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Everything posted by Carbon

  1. Hi there! First of all would be fine to mention that typing these words might be described as my resurrection as it was indeed a looong while ago (tens of months, even might be considered as years), I was reading this forum. Today I've bumped into this album preview and here are my couple of thoughts... I have to admit that in first few seconds I was afraid, that there is quite high probability that the album will be similar as tons of records before. You know that feeling - hit the play button and after couple of moments started to thinking where that track you have heard before. Or another case - resemble to something/someone else. Naturally this mindset is being fed by fact that I've stopped listening to goa or psy in that timeframe while it tends to happen. Or i was more focusing on this phenomenon... At the end of the day I am very happy for a chance listening to this one as it seems that this is finally what was missing at this scene! Tracks with spread bass, quite juicy leads, hypnotic rhythms what will make you a stomper wildly shaking hands, sweetly swinging the body and smiling AF. Combination of biting acid lines fed by own filter modulations cooperating with well detailed and precisely placed soundscapes are intensifying your sound trip to unexpected boundaries. Honestly said - who would need some "additive / supplement" for increasing endorphine amount when you have this dancefloor destroyer?! Oh c'mon! Smash that play button, turn up the volume and let's fly on the wave straight out of this world!
  2. After longer break I came back to this place and have to admit that you guys made me happy due the amount of posts here! keep going, posting and discussing! sorry for just little spam.
  3. really powerfull guitar! zajebiste! looking forward to whole comp...
  4. nice one! another synth which is worth to try
  5. wow, thats a fine description, thanks however, its a another synth, which i would like to try for a while. both of them. actually i am thinking about another synth such as Minibrute from Arturia or Tetra & Mopho from Dave Smith. Did you have a chance to try it ever? Friend of mine has a Mopho and Evolver and their sound is perfect. But in my case i dont know if it will be needed, because i have nord already.
  6. desysko : what about bass station? its good toy? i would say that it can drop out some nice basses and fine soundind raw leads... and what is that black box with magic number 303 ? some king of clone or so?
  7. wohohooo ! amazing! thx
  8. EMX is cool gear and it's a lot of fun with it. Friend of mine have this one and showed me some cool effects. really fine toy. but he accidentally deleted whole the soundbank on some card with init function or how he said it to me.. i dont remember exactly, so its recommended to be aware what is pressed.
  9. it's thing of habit yes, ofc it's awkward, because f.e. in job i have big table and at home is this audio cockpit btw u have really nice picture on the right.. those birds !
  10. for example my sound lab looks like this
  11. Dear producers, Psynews members & colleagues, don't hesitate and post pictures from your (home) studios, equipment and accessories, synthesizers, musical instruments, etc... Share with others your sound laboratories, where you are giving a space to releasing your ideas, hopes, feelings & emotions. Videos, gif's or even cinemagraphs are allowed, so dont have a fear & show your piece of your world!
  12. Hi guys, I have a problem and I would like to ask you for help. What is a stumbling block? Syx files made in Discodsp Discovery Pro. After transfer into my Nord Rack 2, still same sound came out (as before transfer)... even after tweaking of a lot of knobs. But when are transferred programs downloaded from web (e.g. from Andi Vax or NL support ), they sound normal and program is successfully changed. Where am I making a mistake please? To do not forget : I use MIDI-OX on Win7. Thanks for reply.
  13. unbelievable! actually i have goosebumps & what comes when it ll be released?
  14. i appreciate next point of view.
  15. thx for your time, listenings, feedback, for all!
  16. thx folks i appreciate it a lot!
  17. Underground Alien Factory Records returns after a long absence with Dream, a fresh Goa release by Carbon, a new artist from Slovakia. His first contact with psytrance was in the summer of 2004 at a party in Piešťany. Once initiated he embarked on a journey into the many frequencies of psychedelia, returning this with collection of twisted new school Goa trance tunes to share with the world. Mastered by Analog Dimension with fractal art by CoaGoa. 01 - Shangri-La (142 BPM) 02 - Bergamot (143 BPM) 03 - Jupiter (Green Elf Mix) (149 BPM) 04 - Dream (100 BPM) http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/carbon-dream CD Sale : http://kunaki.com/Sales.asp?PID=PX00Z0TRJU
  18. thx & my pleasure
  19. Hello... here is my B-day debut free EP... https://soundcloud.com/rastacarbon/sets/dream-ep temporary in this version... Enjoy!
  20. some tracks from this compilation are really kickass!
  21. software : http://www.arturia.com/evolution/en/products/jupiter-8v/intro.html
  22. okay.. its similar, but not so same...
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