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Everything posted by TranceChick

  1. :lol: Wicked!! ....But.... I got a letter from Canada Customs about a certain Rabbit they have behind bars until I can confirm the package is ligit!
  2. Pssst, over here.... .... I do! Where????? I want this album!! :posford:
  3. "Use" alleycat?? Never! He's too special & unique to be used. As a matter of fact...........
  4. ...... Why for?? I paid large for those though. A little more than he was asking.
  5. Me too!!! ENCORE!!!!!!!! Mmmm I love OOOD!! I'm still trying to get my hands on Breathing Space... it's extremely hard to find now.
  6. It's wicked!!!! Thanks for the awesome support! You ROCK!! Anytime! Love it!!! I'm so happy I was able to snag these for us b4 they went "out of stock". I don't know if they turned it down (probably because of the difference in style from Alternative Energysource), their loss... a huge loss imo!! To me this Cd isn't your typical proggy style, there's more funkiness, sweet grooves & let's not forget killargh baselines! 8/10 in my book! These I bought from Jikkenteki (from his Discogs list): Symphonics - Live In Goa (A collection of previously unreleased tracks by Symphonics, formerly a member of Phi, who was killed in a traffic accident in Goa in early 2006. This CD was put together at the request of his family and given out at a party in his memory on March 18th 2006 in Tokyo.) Only 400 copies were made! On Discogs ..... (Earth Energy Resolution Cd's x2) The same Cd, except some of the Artists & tracks are different. Sorry for the poor pic quality. Of course I bought another copy of his TLWH for my friends.
  7. It's been that long since I posted here???! Oh well.... NP: Highpersonic Whomen - Push the Limit Cd!!!!
  8. Aw.... thank you!!! Both you & abasio are so sweet for cheering me up like this! You've made my day even brighter.... thank you! Ok suckres.... I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :posford: :clapping: ................. Here's what I got today!!! .... :wub: :wub: !!!! HIGHPERSONIC WHOMEN - PUSH THE LIMIT! :posford: F*CKIN' A MAN!!!!! :posford: I bet 13 Productions are kickin' their own asses for not releasing this fan-f*ckin'-tastic release!! Oh & BTW I highly recommend BUYING this Cd!! I'm a very, very happy camper! Here's their official website: Highpersonic.net
  9. ........... YIKES ........... :wank: .............. Ca....n't ...... ty.... pe ...... so ...... goo...d ...... ri....g....ht ...... n.... ow, I'm ...... bu.... sy ...... fe....edi....ng ...... my...... puss ...... F*....CK! ...... I ...... m....ean ...... my ...... ca....t. Actually... No! It didn't arrive yet & I'm getting PISSED OFFFFFF!!!!!
  10. I'm always horny! Not yet.... this weekend should rock though!
  11. <<<< :posford: Well, I warned ya!
  12. Me too. What's music w/out passion?? Nothing! I could/should take up 2 full pages posting pics & links to all my Cd's I gotten since my last post here. "That'll learn 'em!"
  13. I'm preparing my new & improved CMT with avatar. :drama: Beware!! *You have all been warned*
  14. You, my darling, are more than welcome! I'm very pleased you're loving it! I won't post here anymore, I said I wouldn't & I mean it. (sorry abasio... really!) It's too bad too, I've gotten so many great Cd's. Thanks Oopie.
  15. I forgot.
  16. ............ HeheheheYeah! Psychopathic is just what I'm looking for in a man! ...................I'll stick with just the curry, thank you!!
  17. Excellent!!!! :lol: ............ hmmmm........... something spicy......... Muahahaha!!
  18. I'm not sure yet, still workin' on it.
  19. Naw, those will be kept a secret. For him & I alone. (If that ever happens!) I'm bored again, need to spice things up a notch... time to change my avatar & CMT!
  20. I doubt it!! I'm hoping to find out soon! :posford: A "play-by-play" so to speak?
  21. 99 years old and still lookin' good? Impressive!

  22. There is no C.... either A or B, that's it. If B was first, then C would follow.... (sort of) .... but, since B's second, there's no C afterwards. Unless you're cooking dinner!
  23. Oh I beg to differ! What sounds better to you? A. Constant orgasms? OR.... B. Constant posting? I choose A!! :clapping: :wank: :posford: :wank: :wank:
  24. No, no mail today. He better not have..... I'll flip! Naw, it's fully concealed so no one can tell what it is. ANTICIPATION...... is KILLARGH!!!! Btw, do you think I'll be spending time here if my Wabbit had arrived? NOT!!!!
  25. Excellent post!! I really laughed my ass off! :clapping: ...... You can do it!!!! ...... :clapping: ........... ............
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