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Everything posted by Rotwang

  1. I recently got round to listening to Autechre's 11th album Exai and, seeing Ormion's thread in General, it occurred to me how remarkable it is that they've continually put out good music for over two decades. So in the interest of positivity, I invite you to state which artists (psytrance or non-psytrance) have in your opinion managed to stay in the industry long-term without getting shit.
  2. Is that the Père Lachaise Cemetary? Interesting pics!
  4. Goastore link
  5. Great track!
  6. I think compilations with exclusive content are good. But personally I'd like it if more of them were mixed.
  7. Really nice track, very impressive that it's your first of its kind.
  8. Olga Kurushyna aka Dana Do from Overdream Yana Polishchuk aka Sungirl
  9. That's probably why I like it.
  10. I quite like it.
  11. I think that people here don't hate fullon per se - the problem is that although the genre started out well enough, there were a few years in the middle of last decade when you had all these wannabe pop artists that just jumped on the bandwagon and made fullon that wasn't remotely deserving of the title "psytrance". That's pretty much died down now but there's still a stigma associated with the genre.
  12. I'll have to take your word for it. I'm mostly avoiding Google (though I still use YouTube) after they fucked Usenet over.
  13. Do you think Google will treat you better than Facebook? I don't.
  14. Sounds good.
  15. I gave it a listen, great stuff.
  16. Yes. He has a history of creating pointless drama on the web.
  17. Yes, Filipe was exactly who I had in mind.
  18. Wow, that sucks. One thing though: Are you sure? I'm not going to name names, but we all know there are some proper fucknuts in the psy scene.
  19. I don't see any reason to delete it. I'll edit the title, though.
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