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Everything posted by TranceChick

  1. ... ... Well N'joy! .... NP: Xatrik - Inside Information Cd (Digital Psionics) 2007 ..... !!!! Im apsolutely cracy for this Cd! Killllaaarrrggggghhhhhhhh Ha! Seriously though, this 2nd release from Xatrik is wicked! Beautifully arranged twisted layers... S.A. style! Xatrik!!
  2. I don't understand, why not? Even me with a poor credit history, had no probs getting a PayPal account. You shouldn't have any trouble at all signing up.... PayPal Registration ............ Try again abasio!! ....... I just ordered these: ....AMD - Big Fish (Nano Records) 2007 AMD is a collaboration with Dick Trevor and Jules Hamer (Aphid Moon & Dickster)!!! I can thank Nemo for this!! ....Tristan - Chemisphere (Nano Records) 2007 Oh..... I can not wait for these!!! :posford:
  3. So, it not just me then? You mean there's no PayPal option or you don't have a PayPal account? I want this: Tristan - Chemisphere !!!!!
  4. Yeah I saw the thread here about that, but when I went to place an order... filled out all my info... it didn't allow for the PayPal option. Just credit cards. I saw on the side "We now accept PayPal", but.... not for me!
  5. NP: Megalopsy - The Abstract Machine Cd (Trishula Records) 2005 Twisted & yummy!! Megalopsy
  6. Let's focus on making the children first, then we'll let nature decide who bears them :P

  7. BUMP! Less than a month away!!!!!
  8. NP: Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home Cd (Par-2 Productions) 2006 Disc 1!!! .... :wub: !!!! This is the first Ambient/Chill I've ever really took the time to listen to & let my brain to absorb! It's simply fantastic, I get tears in my eyes throughout the whole disc! If you don't have this Cd yet, I suggest hearing the samples & buy it ASAP! Par-2 Productions
  9. Yes!!! It was a gift from Matan of Ear Peaks. He's a darlin'! NP: V/A - Southern Oscillation Cd (Ear Peaks Music & Domo Records) 2007 Boring cover, but fantastic Prog!! V/A - Southern Oscillation
  10. NP: V/A - G-Spot Cd *Compiled by Dj. Huda G* (Domo Records) 2006 ..... Mouth watering, funky-ass Progressive! I can't help but to groove to this Cd... Gnarly! V/A - G-Spot
  11. Thank you! I work hard for my smilies (when deserved)!
  12. Wow, what a great Cd title & cover! I heard this last week & I must say... it's mind numbingly explosive! Wicked, gnarly & twisted tracks all the way through! Great job Laurence & Barry! ...... Ahhh... compiled by Frozen Ghost!? Awesome! If I'm not mistaken, this is Barry's first compilation... or am I wrong? This will make #4 in my MMD collection. Samples are also available on: Psyshop Other online shops should receive it soon. Thanks Lost & Found for posting this release!
  13. Psynews was moved to a better server. Did you miss us AkumaSama? NO!!! Withdrawls are disappearing now! Please, don't evargh put me through that again!!!
  14. Yay!!! We're all back home again! Man, that was a scary few days for me. I mean I actually had a life there for a bit. It's good to be back in my hermit state in front of the screen again posting here. Thanks Mars & Skytrancer!
  15. I was on earlier today. I talked to Jikkenteki, Filteria & Zion Linguist! Where you you, hmmm? Dealing with twats?? You're right though, I should make more of an appearance on MSN. I've been hiding lately.
  16. ....................................... ... Wh.... who.... who told you?? Did you read that in the men's washroom at some club?? B*stards are squealin' on me again! Oh what am I going to do without Pienews for 2 days?
  17. Why thank you, Sir. *Takes a bow* .... Why not? It seems that was established here already awhile ago.
  18. Thanks Reznik! It fits purrfectly here seeing as I have a slight smilie fetish. I've heard stories...... in the ears, butt hole, nose!! Eeewwwww.... Q-Tips people, use them!!
  19. Ah nice choice!! Do it... do it!! Awesome! I just love P.O.T.S.!! We had them here last year & what a spectacular live act they did! Did you know Achim has a side project? Keep you ears open for Adrenochrome.... more info soon! Also if you can find this Cd "Are You Scentific Enough?"... get it!!!!
  20. Lint developes in other oraphuses ya know. Don't work too hard, you'll need your wrist action up to par when Pienews cums back online!! Whut r u laughing wank-boy?
  21. .... Yo!! Really?? I find it cheaper for me to buy from Saiko, by at least $10. I guess when you're as addicted as I am, it doesn't matter the price or what shop you can find your most wanted at! I still wish Psyshop did debit PayPal, that's all I use when purchasing online.
  22. ... He'll have plenty of time! In fact, we all will!
  23. Wow! Thank you rino!! Now I'm even more hyped to get my order soon!! Can't wait, can't wait!! ... ........... *Edit* ... exotic, I had the same problem on Beatspace so I went to Saiko Sounds to hear 4 min samples. Then I just ordered from Beatspace. I'm not sure why we can't access the player from Beatspace, oh well.
  24. I just sent him a PM saying I'm ashamed of myself for not investigating his sound b4 now. I'm such a "nOOb" sometimes! Anyway, they're on their way! I'm really looking forward to getting these, I don't have enough Goa in my Cd collection!! The samples for each release were enough for me to hit the order button... I'll let you know about Heliopolis.
  25. I just ordered these gems from Beatspace!! Filteria - Heliopolis (Suntrip Records) & Filteria - Sky Input (Suntrip Records) Umm, all of a sudden Sky Input is "out of stock"! I hope my order went through!! Maybe mine was the last Cd in stock ordered?
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