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Fiery last won the day on May 9 2019

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  1. Fiery Dawn started producing music from the beginning of 2000s
  2. https://fierydawn.bandcamp.com/album/fractal-galaxy
  3. I will write my professional opinion as well: This new album sounds very clean, transparent and warm. Has lots dynamics, the mixes breath and does not get you tired like some squashed to hell modern tracks. It is interesting musically, lots of story telling inside. So, very well done album from Filteria, hard work appreciated!
  4. Tribute To Legendary Simon Posford
  5. My new album with 9 twisted acidic Goa trance tracks is out now: https://fierydawn.bandcamp.com/album/acid-mania
  6. An exceptional album from Artifact303! Highly entertaining and psychoactive, very special tracks. This kind of magical music is very rare and the album is highly recommended!
  7. Glad to hear that, thanks for your support!
  8. @Tsotsi I am really glad that you enjoyed the album. Thanks for your constructive feedback, I appreciate that!
  9. @psytones You said it right, it's all about respect and principle.
  10. Here I posted about my new release. Of course everyone is free to listen, or buy the music if they want to. Like or not. It's a free choice. I also posted that I am against piracy. So you if don't agree with that, please don't spam my topic and don't teach me what to do. Peace
  11. @psytones Such a long post, but I hardly understand what you wanted to say. Lots of my tracks are available for free listening at my music pages, youtube, etc.
  12. Please let's not talk about how to make money, we all know about house ,gigs, etc. I mean that sharing other artists work without their permission is plain wrong and should not be considered as normal and usual thing.
  13. This album was posted for free download the same day I released it. It took many months of hard work to create it, but nowadays most people have no appreciation of the effort and time artists put in their music and want everything for free, as granted.
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