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Everything posted by Rotwang

  1. Yep, it's a masterpiece alright. And one that I would expect anyone to like, whether or not they're fans of "regular" psy.
  2. Good work, I really like the kick sound.
  3. I really hope you're joking.
  4. Fun fact: Alan Turing believed in telepathy.
  5. I don't know what stories you're talking about. Care to provide a citation?
  6. I'm undecided. I have experienced a couple of things similar to (but less impressive than) what Ormion describes, e.g. one time I became terrified about a particular friend having been in a car accident and he turned out to have been in a jetski accident. But there's also been at least one time when I had a similar feeling and nothing happened. So it's possible that people get that kind of feeling often and mostly just remember the times when it coincided with something real, and then confirmation bias kicks in.
  7. Bretty Gud
  8. Funny thing is, it should have been avatar confusion day a few days ago (October 27th if my memory serves me correctly). We all forgot about it. So thanks for reminding us, Panoptes!
  9. Actually I consider your post that preceded the gif to be at least as responsible for starting the fight, so I've hidden that as well.
  10. Fuck, I've been so busy since I started work that I didn't even notice.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JUCfX1P1ik
  12. Kiriyama - Reach Escape Velocity
  13. That sucks, sorry to hear it.
  14. +1 Get it together, people. It's a fun quiz.
  15. Have you checked out the Nano records back catalogue?
  16. There you go. I heard it sucks. e: Actually, it's a prequel rather than a remake, so I don't know whether that counts.
  17. When I did it it gave me a game of Missile Command above the video.
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