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Everything posted by spacelichens

  1. come travel with Space Lichens to the next stop.... feel free to take a download and spread the psychonautics, http://soundcloud.com/spacelichens/next-stop http://spacelichens.bandcamp.com Space Lichens
  2. Greetings ! Here's a little mindbender up for download... Enjoy di vibes!! http://soundcloud.co...s/stromatolites REspect n oneness spacelichens http://spacelichens.bandcamp.com
  3. Psychotherapy...the talking cure. What are your thoughts? Does it work? Is it over-looked?
  4. today i bought Serge Gainsbourg - Aux armes et cætera on vinyl... classic
  5. awesome! big thanks!
  6. done! nice to reflect on psychedelic life
  7. Lovely... i'll be there!
  8. tasty lineup there! will definately have to make it over !
  9. Greetings to all eyes, ears and minds! Just a little something to share, Journey to Eros and Eschaton EP - brought to you by Space Lichens http://spacelichens....os-and-eschaton http://soundcloud.com/spacelichens REspect n oneness
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