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  1. Track up for download and feedback Listen here! Cola
  2. Looking for reviews of 'Mellow D'; any comments appreciated. track at: www.mp3.com.au/peakincolacorporation Cheers Cola
  3. please some reviews? i'll play the digeridoo to channel our attentions..
  4. Nice one brother; made me want to go out into the bush and have a dance. A bit more automation and a bit of selective eq and this one is nailed. Great to hear someone doing the music they love instead of following trends. Hopefully we'll see you in Oz one day, your tunes would go down well over summer. Cheers Cola www.mp3.com.au/peakincolacorporation
  5. Hey All! We're an Aussie psy act; just finished some tunes and are looking to see how you ppls around the world feel about our trax. listen at: www.mp3.com.au/peakincolacorporation Please take the time to leave some comments/review. Cheers! Cola
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