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Everything posted by Rotwang

  1. Thanks for the heads up, downloading now
  2. That is just great. The music is... strange.
  3. Kindzadza for me. BooM!
  4. They are scheduled to play at this year's Glade.
  5. I'm surprised that you of all people would be surprised that something you were told in school is untrue
  6. Proof? No. But the wikipedia page on Columbus gives references. (I think that the fact that people knew the Earth was round at the time is pretty much undisputed by historians. It certainly stands to reason that they would be aware of it, since they would have had access to Greek texts about it).
  7. Indeed. The whole lone wolf cliché is used repeatedly by the cranks who post crackpot theories to sci.math and sci.physics. A very relevant quote came from Carl Sagan: Incidentally, the people who laughed at Columbus were quite right to do so, since people at the time knew full well that the world was round; the disagreement was over its circumference, which Columbus got wrong.
  8. The one Nemo posted is the one I can see over here; most peculiar.
  9. Have you tried f5? for some reason the forum often displays the old avatar, resized to the size of the new one, until you refresh.
  10. I think a comedy namechange is in order, Nemo.
  11. It was indeed md. Thankd for your repld.
  12. Oi Rot ! I've only seen it now that your personal photo suggests to fuck off. Ok, I might. :D

  13. 15ukp is a pretty unsurprising price over here. It would probably cost that much if you saw it in a high street shop, CDs are a ripoff in Britain.
  14. np: Juno Reactor - High Energy Protons, which I just downloaded from iTunes.
  15. Lame. No, I'm not in love (notice any Suntrip releases in my top 5?). I'm merely defending the right of somebody to vote for music he likes.
  16. Has Mars ever said that Filteria is the best ever psy-artist? Or are you making a fairly large leap of faith from the fact that he said that Heliopolis was his favourite album of 2006? Look, the Best of 2006 votes were about personal taste. By voting Filteria as no.1, he was saying that he personally likes his music, which was also presumably the reason why he personally signed him to his personal record label. Nothing sinister about that. Note further that Suntrip is one of about one label that is actually releasing stuff that has the old school Goa sound nowadays, so it's hardly surprising that acts which have that sound (and which are therefore likely to make it into Mars' best of 2006 list) would end up signed to Mars' label. He did.
  17. Nice thoughts Trolsk. My suggestion would be to allow people to vote for more than a top 5, since there weren't that many voters this year so more votes would allow for a statistically more meaningful chart. I agree that a top 10 would be good, in which people could leave the last few blank if they didn't want to nominate that many albums. Also having the scores range from 1 to 10 would be better than 1 to 5, since for example I felt that my no.5 album of the year deserved more than one fifth the credit of my no.1 album, and I expect a lot of people would agree. edit: I don't mean to suggest that Moni didn't do a great job this time round, because she did, obviously.
  18. Why do you think Mars and Anoebis would have signed Filteria if not because they liked his music?
  19. I've just been reading this old thread to pass the time, and based on the comments it seems that a lot of people who didn't like this album made their minds up about it pretty quickly. I've got to say - big mistake! I bought this album after growing to love his track off Karmagedon, and when I first got it I wasn't sure what to make of it at all. I listened to it every day for a few weeks, unable to figure out whether I liked it or not, before I suddenly (with help from Mary Jane) realised that it's one of the best albums I'd ever heard. If you have this tucked away in your collection and you don't like it you should really give it another try, especially tracks 4-7. I would give it 9.5/10
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