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Everything posted by Rotwang

  1. Can you tell me what release the hardfloor track comes from? There's a track by that name on this album but it seems to be completely different from the one in your mix.
  2. Not sure if this track uses the same sample or something similar.
  3. Trying to destroy satellite dishes again?
  4. Yes. It's very convenient, but part of me wishes I'd had the motivation to keep up with other languages - I did enjoy being able to speak them.
  5. Just English. I used to be near-fluent in French, but I've barely used it over the past 15 years and have consequently almost completely forgotten it.
  6. ^ That's cool, what kind of paint did you use?
  7. Indeed, I found one of them in HMV earlier this year.
  8. It looks like part of a telephone pole has fallen onto the road while still attached to a cable, and the car gets snagged on it. Notice how the other cables and poles start swinging as it happens.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njkmO2Zi8rw I LISTEN TO THIS TRACK 100 TIMES PER DAY
  10. Psytrance attracts the hottest women in my experience (it helps that I like the hippie/fluoro look). It doesn't attract very many, though.
  11. Hi. Welcome to psynews (and thanks for submitting a track for the contest).
  12. I've heard from multiple people that the driving in India is terrible.
  13. Still, 420 topics in Off Topic. BLAZE IT ERRYDAY
  14. I find most of what I know by them to be bland and samey. But I don't think I'll ever tire of listening to this one track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT0gRc2c2wQ
  15. Isn't it about time for another thread about Boris?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGF5ROpjRAU Discuss.
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