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Everything posted by Rotwang

  1. No, apparently you're here to call people sellfish [sic], immature, cooks [sic] etc. Though frankly arguing might have been more persuasive.
  2. Suggesting that everyone who believes in an afterlife does so out of "blind faith" is subjective. Do you think it's just my opinion that e.g. Donald Knuth is intelligent? And yet you pretend to know.
  3. Clearly not, as evidenced by the fact that many sane and intelligent people have been arguing about it for thousands of years and continue to do so today. What are you talking about? There certainly are speeds faster than the speed of light, such as the phase speed of EM waves in a plasma. What's thought to be true is that no information can be sent faster than the speed of light, and this hasn't changed in the last few years. Maybe you're thinking of this? If so then note that the claim of faster-than-light neutrinos was found to be in error (as expected by almost everyone remotely qualified to have an opinion on the subject).
  4. What does your name mean then? Welcome to Psynews, by the way.
  5. It looks as though this skin may not be compatible with the most recent version of the forum software. If you're using Deviant3 and you're unable to reply to anything then you'll need to press the "Change Theme" button at the bottom-left-hand corner of the page and select IP.Board (not IP.Board Mobile). On the other hand, if you're using Deviant3 and it's still working for you then please say so.
  6. One of the thread's participants repeatedly asked us to remove the posts in question. Otherwise I wouldn't have done so.
  7. ^ Will there be a physical release?
  8. Yes, but can you trust them? I expect the results at HeadRoom are more reliable than those you'll find on a manufacturer's site.
  9. How to do what? Do you mean how to determine the frequency response of your headphones or speakers? You can get specialist mics for that, but I expect they cost a bomb. No, unless you buy kit that is specifically designed for monitoring purposes (and even then it won't have a perfectly flat frequency curve). You can find more information on this kind of thing than you could possibly use here, here and here, and that's just for headphones. Speakers are more complicated because how they sound depends a lot on things beyond the manufacturers' control, such as the shape of your room.
  10. @Sideffect...: I think Dolmot's point was that speakers and headphones don't actually have flat frequency response curves, so even if your media player is outputting an unEQ'ed signal the result you hear still differs from what the producer intended. Equaliser settings can be used to correct for that.
  11. In the end I went to a party at some friends' house. It was lovely.
  12. I don't think it sounds too commercial (and I like it).
  13. My all-time favourite fact: the Chupa Chups logo was designed by Salvador Dali. SRSLY
  14. Rotwang

    Heavy metal.

    I wouldn't call The Cure or The Stones metal or hard rock either.
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