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Everything posted by Rotwang

  1. Good points by karan129 IMO. It's worth bearing in mind that the men/women ratio on psynews is not really representative of the men/women ratio among psytrance fans - it almost certainly has more to do with the men/women ratio on internet forums in general.
  2. Acorn >> Wintel back in the day. If they had properly promoted the Archimedes then perhaps the modern world would be running on RISC OS instead of Windows. To think what could have been...
  3. What do you mean by "stop working"? Do you mean that they've given up putting out new music, or what?
  4. Sounds pretty full-onish. Have you tried asking at Isratrance? They're more likely to know the answer than people here.
  5. Is that legit? .ru sites have a bad reputation.
  6. I don't see any need to change the psynews logo - the current one looks fine with the Limed Out skin IMO. Regarding the icons, they're just image files that are hosted by psynews (e.g. http://www.psynews.org/forums/public/style_images/limedout/f_icon_read.png). I would have thought that it's possible for an admin to just replace the files with something else, rather than having to change any code.
  7. The join date field under a poster's avatar has disappeared again.
  8. Looks good. Wouldn't have gone for murky green text myself but that's just, like, my opinion, man. One thing though: is it possible to make the icon for a forum that contains new posts look more different than the icon for a forum that doesn't? Since becoming a mod I've found it very useful to be able to speedily scroll down the page to see what new content there is, but that's rather harder to do with the new skin.
  9. Yep, that's pretty much the point. Sorry for being OT. (Though I think it's supposed to be lampooning hip-hop attitudes rather than those of men in general.)
  10. If using iTunes, Edit > Preferences... > Playback > Crossfade Songs (check the box and set the slider to something longer than 0) Dunno whether any other common media players have such an option.
  11. ^ Lose the text and the out-of-place Buddha, change the colour scheme and I reckon it could be great. As it is I agree with you, though.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqXi8WmQ_WM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC03hmS1Brk
  13. People sure do find some daft reasons to fight one another.
  14. Would you like some cheese with your whine, bwhale?
  15. What do you mean by "2nd edition"? My copy is from the massive reprint they did a few years ago (it has the new-style glossy digipak) but it has the old cover.
  16. Why has the album cover at ultimae.com and psyshop been replaced with something really lame?
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