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  1. Predators - Inverse Gravity Hypnocoustics - Into The Light Pragmatix - The Invisible Object Psilocybian - Dreamtime Ovnimoon - Trancemutation Of The Mind Lovpact - Retrodelik VA - Immaterial World
  2. Yes, there are fewer and fewer tracks with dark atmospheres like Silent Horror, Orestis, Rawar, etc and a lot of ppl have moved on to forest and hi-tech. I wouldn't call Fobi dark as someone mentioned but if you are looking for dark the best release i heard this year was VA - Immaterial world.
  3. Cosmic Dimension album was good too.
  4. Apart from Ovnimoon these are some of the better prog releases this year http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/haa/haa1cd033.html http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/ovn/ovn1cd066.html http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/hrp/hrp1cd002.html Still waiting on the Solar spectrum disc
  5. That's really pathetic, just saw his soundcloud page. He didn't even bother to rename "New Age". Report for copyright infringement on Soundcloud. I reported the FB page.
  6. The legendary psychedelic Vikings known as Trold are back with a new collection of their epic musical tales that they put together into their 3rd album on Vertigo Records titled ‘Time for Solution’. This long awaited CD contains nothing else but modern psychedelic trance music in it’s best. Release date in the begging of April 2013! More info @ www.vertigo-records.com https://soundcloud.com/vertigo-records/sets/trold-time-for-solution
  7. This forum has turned me into a goahead. Awesome releases suntrip, will order some off your catalog once this one is out.
  8. Is this offer valid only for Suntrip cd's or can i add some from the other labels too ? EDIT: nvm i read the details.
  9. Was pushed back to 21st Dec like so many other releases.
  10. Already posted http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/64990-va-spirit-voices-compiled-by-daksinamurti-gata-freak-soon-on-sangoma-rec/
  11. Well you should have informed him if the release was going commercial since he made his stance pretty clear about doing free releases only, you guys could've worked something out when you changed the plan. You both have wasted enough time and energy here which could have been spent doing what you guys do best. This thread needs to be deleted instead of disabling accounts and you guys should solve it through pm's now.
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