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About mentat

  • Birthday 10/03/1984

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  1. oh my, i was being sarcastic. a little humor pls. maybe i meant seriously the thing with "pigeonholing" but thats like it... to elaborate a bit. i've seen quite a lot of internet disscusions about all these genres and all the ppl involved take it too seriously imo. in the end you could also say "those low and high frequency vibrations in air are killar"... and then dissect it endlessly without any gain.
  2. OH MY good for you. YOUR FRIENDS COINING THE TERM. HISTORY BEING WRITTEN. GOTTA GRAB MY DIARY AND MAKE A BIG NOTE... i just hope for your sake that you checked with the patent office so nobody else would take advantage of your rightful property. of course it seems you didnt come up with it directly so you can only patent "my freinds coining the term" event. then you can print it on BIG stickers and also make some t-shirts with that... which would be really "cool" you know. if we would be rational the first would come the argument about taking a absurd possesion of language... ...plus there are also about 7 billion ppl on this planet and some of them related to psy-trance. do you really think that noone thought about this "term" long before some of your friends did? and ultimately before all of this comes argument about "pigeonholing"... etc etc...
  3. Freaking - ICQ "oh ouu" ...
  4. yea sensient is pretty much the best minimal around these days. t'was better tho... check out labels like creamcrop, databass, sub.machine, early iboga is especialy good for darker minimal. also artists like zerotonine, bigwigs, igneous sauria, genetic spin, yumade, magus, triplex, kent............. etc.
  5. its already out? np: Hux-Flux - Bring Your Own Bios
  6. http://www.discogs.com/artist/Parasense parasense = legend.
  8. Killing Joke - The Death and Resurrection Show ILLUMINATION.
  9. for me it all ended with Merlin. from that it got only cheesier and cheesier... wasn't expecting anything else with this album.
  10. oh my i just can't stop this feeling makes me wanna go flying... :]
  11. mentat


    blah blah blah *mentat adds some smack-on comment on this difficult and ongoing disscussion within the psytrance community... and as always, he hits the nail on the head with his sophisticated and insightful opinion* blah blah blah ... and also i might add that... and not to forget that... i hope that hepls.
  12. that one from david hasselhof huga huga huga chaga huga huga huga chaga - huga huga huga chaga huga huga huga chaga
  13. Naked Tourist - Zombifiziert
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