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Everything posted by Rotwang

  1. I watched the entire series as an adult a few years ago, and it was still great. Did you know that the people who made the music went on to create the shit that was Power Rangers?
  2. Unfortunately the search function doesn't work properly after a few years.
  3. +1 Have you tried imgur? That's where I usually upload images, don't have an account there but you don't need one.
  4. Warner Bros. were the best when I was little.
  5. No it isn't. It's a collage of many videos that was made a few months ago. The image in the preview is just a small part of it.
  6. Peru is probably my favourite of all the places I've visited for holiday.
  7. Kindzadza - Waves from Outer Space (2004) Overdream - Wonderwise (2008) Dark Nebula - The 8th Sphere (2003) Kindzadza - Waves from Inner Space (2007) Kraft - The Mysteries of the Sacred Universe (2009)
  8. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxxxxxx[/media]You may need to use the plain text editor for it to work, because the rich text editor automatically adds tags around any URL's you paste into it, which prevents the [media] tags from working.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3c4CJ-VePU
  10. Careful what you say on psynews, or pretty soon you'll be labelled a mentally ill Satanist.
  11. Look here. Before forest and glitchy stuff there was the kind of darkpsy made by Parasense, 2004-era Kindzadza, The Nommos etc., which seems to be the most hated genre on psynews according to this thread and other comments people have made. I just don't understand why. Those artists took elements from early psytrance that people here like (e.g. Hallucinogen, X-Dream, Hux Flux) and took them to extremes, and the result was some of the most avant-garde and, IMO, psychedelic releases of the Noughties.
  12. I love hot sauces. My favourite is probably Frank's Red Hot Extra Hot; it goes well with almost anything. Cholula is great too. The hottest one I've tried is probably Ass Reaper. It's pretty good.
  13. It's from Danny Elfman's Batman theme, isn't it?
  14. Do the two tracks a member posts have to be similar to the ones the previous member posted?
  15. Fobi - Funky Fragmented Frequencies (buy it here): excellent gimmick-free darkpsy like they used to make before high-tech and psycore became trendy. The only weak point is the bizarre choice of samples.
  16. For a bit of fun, here's a Python script that draws a rotating hypercube projected onto two dimensions. If you have Python 3.x installed on your computer then copy and paste the following into a file, save it as 'hypercube.py' and then double click on the file to run it: import tkinter as tk from time import sleep from math import sin, cos from random import random colours = ['#ff0000', '#ff2f00', '#ff5f00', '#ff8f00', '#ffbf00', '#ffef00', '#dfff00', '#afff00', '#7fff00', '#4fff00', '#1fff00', '#00ff0f', '#00ff3f', '#00ff6f', '#00ff9f', '#00ffcf', '#00ffff', '#00cfff', '#009fff', '#006fff', '#003fff', '#000fff', '#1f00ff', '#4f00ff', '#7f00ff', '#af00ff', '#df00ff', '#ff00ef', '#ff00bf', '#ff008f', '#ff005f', '#ff002f'] class vertex: __slots__ = 'coord', 'front' def __init__(self, coord): self.coord = list(coord) self.front = coord[3] < 0 def __getitem__(self, n): return self.coord[n] def dsquared(self, other): return sum((self[i] - other[i])**2 for i in range(4)) class hypercube: __slots__ = ('vertices', 'edges', 'omegas', 'vars', 'window', 'canvas', 'paused', 'theme') def __init__(self): self.theme = False self.paused = False coords = [[]] for i in range(4): coords = [c + [x] for c in coords for x in (-.5, .5)] self.vertices = [vertex(c) for c in coords] assert len(self.vertices) == 16 self.omegas = {} for i in range(4): for j in range(i): self.omegas[(j, i)] = int((random() - .5)*8)/256 assert len(self.omegas) == 6 self.window = tk.Tk() self.window.title('Hypercube') self.window.configure(bg = 'black') self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.window, bg = 'black', width = 500, height = 500, highlightthickness = 0) self.canvas.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 5) self.edges = {} for i, v in enumerate(self.vertices): for w in self.vertices[: i]: if w.dsquared(v) == 1: if v.front and w.front: colour = 'red' elif not (v.front or w.front): colour = 'blue' else: colour = 'green' self.edges[(w, v)] = self.canvas.create_line(0, 0, 0, 0, fill = colour, width = 4) assert len(self.edges) == 32 self.vars = {} for n, (ji, o) in enumerate(self.omegas.items()): self.vars[ji] = tk.StringVar(self.window, value = '%4i' % (o*256)) buttonm = tk.Button(self.window, bg = '#0f0f0f', fg = 'green', text = '<<', command = lambda ji = ji: self.setomega(ji, -1)) buttonp = tk.Button(self.window, bg = '#0f0f0f', fg = 'green', text = '>>', command = lambda ji = ji: self.setomega(ji, +1)) button0 = tk.Button(self.window, bg = '#0f0f0f', fg = 'green', text = '0', command = lambda ji = ji: self.stopomega(ji)) label = tk.Label(self.window, fg = 'green', bg = 'black', textvariable = self.vars[ji]) buttonm.grid(row = n + 1, column = 1, sticky = 'ew') button0.grid(row = n + 1, column = 2, sticky = 'ew') buttonp.grid(row = n + 1, column = 3, sticky = 'ew') label.grid(row = n + 1, column = 4, sticky = 'ew') buttonp = tk.Button(self.window, bg = '#0f0f0f', fg = 'green', text = 'Pause', command = self.pause) buttonr = tk.Button(self.window, bg = '#0f0f0f', fg = 'green', text = 'Reset', command = self.reset) buttonc = tk.Button(self.window, bg = '#0f0f0f', fg = 'green', text = 'Colours', command = self.themeset) buttonp.grid(row = 7, column = 1, sticky = 'ew') buttonr.grid(row = 7, column = 2, sticky = 'ew') buttonc.grid(row = 7, column = 3, sticky = 'ew') self.redraw() while True: try: sleep(.01) self.rotate() self.redraw() except tk.TclError: break def setomega(self, ji, v): self.omegas[ji] += v/256 self.vars[ji].set('%4i' % (self.omegas[ji]*256)) def stopomega(self, ji): self.omegas[ji] = 0 self.vars[ji].set('%4i' % 0) def reset(self): coords = [[]] for i in range(4): coords = [c + [x] for c in coords for x in (-.5, .5)] for i, c in enumerate(coords): self.vertices[i].coord = list(c) def pause(self): if self.paused: self.omegas.update(self.paused) self.paused = False else: self.paused = dict(self.omegas) for ji in self.omegas: self.omegas[ji] = 0 def themeset(self): self.theme = not self.theme if self.theme: for n, e in enumerate(self.edges.values()): self.canvas.itemconfig(e, fill = colours[n]) else: for (w, v), e in self.edges.items(): if v.front and w.front: colour = 'red' elif not (v.front or w.front): colour = 'blue' else: colour = 'green' self.canvas.itemconfig(e, fill = colour) self.canvas.update() def redraw(self): for (w, v), e in self.edges.items(): self.canvas.coords(e, w[0]*150 + 250, w[1]*150 + 250, v[0]*150 + 250, v[1]*150 + 250) self.canvas.update() def rotate(self): for (j, i), o in self.omegas.items(): matrix = [[int(i == j) for j in range(4)] for i in range(4)] matrix[i][i] = matrix[j][j] = cos(o) matrix[i][j] = +sin(o) matrix[j][i] = -sin(o) for v in self.vertices: v.coord = [sum(matrix[a][b]*v.coord[b] for b in range(4)) for a in range(4)] if __name__ == '__main__': hypercube()e: If it works, it should look like this:
  17. There's a joke about string theory that goes something like this: someone asks a mathematician working in superstring theory how he visualises an 11-dimensional spacetime. He replies "It's easy. I just picture a spacetime with an arbitrary number n of dimensions, then let n = 11."
  18. No, that's just one example of how 4-dimensional spaces are used in physics. In general a fourth dimension doesn't have to be time, it could be anything.
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