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Everything posted by TranceChick

  1. These!! ........Bamboo Forest - Revival ........Bamboo Forest - Vision Quest Anyone have these? What are they like in full?
  2. NP: Triac - Mean Between Cd (Ear Peaks Music) 2006 .... :wub: !!!! OHHHH.... I'm so in love with this Cd!! Triac @ Saiko Sounds (longer samples but out of stock)... Triac @ Psyshop (out of stock as well) ...
  3. I tried to purchase 2 Cd's just now, but the PayPal option isn't there for me! It only gives me Visa, MC & Eurocard. I don't get it, no PayPal from Canada??! I'm sad now.
  4. NP: Planum - Elaborate *Debut Release* Cd (Sundance Records) 2005 Me likey! Planum @ Saiko Sounds
  5. NP: V/A - Fahrenheit Project Part 5 Cd (Ultimae Records) 2005 This is euphoric... thank you Tom! Buy it here @ Ultimae.com
  6. Soon.... On Sin Records! The V/A will be called Sin Minds Vol 1, & will feature these Artists: Vibe Tribe, Rinkadink, Azax Syndrom, Winter Demon, n3xu5 & Perplex! More info with release date TBA. Also Fungus Funk's 2nd album (Electric Grooves) will be released with Sin! More info on that good news.... later! Cosmic Station's debut album is also in the works (almost ready for print). Another Sin release. Much more release info to follow soon.
  7. I'm so very sorry to hear about all the B/S with promoters Tyler. I totally understand where you're coming from on this! Whatever you decide to do or go in another direction is really none of anyone's business but your own. You'll always have devoted fans such as myself who'll back you in whatever! Do what you gotta do & keep the peace in your heart. Peace & love to you always!
  8. You forgot the "Best of the best" here Abasio. What about THESE guys? ... ...............................
  9. Yes. This one was especially hard to find & buy. It's been out of stock for awhile, so when I saw it was back in stock... I snatched it up! Hahaha, it's out of stock once again.
  10. NP: Triac - Mean Between *Debut Release* Cd (Ear Peaks) 2006 ... Triac - Mean Between!
  11. I got bored with that Cd a little too quickly. Maybe I should give it another go... Yesterday this arrived, & my room mate forgot to tell me!! ..... Triac - Mean Between Weeeee..... this is sick!! It's going in spot #1 in my car Cd changer!
  12. NP: Atmos - Headcleaner Cd (Spiral Trax) 2001 .... Atmos @ Saiko Sounds
  13. D'oh! That did work, thanks Go-Goa Trancer! I had it set to my time zone from the beginning, but I guess with all the upgrades and "offline" appearances Psynews has seen lately... thing's got f*cked up a bit.
  14. Just a question. Why is the Psynews time (clock) 2 hours behind? My post says "6:02 pm", but my time here is 8:02 pm. Anyone else notice this?
  15. We're bringing Ticon here in June! Ticon in Toronto! I can't wait for this party!! NP: Bitkit - Logical *Debut Release* Cd (Kairoo Recordings) 2007 .... !!!! WooHoo.... yeah baby.... this is what it's all about! Bitkit @ Beatspace!
  16. .... Yay, me so happy!!! Bought this gem here: Bitkit @ Beatspace!
  17. Wow, great work NT! They're very impressive! fosku, your's is well done too. It has a dark, creepy, almost haunting feel to it... blood!
  18. There's no hiding from you reger.
  19. NP: Sound Field - Audio Surfin' *Debut Release* Cd (Oxygen Records) 2007 ..... !!!! Heavenly.... no other words right now!.... Sound Field - Audio Surfin'!!!!
  20. Yes.
  21. Oh, i love Nirvana!!! NP: V/A - Primeiro Pecado Cd *Compiled By Sector D* (Sin Records) 2006 .... :wub: !! Oh my gosh, I can't get enough of this Cd! Sweet!! Great job Sector D! Samples here!!
  22. .... Nemo's teh Spynews Sensei. .... .......
  23. Hahahaha... I thought the same thing, at first. Nemo's much better looking though.
  24. :lol:
  25. Wank?
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