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Nick Van Bones

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Everything posted by Nick Van Bones

  1. please upload again, i need some forest trance
  2. very nice, i love the feel of this stuff
  3. is this still available for download anywhere? i have a request for some dark, fast and hard psy mixes and this fits the bill perfectly
  4. i'll have a listen, your description of your sound sounds like it's what i like. downloading
  5. i would vote if multiple choice
  6. cheers RAH
  7. won't download for me
  8. they are all pretty similar services and only tend to fail if the server is too busy. you would be best paying for some hosting space as it will be easier and more reliable for people to download from.
  9. this is really good. not what i was expecting at all - there are no generic acid lines in there. really nice effects
  10. absolutely loving Brain Intact - a right braintwister. cheers
  11. great stuff - cheers
  12. i've had these two on constantly for the last few days, esp phoenix - very nice
  13. i like that - nice bubbly synths. really nice tune. i'd play something like this in a trancier acid trance set - good stuff. i like the change of atmosphere at 5:45 the kick didn't quite sound right when the tune first started but that may be the poor quality PC speakers i'm listening on (also i am used to listening to hard tunes so that is probably why)
  14. i love the old school sound so i'll have a listen
  15. Error 404: Datei nicht gefunden! Das angegebene Dokument konnte auf diesem Server leider nicht gefunden werden.
  16. i agree, very nice tracks - beautiful sounds that leave the current turgid full on stuff in the shade
  17. haha, i just listened to some more. the tunes sound too basic and the ideas are not complete so the tunes sound unfinished. Nhjo = PSY HERO!
  18. i'm quite liking some of this stuff although i think the production needs polishing. i definitely feel this stuff is more suited to acid trance dancefloors (it's just a shame that the sound seems to have all but died out.
  19. you have the basic skills mate, maybe work on making the transitions between tunes more subtle. nice tunes
  20. i'm about 20 minutes into the mix and i hear no big issues yet. maybe work on making pitch adjustments whilst in the mix less noticable, but that will come with time naturally. nice sounds so far
  21. downloading now
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