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Fungi last won the day on June 16 2019

Fungi had the most liked content!


44 Excellent

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    Searching for Goa Vibes !!!

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  1. Good release ! I love "Space travelers" ! We need physical release !!!
  2. Thanks for your answers guys ! I'll try it with Paypal...and fingers crossed as well !!! Let's gooAAaaa !!!
  3. Hi, i'm searchinf for Voice of jupiter from Moonweed...Is the bandcamp still active ? Thanks for your help !
  4. Ordered off course ! Seems to be a huge release !!! Thanks DAT Universe !
  5. Yeeahh ! ! I lvoe Viruart and Underhead !!!! Thanks ! French goa vibes inside
  6. Oh Gosh ! You can't do that ! You have i master piece in your hands A huge stellar release...A piece of magic ! But it's as you want after all...you'll made a happy man maybe !
  7. Fungi

    Merr0w - Odysseus

    Receveid my copie ! Top artwork and top French Goa vibes inside !!! Well done
  8. Receveid my copie today ! What a good flow !!! GooOooOOOdDd work !!!
  9. Happy for the " new comers" to discover MFG ! Always a great band ! And important to never forget where do you come from !
  10. Listen to the samples... yeeaaahhhh man ! Top Goa vibes ! Thanks for the remastered tracks ! Christmas never end !!!
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