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Everything posted by TranceChick

  1. SCORB!! Atma (maybe ?) Zion Linguist!! Ocelot!! Guinea Pigs Xatrik!! Time Lock Megalopsy!! Phatmatix (drools!!) Frozen Ghost!! Grapes of Wrath & Meteloids (maybe?) Bamboo Forest (maybe ?) & of course.... Rinkadink!!!!
  2. . . . . . . . I know, you're very emotional about finally getting your CMT status. It's Ok to cry exotic, let it all out! Weeee..... you did it!!! I did, I did!! What do I win?? I should change mine, I'm bored with it already.
  3. NP: OOOD - Free Range Cd (Organic Records) 2006 .... !!!! F*ckin' A... what a fantastic Cd! I just love the cover too! OOOD @ Saiko Sounds OOOD @ Psyshop
  4. Do you find you're walking just a little abnormally now?
  5. NP: Atma - Beyond Good And evil Cd (Geomagnetic.tv) 2006 .... :wub: !!! F*ckin' A....... Romanian Full On madness!! Atma!!!!
  6. .... Ordered & it arrived today! I'm so happy I could just sh*t! Hahahaha....
  7. NP: Rinkadink - Pirate Signal Cd (Alchemy Records) 2005 .... :wub: !!! Track #3 - Basshead!!! Yeeeaaahhhhhh baby!! Rinkadink
  8. Yes Nemo, thank you!
  9. NP: PsyShark Vs. Kalilaskov AS - Trip On Space (Demo, Unreleased) 2007 F*ckin' wickedly twisted.... tasty, dance your ass off track! 146 bpm!! Perfect! .... .... Way to go Vadim!!
  10. NP: SBK - Borderline Cd (Avalanche Records) 2004 SBK
  11. NP: V/A - Global Alliance *Complied by Dj. Chris Planet* Cd (Fragile Planet) 2005 Ahhh, the memories this Cd holds! V/A - Global Alliance
  12. Reznik's very cool! :lol: :lol:
  13. As you can see, I've unbanned myself. I will re-ban again in... T-Minus: 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . . . . ........ Later. (I'm really into self punishment)
  14. Yeah, I agree! Ok, I'll go first..... I'll redomly ban myself from Spynews for 10 hours. Starting today, 2 hours from now.... I'm banned until 6 pm tonight. P.s: Thank you for fixing the avatar problem! Blue's back.... yay!!
  15. NP: Juno Reactor - Odyssey 1992-2002 Cd (Metropolis Records) 2004 :wub: Juno Reactor
  16. Ahhh, nice one Nemo! SBK was here about 2 yrs ago, great guy! NP: ccL - uNLEASH tHE bEAST Cd (Doof Records) 2006 ....... :wub: !! Mmmmm, Zebra-N & Rev together.... wicked!! ccL - uNLEASH tHE bEAST
  17. .... Thank you! .... In the mean time, I can hunt for cool avatars. 4200 posts!
  18. NP: Frozen Ghost - Just One Bite (Debut) Cd (Afrogalactic Records) 2006 ..... FYI: Yabai Records Japan has recently signed Frozen Ghost to their label and will be releasing his 2nd album "Edible Technique" in August 2007. A solo F.G. track and a versus B-55 track will also be on Yabai Records next V/A "Samurai" expected early-mid 2007!! Great news for Frozen Ghost fans! Go Barry!!! Frozen Ghost - Just One Bite ....
  19. I still can't change my avatar or personal photo. I have NO avatar now! Somebody...... please...... HELP!!
  20. NP: Xatrik - Inside Information Cd (Digital Psionics) 2007 .... :wub: !!! F*ck yeah.... twist my brain cells right out!! Xatrik!!
  21. thank you, you sexy mama ^_^! i lick your pie, i liek it very much :P

  22. NP: Mechanix - One Man Game Cd (Yage Records) 2007 Coolio!!! One Man Game
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