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    Forbidden City , Dojo
  • Interests
    Emperor , Martial Artist.
  1. Congrats and all the best for the Future Sound of Nis .
  2. In that part he was getting his music ready , after i ended , he was also dancing a lot .
  3. It was good fun and a good first time experience to play Chynacid live for the first time . The reaction from the crowd was outstanding and it revealed how good this Goa-Trance is . Thank you all for your feedback . PS - And of course i'm very proud to bring the Hardware sound back to the Scene including and specially the TB303 Acid!
  4. Hadouken is great , great work Samuel , top French Goa style.
  5. Welcome back Samuel , good to hear ur still making music.
  6. Top album , Top coverart . Favourite : Plutonia.
  7. Sorry Trance2MoveU . Best advice is just keep an eye out on the releases as the prices shift from time to time. Also to add that to achieve the state of Zen is not easy at all! Glad you love the music and thank you for the incredible (!) support.
  8. Great work and still going. Curious to know that i didn't even had realized that Ivan has done the coverart , sorry . Great job Ivan!
  9. Thank you garobass and Imba. Imba : you really do love the Irish
  10. Deja Vu , Penzoline , nothing more. http://en.wikipedia....C3%A9j%C3%A0_vu Richpa , many wishes of success with your first release , the coverart is outstanding. Congratulations.
  11. Chynacid

    Etnica - 2012 EP

    Welcome back to Goa . You will find much respect to the Old School Sound in this forum.
  12. new Etnica is on it's way.
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