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Everything posted by HQN

  1. post it on isratrance ...maybe they'd be interested What titles are you selling? Maybe you could post the list.
  2. you are judging me too soon you deviant devious man I never commented or thought your prices were unreasonable on Isratrance...but it was so funny to read that thread....you overreacted and got spanked.. "enchanted ring" and "i have some used socks from dickster and joti sidhu if u want we make a deal" are just too funny....common man you gotta admit it's funny. Read it again here
  3. wow it is currently at 51 GBP
  4. Nope...not one of them...but that is freakin' funny Your bottom must be hurtin'
  5. Man you got abused here.
  6. i don't see any files uploaded there..
  7. I don't think the time spent should be too much of a factor. If someone is still learning his/her equipment it could take longer while someone experienced may take a lot less time. What matters is the end result.
  8. yeah, but the catch is the contract terms are finalized before the track is released....including royalties, unless of course circumstances change such as the label ceasing to exist and the rights being returned to the artist who can re-negotiate a better deal with someone else.... One problem with that, if it happens, is the track has already been released, so the market may already be saturated and mp3 file sharing networks flooded with it which would lead to leverage loss while nagotiating a new deal even if the track is a bona fide classic. It makes no sense for a newbie to ask for tons of cash because he thinks his track is great and can't provide more intangible value (such as a known name) that will translate into sales...In most cases a label will give more money to an established artist than someone new and unknown even if a newbie sounds as good as the veteran.
  9. Well when they were getting released noone could tell they will be such classics...by definition there has to be some time elapsed before one can conclude a song or an album is a classic... I'd say a reasonable average in our scene that has way too many labels for the size of the market is $200 to maybe $300 per song. The average can not be determined from the "quality" of the song since tastes are different, but from the artist's reputation and experience.
  10. That's what you get when you order CD's from Russia
  11. Sanctuary CD (Interchill) is great. Check it out if you haven't already.
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