passed on as an album titled, "Transwave." That would just be gay, you know? This is something very special to many people after many years! The music has got to be incredible, crazy, melody-layers awesome, TOP! I'd rather see nothing than something half-assed like Eminems new album, so that all our good impressions of the originals are NOT hurt. Lastly, how ever was Dado's SIDE - PROJECT after he left Transwave called, Synthetic - 100% Pure, in 2002? How was Deedrah - Reload? Also, how was Absolums 2004 album? Was it better than his first album in 2001? Were any of those albums any good? I mention this because the types of music these artists are making now might give us some idea of where or what direction they're going. When sampling Absolum's albums, (I'm unimpressed with the '04 release) I noticed how melody-lacking the songs are. They sound minimal, repetitive, and unimaginative from what I enjoy. I don't care for this music and I hope that the new Transwave is NOTHING like it.
  15. Yes, I was wondering that too. When looking through the seemingly decent catalog at kagdila records, (Assuming they have all those albums) most of the albums are actually priced at around $11.00, plus shipping, but relative to the catalog, it seems that only a select few are priced at $8.50 us dollar, with the previous $11.00 being currently slashed off. Shouldn't they all be 8.50? It seems that not too many are under $10.00. The catalog has virtually hundreds, but maybe less than 20% are on sale according to the lists of albums. Can someone explain this ... or does this sale apply to a small number only?
  16. OH MY FUCKING .... AAAAAHahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!! Shut Up! You're kidding, right?! This is a joke, right? Shit, oh God oh shit.. This is too great. The hair on my head standing up! This is amazing! This calls for celebration! Oh, oh.. Oh fuck I gotta go jerk off now!
  17. Cool. Well 8.50 seems like a good price for psytrance albums, assuming you have a good selection. How big and how good is your collection? Can you post a link to your CATALOG page (s) so we can all go there from off this thread?? I can think of some CD's I want to buy for Christmas, and I may buy them through you if any are available. For starters, do you have any copies of... Shakta - Silican Trip Cosmosis - Cosmology Kox Box - Dragon Tales Green Nuns of the Revolution - Rock Bitch Mafia Blue Planet - One Love Cosma - Nonstop Hux Flux - Cryptic Crunch Jaia - Blue Energy Etnica - Juggeling Alchemist ...Do you have any of these great psytrance albums?
  18. Thanks, wow I see. That really does suck. I was really hoping that this new style or change would at least be a little less negative, but how positive can it be by adding light to Dark Soho? Thats like throwing water on a burning fire, it just KILLS it. The once great image, impression, -- GONE. They should change their name if they're going to change the once-loved style and horror-gothic, dark musical direction of the group. I posted on Dark Soho's official site in their guest book a month or two ago saying how I liked their darker style more, but I didn't realize the degree of how disappointed fans would be in general. Based on the samples, several tracks seem to be decent or pretty good, while others are just forgettalbe sounding, but when comparing it to Dark Soho's previous stuff, I can see the disappointment. People on their own site are saying that their album sucks. Their OWN SITE!!! It seems that two in every ten like the CD, and most of the fans can't stand it and are moving on to other, better stuff. You all seem right in that this album is nothing like the others. They might as well call it something else.
  19. This album is super kickass, dark, twisted, evil, melodic badass stuff! One of my favorite albums, -- ever! Holy SHIT why won't this man continue to make this music anymore?! It seems that its just not mainstream enough and doesn;t make enough money. Studio's don't want artists to produce the awesome, non-commercial stuff anymore, at least... it seldom happens. I would never sell this album, but maybe someone else will. Check www.amazon.co.uk on occasion. Sometimes I'll find rare goa and psytrance albums; they turn up every once in a while. I bought SANDMAN - WITCHCRAFT a loooong time ago. And now it seems to be unavailable and "out of stock" virtually every where, but you may one day find a copy yet. I just had to sy my two cents on the album because its so damn good.
  20. The NEW Dark Soho album titled Light In the Dark recently released in November of this year and no one seems to care? Dark Soho has always been one of those groups where people are so quick to post their thoughts and reviews, BECAUSE THEIR MUSIC HAS BEEN SO GREAT... and yet I've seen NOTHING on these forums since this album came out about a month ago! * How come no one seems to be talking about it? Their other two releases were GREAT success hits! Whats up with this third main album?! Has anyone heard or bought this album and what do you think? I heard their style is less dark since someone left the group. I've streamed mp3's and some sound cool while others sound so-so. Is this new change the reason why no one is mentioning this new album? Is it that bad now that Dark Soho isn't as dark ... or whats the reason for the lack of attention given to this new highly anticapated release??? Samples for their new CD right here if anyones interested: www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/alc/alc1cd013.html Any thoughts?
  21. Okay, have you all considered LOOKING FOR THIS ON KaZaA or any other downloading site??? I have been trying to locate this album on and off for YEARS.... The anticapation has been so much that I'll probably find it disappointing when I actually hear it, IF I ever hear it. Anyway, why would this NOT be available to download somewhere? If anyone knows where to stream or download it, post something so others know. I'd buy this album because I totally dig Juno Reactor and own all their other albums, but if its not available to buy virtually anywhere... Any ideas? Any suggestions or sites? This has to exist somewhere? Someone has got to be sharing it somewhere you'd think, right?
  22. Agreed. Not funny. You got my hopes up. Now I'm depressed and I'm contemplating setting myself on fire.
  23. Comps are usually disappointing! Like a hundred comps seem to come out almost every month with only one or two of them having any good tracks if your lucky. Once in a while a comp comes out where most of the tracks are good or really good, but I usually avoid comps because for some reason they almost always have many fillers on them, ya know? One or two artist has got to rush to get his single on the comp and fuck it up for everyone... or not. In 2004, I bought one comp and its good. 1.) There Is No Tomorrow - This is the BEST dark comp I have ever heard in my life to date! I'm not saying its amazing, its not ... but it is really good! I have not heard many dark comps, but this specific one really took me by surprise and even introduced me to several artists who seem to put their better songs on comps for some reason. Lots of dark, sometimes just EVIL songs exist here, with super-cool sound bits and lots of interesting, catchy melodies, build-up, and good atmosphere and intro's at times. Several very well done tracks exist and the first is great, the last being wicked evil! Some songs here are VERY dark if you enjoy GOOD dark psytrance in general. Good thread. I was wondering what good comps were released this year. Hopefully this thread will shed more insight on more quality ones.
  24. This is one of the better albums of the last year! Track one is REALLY GOOD, VERY CATCHY and MELODIC. The album has many dark tones to it. The last track is very chill and cool. Overall many good tracks. Very club-friendly and yet not club-trance. I would like to see another release more dark and crazy and melodic than this one! It was a well done album which I'm glad to have in my collection! Nough said!
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